Page 10 - YB1896
P. 10
T~IEWORLD'S\yONDLR-----.- .. Irhe (trawfor~ 1Stcl?cle ELEGANT IN STYLE. HONESTL Y MADE. PERFECTL Y RELlAB;JLE .. A WHEEl. 'I'HA'r IS .. nUII.T ON HONOR" ANI) 81-EAK8 FOR I'I'SEr.F. The l896 models are absolutely the highest grade that can be made. The most mechanical in construction, and therefore needs fewer repairs; is easier to repair, adjust and clean than any other wheel upon the market to-day. It has no FREAK talking points, but is built to ride and qive satisFaction, ~nd at first siqht it t:econ:es popular with all who appreciate superiority in bicycle construction. In other words, don't be deaf, dumb and blind to the better features possessed by THE CRAWFORD, simply because we do not ask you One Hundred Dollars for them. Our Motto" the HIGHEST GRADE at the LOWEST PRICES, which are as follows If you think of buying a wheel this season, do not do so until you first see the Crawford; it will please you and salle you money, WH£EI.S 801.D UPON £A8V 'r£H.MS. IlistRUn'Cllt Plan If Ih~lilr",d. "'11Wlleels Gqarallteed (or One "eRr. 1'01' 1'81·lio"h,,·s ~Ild 11]"sl,·"tcd C"t"logllo, Hddrcss CH/\RLeS J. H. GANTeR, Ag-ent f(),- CU,"roll Count.y. MRNCtlE.BTE.R. MD.
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