Page 39 - YB1893_Classical
P. 39
'93 RS FRESfiM5N. 1' was on a quiet night ill September of '89, as fifty-five yOtlllg men and women , wer~ cnfo.lded ill the ~nns of Morpheus, that a messenger cuu:e to ,them saying , ([ ~. PArise, gird up thy 10!l\~ nud make ready, for behold a star will guide thee to a <=iF land flowing will! strap and weak coffee, where the slothful say there is a giant ill the way, but I say uuto you, it is butter, which, when thou tamest. thou shalt arise, kill and eat, or eat and be killed, and great will be your reward among the college students." These yuung men and women did as they were commanded, and after much time came to the ancient tOW1I of westminster nnd entered the walls of that famous college, over which the star now hung. There was a great commotion when we put in our appearance; the college students marched ant to greet us headed by the president, while the rear was closed in by tile cats and dogs, having since disappeared 011 account of their curiosity which led them to inspect too closely the sausage-grinder while it was in action. On learniug that there was a class of '90, '91 and '92 already existing, we declined to cast our lots in with them, but agreed to enter as -'93's, providing we were justly compensated by the college, and the Coluwbian Exposition be postponed one year. The first was readily agreed to: the other we felt confident of winning, so we entertd as freshmen-r-and fresh women, of course. ,Ve had 110t been long enrolled before some sophs offered to show us the ropes and to make it pleasant for us if we would go them peanuts. This kindness was de- clined as we had no use of ropes and had brought along a full supply of pleasantness. This made us and the then sophs life long enemies, not because we would not see the ropes, but because they could not see the peanuts, and ever afterward they sought re- venge. Yes, they sought revenge from tint time onward, aud the '93'S. by returning good (to the world) for their evil, heaped coals of fire and other coal, from which they did not stop to remove the stones, upon their heads to such all extent that ill one year they were reduced from thirty-five to twenty-four. Of those who did 110t return, some are crazy, some dead and some would like to be; of those who returned as juniors we \\"i11 speak later. But we were freshies, and as freebies had our amount of verdure. Yes, we were Freshies, and we had our hayseeds, and perhaps there was yet some river shore mud or (AISi O~+ H,O.)* hanging 011 our plow-shoes and waterproof boots. We admit .['or ;"["""nUo,, apply to ChcndcHI Prore
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