Page 4 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
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_ Jl.4::1(•• J~,a(.lIl:I:I:II._ Upcoming sports season promises excitement NICK BRUNNER AND The men's ream has hopes of ulti- conference champion, on October 31. women's team when he says every mem- 'Ordof2-B. However, there has been a CAITLIN FLYNN mately qualifying for the conference Students: Come in your Halloween 005- ber has great porenrial if they can STay positive aura amongst the team through- Co Sports Editors tournament, which will consist of the rurne to this game and get a surprise! healthy. For the women's team,risingju- om [he off season which has carried top five teams in theconR:rena:. Being in a brutally competitive field nior Lindsey Wilson has a great chance through camp. Coach Keating feels that Creen Terror Volleyball also has po- hockey conference, coach Jones of the to qualify for nationals this year after this year's senior class is full of qualiry While most of us were relaxing on the rernial in succeeding rhis season, begin- McDaniel field hockey team has high earning second ream all conference hon- young men on and offme field who are beach and enjoying rhe last few weeks ning wirh their home opener against Ste- expectations for her players this sea- ors as well as all Mideast region honors dedicatcd m reesrablishing McDaniel as of summer vacation, McDaniel's &II venson on September 3 at 7 p.rn. son. Mer graduating seven seniors, all a year ago. a mrce to be reckoned with in the Ceo- athletes were OUtswearing in me August Coach Carole Molloy believes that otwhich were starters, and losing three AIso,seniorRoxanneFleischerand tennialConference. heat on The Hill vigorously preparing the many new faces along with the re- other players for various reasons, the junior Emily Peoples ran number rwc Added to irs strong core of return- for their upcoming seasons. turning veteran players will create a team is left with eight new members, and three for the team last fall. They too ing players and coaches will be a slew Thisyear'supcomingevenrswillnot team that could certainly win the con- rwc whom will be transferring in. Ac- are also very promising members ofa ral- of promising new faces, induding de- only bring a lor of new faces to McDan- ference title. There are eight girls from cording to Coach [ones and Coach enced women's cross countrv ream. fensive coordinator Mike Daily. Coach iel,buralso plenryofexciremem for the theclassof2013 trying our for the ream, Ramey, many of the new members are When it comes to the' men's team Daily brings with him nor only pro- sruderus. The women's soccer team, led including a setter from a state champi- OI:pcctedtohaveasignificamamoumof however, coach Renner feels that one fessionalcoachingexperiencebutalso by coach Bryan Schumaker, will kickoff onship high school team as well as play- playing time. of the biggest keys to the season wiU be an "armor" that the ream has adopted this .season's home games in their match ers with some height whom will assist "Everyone will be underestimat- depth. Graduate Kevin Bowman and se- When the Green Terror srep on the field on September I against St. Mary's CoI- with blocking, ultimately making their ing us since we lost so many players, nior Rob Kelvey art: rwo leaders of the this year they want to be smarter, tough- legeofMarylruld at 3:30. The men's soc- defense more effective. but our incoming players are very r31- men's cross country team. The key to er. and fiercely more competitive [han cer team will follow, their game agalnsr ~A good mixture of talent and ex- ented,andourrerurningplayersarevery dns season, however, will be finding de- anyopponem they line up agalnst. The Wesley being nr 5:30 the same day. perience will add a bit of competition 5trong. We have the ability to pull our a pendable 5-7 men, says Renner, If lead- firsr rese of the year will come at home Coach Jim Reige! of the men's team amongst ourselves which will only make great season," says rising junior Kaidin ers like B-owman and Kelvey are able to on Saturday, September 5 as the team had many positive words [0 say about us better against our comperirors," states Boerman. Set a (one of hard work flom the top. ir will take on S[' Vincem at I:00 p.m. [heir ream, consisting mostly of incom- Molloy. . ~Whar separates this year compared will go a long way in helping the rest FaU2009 is shaping up 10 be a very ing players and a few key upperclass- There are a good number of Me- to the last few is that the new incoming of the team. With strong leadership and exciting time on The HilL The Green men returning who are expected to give Daniel volleyball games to look out for players have a golden opportunlry tc re- dedication the terror men have to like Terror sports teams are raring (0 kick plenty of guidance on [heir first year this season other than their home open- ally step up and make an immediate im- their chances of finishing with a great the season off with a bang and we here players. er. Big rivals include Franklin and Mar- pace," says Jones. Field hockey's home season. at the Free Press are ready ro keep you up "Although we are picked to finish shall as well as Gettysburg. These games opener will be September 5 against Last bur not leasr is the Green Ter- to date with aU the latest action. Get OUI 9th in the conference, I feel we are in the will rake place on September 23 and 0<:- Catholicat5p.m. ror Football ream. The ream in the past there, have a good time, and show your position rosurprise many schools in our rober2lrespectively.McDanielwillaiso Coach Renner of McDaniel cross few years has been inabitofa reces.sion supporr for the McDaniel's finestudem- conference," sa}'li £kigel. be hosting Haverford, the defending country speak; on bmh the men and if you will. finishing lasr year with a re- athletes. New, visiting professors add expertise to classes on the Hill JULIANN GUiffRE Co Editor·in-Chief New psych professor tackles topic of memory apply it to both forensic and legalsertings O.e. eye- Professor wields 36 years of TV transformation ~;:l,o:,i~~':'~~~:~:;:i~/;:;::;:~:~:;~:;:: witnesses ofa crime). Originally from Ohio, Amai received his un- This year. Communication students wiU have the of Education and Maryland Public TV. ;~ii!:r ~~t~:a~r~:~~r:::~~~~;:i~:e~:g;~;:s~ dergraduate degree fi-om Baldwin Wallace College in opportunity ro learn from iOmeonewho has been an Cleveland. From there, he rese:trched schouls where eyewimess <0 every major development in television RO~~~~~~b~~~~~:v~v::s'61;s:~:~1 :~dthe flaps. The plane crashes. professors were conducting mesame rypeofrese:trch A f:.theris rakinghisson todayeare, ajob usu- """'. the: pas' SCV<:f'31decades. from th" introductiun international awards, including a Peabody and" ally handled solely by rhe moth"'r. He forgetS to mar he was interested in, prospeccive memory. orre- Wo..ldGold Mcdal_ USFcstivals. However. he d,,- "f ca',,,, and video "'f'" wn.," h"was a boy 10 lk "'1;~~~i~~'~~~roes- \!ca; ca~~~ ~'4~~II~~;rn~ry~~~Q{h~;~rOfl~P,,~td'!;:.*,:~~I~e~:'f~::i:';:~t~ild in the membering to do somerhing in the fUrure. Arnal foundthe researchhe was lookingfor at sorarMcDmielwill and for profit sides." Both of chese devastaring incidents were be- (he Universiry of Arkansas, with a professor named allow him to share Most recenrly he worked as the executive pto- cause of ordinary lapses in prospective memory, James Lampinen. \Xfhile there, he also studied false these 36 years of ex- ducer for a one-hour documentary on famed liter- somerhing that Dr. Jack Arnal knows quite a bit memory research. perience,liumuwrit_ ary criric, Harold Bloom, and a 2-part DVD series aboue through his STUdiesin cognitive psychology, Arnal has several publiCitions concerning ing and produdng to on Spain's Generation of'27 writers. which deals with how the mind works. both prospective and false memory. One discusses program