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""""" 11"1""1""1'/1,"';",,1- ""JfVJ'r.r_",.f'''~'''~' I" v.,r';'J'.r/I"'., '//"/"./'''',r NEWS Thursday, September 17. 1998 - Page 3 Books Sandwiched In .WMC Professor's movie shown in Baltimore discusses Irving novel Continuedfrom page 1 shown. in D.C. and entering it in "programmed because all we hear was said that dealing with the pre- Books Sandwiched In will kick tant for her estranged father, a so- film festivals. he hopes tojust have off the fall semester with the latest far failed, and often drunk, novel- as many people as possible see it. is the great success stories" which tentiousness of those around him often give the false impression that made him miserable. from blockbuster author John Irv- ist who spent many days and nights Then, in about a year, he looks.for- making a film will instantly lead to He feels he is much more ap"- ing at noon today, in McDaniel with other partners of his own. ward to starting another film based Lounge. Topping it off is the home's pic- on one of the two scripts he has in big bucks. preciated at MPT, where his work Robert Hartman of Westmin- torial shrine to Ruth's two brothers the making now. His main goal at Obviously Slade, who works at has received several awards,and he ster,professor emeritus of philoso- who died in a gory wreck before this point, he says, is to cut down Maryland Public Television, has has more freedom to do what he phy and religious studies, will re- she wasborn. Buther motherclings the credit card bills. not quit his dayjob. When his tal- wants. view "A Widow for One Year," a to grief for her boys and claims it Despite the debt, Slade says he ent earned him a place at Univer- Slade said that he has u~d what novel The New York Times Book the reason she does not dare to love WIll encourage and help students sity of Southern California's na- he calls the "Theory of pents" in Review calls Irving's "best story." little Ruth. like Sapora supported him so that tionally accredited film school, af- . creating his film, meaning that he Other critics also arejoining in and The second section skips ahe·ad they too will realize their dreams. ter having received full scholarship - slowly put dents into the project moving it ahead of Irving's already to 1990. Although all members of His advice to them is to "enjoy the to WMC, many thought he would rather than being obsessed with the be the next great Hollywood pro- process as a whole. From the ex- acclaimed list of nine novels which the love triangle-plus-one have be- process, not just the end result and ducer, but life there was not his treme enthusiasm he expresses includes "The WorldAccording to come published writers, Ruth en- enjoy working "with style. He tried his hand at being an when continually discussing it, his Garp," ''The Hotel New Hamp- joys the most literary and popular People...{because]nothing operates assistant to the producer on the set theory, and more importantly, his' shire," "The Cider House Rules," success. Buther personallife is still in a vacuum." He feels society is of "Dccgie Howser, M.D.," but film, have been a success. "A Prayer for Owen Meany," and messy,especially relations with the "A Son of the Circus." opposite sex. Twenty years after "Garp," Finally,the book concludes five TV STATION OFFERS FALL INTERNSIDPS probably the most recognized Irv- yearslater whenRuth, already mar- Montgomery Community Television, Inc. (MCT) has announced that fall internships ing fiction, the writer has crafted a ried and widowed and now a are available for college undergraduates and graduates. story that marks the appearance of mother of one, is about to fall in his first female main character, a love for the first time. MCT offers volunteer internship positions in the areas of news, operations, member of a family marked by Books Sandwi~hed In isjointly production, programming and public relations. Academic credit may be earned. tragedy, yet who eventually over- sponsored by the Hoover Library To receive a brochure with application information, call MCf's Marketing comes the widespread dysfunction. and Public Information Office at Department at (301) 424·1730. The book, athree-partnarrative, WMC and Locust Books of West- begins as four-year-old Ruth walks minster. Participants are invited to Montgomery Community Television, Inc. is the independent, non-profit organization in on her mother, Marion, in bed bring a bag lunch, that was established in 1984 to operate community television in Montgomery County. with 16-year-old Eddie, an assis- Courtesy of PubLic Information BY JENNIFER Ross importance of safe sex. We found no names on them, just an identifi- Con/ributiiigWr;ter out that they weren't informed at cation number that the s udent is but that number is "losing ground . students per month actually ask for Despiteextensive effortsby cer- all," Grant said. assigned when they are tested. The fast," she added. free condoms. Most RA's felt that students did Stromberg attributed a Jack of tain members of the campus com- The group decided to campaign test looks for HIV.antibodies that concern about AIDS to people not ask for condoms because they munity, few WMC students seem for more awareness. "It is neces- are present in the system within overlooking the real issue. "There were embarrassed. According to concerned aboutAcquired Immune sary in this day and age to be in- three months of initial infection of Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). formed and know your options," HIY. In a week's time the student is still a lingering thought that this RA Jason Valentine, "Once some- According to a recent survey of Grant added. calls the health department, reads is still a gay and drug-related dis- one breaks the barrier by asking the 31 studentsof varying sex,age, and Part of that campaign was to off his or her identification num- ease," she said. "It's still difficult first time it becomes easier to ask for people to take it on a personal again." major only nine had been tested for contract with the AIDS case man- level." On the other hand, RA Jessica HIV within the past year. When ager for the Carroll County Health "We wanted to know Here at WMC, Stromberg is Heil speculated that, "Some people askedwhy they havenever gone for Department. Linda Stromberg, to aware of two HIV-positive stu- just don't care." AIDS testing most students re- run the testing clinic.' how aware people dents. "But," she adds, "I'm sure The success of the required sponded thatthey did not feel it was Stromberg tested all the ASAP .were about HIVand there are more." AIDS and STD seminars varied. necessary because they had not members so that the group would The WMC AIDS Policy, found Some had a low turnout, while oth- participated in any behavior that understand how the process works. the importance of in the February 1998edition of the ers had better results. put them at risk. However, 22 per- With the help of Bonnie Bosley, RATokx Okorie held his AIDS cent 'reported that they did not al- health department coordinator for safe sex. Wefound Staff Handbook, stresses non-dis- awareness (lrogramfor last semes- crimination and education. The ways practice safe sex. WMC,Smith House was chosen as out that they weren't guidelines for implementation for ter in March. "I had 19 girls show During the 1995 January term the testing site. Testing began at the start of the 1995 spring semes- informed at all. " the AIDS Policy stress that "Stu- up, which was a pretty good turn- out," he said. dent Health Services will serve as Here at WMC, ter. the coordinator and resource for Another RA, Joe Gruszka, tried The free testing takes place ev- Stromberg is aware ery other Tuesday during the regu- Emily Grant. educational programming for stu- of two HIV-positive lar school year by appointments Founding member of ASAP dents." . Resident Assistants ASAP is open to provide assis- students. "But," she made through Smith House. ber and gets the results. tance for students any way they are available to According to Stromberg, 5-12 A positive test result indicates adds, "I'm sure students are tested in an average the HIV-virus is present. However, can. Kristina Benson, a member provide students of the group said, "Projects such as there are more. " month. However. only 9.6 percent the virus may not take effect for 2- AIDS quilt display or the speaker with free condoms. of the survey respondents said they to years, Stromberg explained. last semester are geared towards had been tested at Smith House. "Confidentiality is of greatest making students aware of the real- WMC's AIDS: Support,Awareness Strombergexplained the details paramount importance," she said. ity of AIDS." something other than a lecture to and Prevention (ASAP) group tried of the pre-testing proceedings. "No one is informed about a Smith House offers a GYN attract the attention of the residents to organize a free HIVtesting clinic "The first thing I do is get their person's HIV status except the per- on his floor. He hosted a picnic and on campus. permission,"she said. Any student son infected." clinic for students who want to ex- a game of "Sex Jeopardy," plore birth control or safe sex op· According to Emily Grant, a who wishes to be tested must sign Current national statistics pro- "I had about 20 out of 29 guys senior and one of ASAP's found- aconsent form. Then she discusses vided by Stromberg reveal that one tions. They also provide the cam- show up," he said. pus with pamphlets on AIDS. fng members, the group made their the implications of a positive test person gets infected with HIV ev- Resident Assistants are avail- He followed the format of the decision to implement free testing result with the student. She also ery 15 minutes and one-fourth of able to provide students with free nightly quiz show and asked ques- based on the results of a campus asks them to respond to a question- all new infections occur in persons tions in the categories of: erotica, wide questionnaire which asked naire about risk behavior. under the age of 20. condoms. In addition, they are re- men's sex systems, birth control, students to evaluate their knowl- "It gets them to think about Stromberg said that hetero- quired to hold an AIDS and STD fetal development, and edge about safe sex and Sexually what put them at risk," Stromberg sexual sex has become the world's awareness program for their stu- nonconsensual sex. dents. Transmitted Diseases (STDs). said. leading cause of all new AIDS Despite RA's reporting a high "They didn't know a lot about "Wewantedtoknow how aware The lab slips that accompany cases. Homosexual sex is still fetal development," Gruszka said. people were about HIV and the the bloodthat Strombergtakes have number one in the United States, awareness of this condom distribu- He added that the group did pretty tion policy, only an average of five well in the other categories.