Page 178 - YB1893_Classical
P. 178
P. BLESS[NG. HENRY fENGE. BLESSING & CO. pnotogr3pns pmtI3its, 2[4 N. CHARLES STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. All Modern Improvements. Portraits in Oil, Pastel, and Crayon. Porcelain Miniatures and Water Colors. The Best Work Guaranteed. SPECIAL .. UniveraHy, College and Clergy Card. tlit~~i~!,Ci~1l1~~'~~~1~dw~~hz:s~e:i~~~~~::~:~~ """" for Photographs, the discount beiug equivaleut to Frotn 25 to 50 per cent. Our past season's work for the muncrous colleges was a grent source of gr:l.tificatioll to us, meeting, as it did, witlJ the uuqun'llfled approval of all, both ill individual nnd large grollp of which we un- doubtedly made IIlOre thau all other galleries combined. The uatne of~' BT,F,SSING" is a sufficient guar- antee of general excellence, nud, with the positive nssurnncc of there being lIO distinction made be- tweet! our reg ulnr wor-k and that for Universities, Colleges, &c., it presents an opportunfty of which all should promptly avail themselves. BLESSING & CO. 2'4 N. CHARLES STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. Those applying for these rates will please refer to this book; the discount being equivalent to from 2S to 50 per cent.
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