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Young MeQJsChristian ~ssociatioQ rtiiirl17~HEYOllll?" MEn's Christian Ass~cia.tion: jlldg.illg its membership and ach~ev~. Uan,5\~ uieuts, IS the strongest orgalllzatiOn 111 the college. And 'why !lot? Its aun rs 'r ~ the highest, its benefits the most valuable, and Its results the most lasting. In ~J the Y. 1\'1. C A. halls men of different societies meet as brothers, because here their interest is a common one. And in cousequeuce of this united effort the association has been able each year to reach ont and enlarge its sphere of activity. Officers are elected twice a year-in january and in June; there are, consequently, two sets of committees ill one year, which arrangement divides the work to a better advantage. Two prayer meetings are held each week under the direction of different committees one exclusively for young men on Wedueday evening, and the other all Sunday after- noon with the Y. W. C. A. in the college chapel. The jail and nlms- house committees visit those places weekly and hold prayer meet- ings, which have been productive of much good. For the last two years the association has sent two men to New York to engage in city mission work during the summer vacation. This privilege costs two hundred dollars a year. Par last summer two hundred and fifty dollars were raised, and in addition to the New York work two delegates were sent to the 'World's Students' Con- ference at Northfield Mass. Messrs. Revelle and Litsinger were the men selected for city missions. They were assigned by the secretary of the general movement to St. Bartholomew's Mission-cthe largest rescue mission in the world-under the supervision of Col. H. H. Hadley. During the last month, while the superintendent was on his vacation, the boys had full charge of the mission and the experience was cue of great value to them. Over two hundred and fifty drunkards professed conversion in the summer. Northfield is so widely known that it is useless to say that Gilbert and Nowlin spent a pleasant and profitable time up there. The Bible classes there are the very best; and the lectures (several a day) by some of the most able Christian workers ill the world. Mr. Moody has general supervision of the conference \Vhen college opened last September the Y. M. C. A. found new quarters awaiting it, ill a building erected during the suuuuer. These rooms have been nicely Iurnivhed -c-Brussets carpet. opera chairs, ctc., in the audience-room+at a cost of about four hundred dollurs , which amount has been contributed by the association and some of its friends.
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