Page 211 - YB1899
P. 211
WE CERTAINLY HAVE,--.-~e~ DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, A STOCK OF SHOES, CARPETS, HATS, That is claiming the attention of the public and giving great activity to our business. If we attempted a description of our stock we should utterly fail for want of descri p tive powers. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION. WRITE FOR SAllPLES. MILLER BROS., POPULAR CASH STORES, WESTMINSTER, MD. WE OFFER A SPLENDID LINE OF • HIGH GRADE SHOES, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES AND UMBRELLAS. We know what you want. It is a good quality, the correct style and the low price. IVe give it. If you want a little better article at a li ttle lower price than you expect to pay, come to our store. U. L. REAVER, WANTZ BUILDING, Opposite Catholic Church, "VVESTMINSTER, MD. Just But it ought to be refreshing-healthfn l-pnre. There's A an especially delightful flavor to our Sodas, a satisfying of om fountain when the that makes you think touch Soda Soda desire again comes on. SHAVV Dl=X_UG CO., Cor. Main and John Streets, VVES'I MINSTER, MD.
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