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to graduate under the new curriculum of a classical and scientific course, both leading to the degree of A. B., and a new honor appears on the Commencement programme in the classical oration for the ycuug men, the classical essay for the young women, the scientific oration for the young men, and the scientific essay for the young women, awarded to the highest grades in the respective departments. With the Commencement of '95 came the introduction of the cap and gown. Hereafter they wi!! mark the beginning of the third term, when will be put on by all the Seniors whose record is clear and whose graduation reasonably certain. Particularly imposing has this academic costume made the proces- sion of Seniors that files into Baker Chapel on Sunday evenings to hear the class series of discourses delivered by the Prcsidem.. These discourses, always interesting and profitable, were never more so than this year, when the subject has been ., The Divine Credentials of the Bible," and the series is shortly to be issued in a volume bearing the imprint of the Methodist Protestant Board of Publication. Any writer of college history, in however cursory a fashion he may write, ll1~st feel like mentioning with gratitude again and again the increasing bless- ing Baker Chapel is felt to be-Baker Chapel that stands for a beautiful service, for inspiring music, and soul-lifting worship. What a memory it will be to some when college days have become" the days that are no more." The Sunday-school has gone on with its good work, and one of the practical results of the year is to be seen in the Western Maryland College Sunday-school room in the Home for the Aged, in Westminster. The routine of school life has had numerous pleasant little interruptions in entertainments of literary and social character. Society anniversaries, lec- tures, concerts, nights" have broken the monotony of every-day duties, and the foot of has fallen only with feathery touch .• But what shall be said of those often too absorbing interests ill college life, the athletic organ i- izations and the musical organizations? Very derelict, indeed, would I be, in writing of the at college, t.o give them a passing mention merely. To recount their and sing their praises demands for each a separate chapter, and our ~·eader" interested in them has but to turn these pages further on to find justice clone them The Senior Class necessarily has a large part in the history of a college year. Wester-n Maryland is justly proud of those whom she sends forth this year, and is glad to place her hands ill benediction on each and every head and say: "Thou art my child; go forth and live." June r, '896. '9
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