Page 171 - YB1896
P. 171
has-often been said that there is a time for and '96 is jhe time T for Western Maryland's baseball ream. Never in the history of I the institution has there been such it good bcgi~l11ing made in tbtsclcpart- menr of athletics; never, not even the victorious team of was there such a record made all the team were lost 1'0 have filled bv the new-comers. mnuv of Wl10111have them- • So far the conquest of \V. team Never' has it been compelled to show enemy; but has 011 the' standards "i\lJarylund School College," Maryland has funs to the enemy's twelve. During these games Western 11ilS forty-seven hits to the enemy's fifteen. Individually the players have the team honor, only six errors having so far been made. Of this team western Maryland be as in fact she is, and if ill future years her baseball team shall of '96, she may fear no defeat [rom any. .. . I
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