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exclaiming in dismay "Mirabile dictu;" when she beholds an incorrigible class- mate drinking vinegar at the dinner table, The telegraph system is likely to become permanently established in the class by one distinguished member, who, during recitation, communicates with alarming rapidity to the unfortunate who is being guyed, but, alas! so often assistance comes too late. Plutarch and other famous authorities on Roman history make frequent trips to the dinner table with a certain young lady, whose name is left for guess, but there are ofttimes. Another of our number is such an attentive listener in chapel that she knows the Friday afternoon prayer, and recites it word for word after the president of the College at the weekly exercises. The smiles exchanged by another with one of verdant hue are actually heard as they strike each other in passing across the dining hall, while still another may be heard singing to herself at any time, "My Sweetheart's the Man in the 1V1oon." And now that we have passed the second milestone and the most difficult part of our journey is behind us, we shall press on with renewed zeal toward the goal of the completion of our course and prove ourselves worthy to mark the dawn of the great twentieth century. We shall not simply tread the beaten path of our predecessors, but excelling in so many ways, true to our gold and badged with the purple insignia of leadership, we shall illuminate the way and leave con- spicuous footprints on the sands of time. HISTORIAN. !)[
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