Page 42 - YB1896
P. 42
*MlSS SARAH OLIVTA RINEHART, M.A.S.L., Professor of Drawing aiui Pailltiltg. l\.HSS MARY EUGENIA LEWlS, P.rofessor of l nstrmnentol and Vocal Mllsic. 1\11SS GERTRUDE GLADYS WESTLAKE, Tcocbcr of Piano. MISS BEULAH GILBERT, Teacher of Elocutuni ond Director of GYllillasiulli for YOllllg [IVOli/eII GRANT WARREN BRUSH, Director of Gymllasium for Youllg MI.'II. JOSHUA WEBSTER HElliNG, A. M., M. D., Lecturer 011 Ph,)'siolgy and Hvgienc. -Absent ouleave
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