Page 84 - Phoenix1999-2000
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Thursday, December 9, 1999-Page 12 FEATURES Horoscopes: Bringing in the New Year, daddy-o! COlllributingWriter Center Stage's second production of the year debuts Eric Bogosian's comedy Griller, CATltY PENOORF ANI) LISA STANLEY Cancer June 24 - July 23 in which David' Garrison, better known as FealUresWrilers Your nurturing nature may lead you into Steve Rhoades of the classic television pro- Sagittarius Nov.23 - Dec.21 trouble in the millennium. Be careful of those gmm Married With Children, takes on the Your love of exploration will take you to stray needy cows; don't let those soulful eyes role of Gus. new places in the millennium. There's a life charm you! The opening scene sets the tone as we beyond WMC? How about them apples! .) see Gus preparing his grill to barbecue for Leo July 24 - Aug. 23 his 50th birthday party in his impressive Capricorn Dec.22 - Jan. 20 Grrr, Leo, Grrr! The millennium will give backyard. A smirk-worthy dialogue occurs Your ambitious nature fills you with new you even more chances to show off your as he implores his wife, who is located some- ideas for the millennium! Urn ... don't worry, confidence; don't forget to let off those where within the house, to use the intercom you can fix anything with duct tape. mighty growls!! (Remember: Tuesdays at 6 instead of yelling. More Seinfeld bantering pm in Glar!) ensues as Gus' sister, mother, and both of Aquarius Jan. 21 - Feb. 19 his adult children arrive at the house. Remember that the millennium is the new Virgo Aug. 24 - Sep. 23 With these interactions setting up Gus' David Garrison. better known as Steve Age of Aquarius; revel in your indepen- Don't be too critical when entering the current life, old friend turned movie producer Rhoades of "Married With Children ." gives dence! Feel free to indulge in your eclectic New Year. Relax, grab some carrots, and Nick shows up to revive Gus' memory of a great performance. nature! Collect those raging parties, babyl! watch some toons! Maybe Wily Coyote will their time spent in college together. A past- reflective bookend role as Gus' wife, get that damn bird this time! mid-life crisis ensnares Gus as he notices that Michelle. Hopefully, she will return again in Pisces Feb. 20 - Mar. 20 he has betrayed all of the convictions he held the future in a much larger capacity. Clarke You are in a field of bubbles. Stop. You Libra Sep. 24- Oct. 23 in his youth. Eventually, he realizes that he has appeared on Broadway in Titanic and The are running toward the light. Stop. A swarm In your quest for equilibrium, an extreme is not a "sellout"; rather, he has grown and Marriage 0/ Figarro as well as appearing in of gnats are attacking your dog. No! Stop! shift will occur in your life. Maybe those replaced those old ideals with new ones. several off-Broadway productions and mov- Maybe it's time to lay off the caffeine? dreams of being' an underwater basket David Garrison stole the show with his ies. weaver really isn't that far fetched! lovable character. His portrayal of Gus is a Eric Bogosian's play is no deeper than a Aries Mar. 21 - Apr. 20 hybrid of Tim Allen with a more sophisti- tidal pool, never truly tackling any issues. It You always try to be a hero, fly into the Scorpio Oct. 24 - Nov.22 cated twist. As he was the cornerstone of is more of a fun romp through an individual's millennium with happy thoughts of snow- Your sensuous nature will take you out Married With Children during its glory days, mentality which implores the audience to ask flakes and bananas! Find a Scorpio, and get into the town during the big millennium bash. Garrison is the essential component of this itself to remember what life use to be about. jiggy with it! Don't forget the tights and the Ditch the dorks in the superhero costumes, play. Even though Gus' past is in no way my own, cape! and find yourself a happening Aquarius to Henry Woronicz turned in a smashing I am still thinking about how my ideals have party with! performance as Gus' laid back movie-pro- changed over the years. Griller was quite Taurus Apr. 21 - May 21 You're going to have some ducing buddy from the good old days. Aged enjoyable. - In the new millennium, you will come time on your hands over break. through II seasons at the Oregon Shakes- Bogosian has also enjoyed much success face to face with your obsessions. It's not peare Festival, Woronicz acted well in his with his renowned play Talk Radio, which that uncommon to have such an ~nnatural Why don't you write some supporting role. netted him a role in Oliver Stone's film ad- love of play dough ... I think.; . poetry, take some photos, do He and Garrison share an amazing chem- aptation of the play. His resume also includes something istry on stage, which makes your body cringe collaborating with Frank 1986 on Gemini May 22 - June 21 creative? And then submit it to in withdrawal when you finaily notice that an album and creating the 1997 ABC televi- Don't let your love of gossip take you Contrast, the show has ended. Woronicz may be best sion series High Incident, with Steven away. Those Polaroids could be fake! Can recognized from his appearances on Seinfeld, Spielberg. two-headed monkeys really do that!?!? WMC'~ creative arts magazine, Ally McBeal, 3rd Rock/rom the Sun, and the His other acting roles include starring in when film Primary Colors. Under Siege 2, Delores Claiborne and Rob- you return in January. , Although the play lacks a major feminine ert Altman's The Caine Mutiny Court Mar- role, Caitlin Clarke performed well in her shall. 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