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At 5 P. M. we stepped 011 the wharf in dear, hospitable old Chestertown, and Miss Clare Van non-herself one of the sweetest singers the college has ever scnf fortli-met \1S and assigned \15 homes. At IO o'clock that night our first concert was over, and the manager visiting the box .office came forth- his face filled with radiant smiles and his pockets with almighty dollars-and announced that there was no immediate prospect of having to continue our journey on foot, as some had feared. But better than that, everybody said, and the hearty applause fully testified to its truth, that the concert had been in itself a success. Our lines fell in very pleasant places in Chestertown, and we were all sorry that 8 o'clock came so early the next morning. But come it did, as all things must, and the Emma A. Ford bore away on her deck fourteen lusty voices, trying to express in a choice collection of class and college yells a fitting farewell to Chestertown. Friday night, December 20, we appeared in Baltimore at Y. M. C. A. Hall. Here we were greeted by an audience limited in number, but abounding in enthusiasm-consisting, indeed, almost entirely of present and Fortner students of the Dr. Lewis, Professor Mc'Daniel and his wife, Professor Ward, Miss Gilbert nnd Miss Westlake were all there, ami we felt thoroughly at After the concert the clubs were elegantly entertained by IVliss Gilbert at her home on Madison Avenue, and 'here we found quite a number of W. M. C. people. Next morning we this time she I1S off at from which a ride of seven miles took us to 011 the boat, and everybody knew \15 and seemed glad to see us again. captain assured me that we were welcome for we helped to entertain else. And, quite a would gather around us when the Club would line up and sing a few choice or the Banjo Club would indulge in a little practice, or Lane would play piano and some of his hits. At Centreville Graham Watson, '93, and State's Attorney Frank Harper, '90, provided for our comfort and did everything that be done, except stop the rain, that feU in torrents just at the time for the concert to begin. Even then, however, we had a fair crowd and an appreciative one. After the concert we adjourned in a to the hospitable home of the Keatings, where in addi- tion to this charming we met several either fair daughters 01' Centreville; and the result was that the evening was over, every man in the club was trying to induce the manager to spend Sunday in Centreville. But this was impossible; on principle, we object to traveling 011 Sunday, and when it comes to traveling from Centreville, we object still more strenuously, but at 9 A. M. we got a large 'bus and drove eighteen miles to Denton; and '3i
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