Page 2 - ThePhoenix1994-95
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cQ"m,mi~;lg,lft"t¥tnWCT3i"%'ilLl"'g;:; • Editorial The Phoenix The More Things Change, The 1500 copies More They Stay The Same Every other To those among us coming to the Thursday "Hill" for the first tunc. I bid you wcl- returning I say "Hcno l"011lC and torthose Editor-in Chief again." Thc time has come to convene S.A. Sommer ·94 for another year of higher education here at western Maryland College. Advertising Manager With the start of a new year many changes should be noted. Some of these Business Manaeer changes arc additions 10 our community. such as the extraordinary number of new Layout Editor faculty and staff, Other changes are ab- Pamela Barry sences. We will sorely miss them all. News Editors Perhaps most notable, though. arc the Dan Schaeffer ·94 changes we all expected 10 see and now Carleen Alves '97 arc just beginning to occur. That to refer arc the renova- On the Hill Eduors which I cryptically Hall and to the Fine tions to Memorial Jenny Daino·95 Lisa Hill ·97 Arts Building. Most or these renovations Photography Editor were to be completed prior to the begin- ning of the fall semester, but due to a Sports Editor large underestimatc of their cost. the sidcr. Then there is always the conference Jay Hilbert '95 work did not even begin until August. There is the patio outside of upper room in the library where the Trustees two months behind schedule. meet. Perhaps the students could get Presently the top two floors of Memo- Decker Center, a lovely place to hold class as long as the weather holds. If it some use out of that very expensive Layout Staff rial Hall are in a state of disarray, to put rains, class could be held right inside in table we have heard so much about in it mildly. Those two floors will obvi- TBA Ensor Lounge. (Though I must say that the past. Photography Staff ously not be usable for classes this se- as an Ensor Lounge Lizard myself I Why not hold class in some 'of the mester. Where will all those English, residence hall lounges? Whiteford has a Proofreaders history, and political science classes be would be quite put out to have to share terrific lounge. I suppose ANW is out of my lounge 101 class. with an English Carleen Alves, Pamela Barry, held? but an upper level history or literature the question since that lounge isn't quite Lisa Hill Some of them will be held in the open class would do quite nicely.) a lounge. classrooms in Hoover Library. Others McDaniel Lounge would be a lovely will be held in classrooms not being used Classes could meet down in Harvey Faculty Advisor Stone Park. Even if it the weather is spot to sit and discuss the plight of Marx- Terry Dalton at any given time in any of the other bad, there is a roof and a nice fireplace. ist state or even the institutions of Ameri- buildings across campus. Scheduling the class locations has Why not? A little sunshine and f~sh air can government. been a difficult task. Perhaps there are a could do wonders for the attitudes of not No matter where you have your few locations which the department of only the students but for some of the pro- classes this fall, the best of luck to you all The Phoenix is published bi- Academic Affairs has neglected to con- fessors as welL and have a terrific semester. -ed. weekly. The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of The Phoenix staff, the faculty, or the ad- • Editorial ministrators of WMC Am I Living InA Vacuum? The Phoenix The paper welcomes freelance submissions on Macintosh disks in most word processor formats. The It has come to my attention, that with Main Street here in good 01' Carroll Wants To Hear editor reserves the right to edit for the Maryland primary elections only days County, to no avail. No one could really clarity. length and libel and to publish off, I have managed 10 miss nearly all the provide more information that to say that From You! as space penn its. All submissions usual election hype. Wondering if I had there are some pamphlets on the table by (excluding self-addressed diskettes) merely been living in a vacuum or if there the door. become the property of The Phoenix simply has not been much hype, I hit the Perhaps I'm merely jaded when it and cannot be returned. pavement and began asking around. comes to politics. but you 's think that with Send Us Your Please include a name and phone Most people I talked to could only the election so close the candidates might number for verification. Names will name a two or three of the gubernatorial try to make themselves known. Yes, there he withheld only by the discretion of candidates from both parties. The most have been snippets in Tile Sun and The Letters To The the Editor-in-Chief. popular being Glendenning, Steinberg and Carroll County Times, but the most in The Phoenix does not discrimi- Saurbrey. Even fewer could name any depth political commentary has come Editor. nate based on age, race, religion, gen- other candidates running for any office from The City Paper. Kinda scary, huh? der, sexual orientation, national ori- being contested. The new column "Political Animal" Let Us Know gin, condition of handicap, or marital I do realize that this is only the primary has revealed more about our candidates status. election, but in Maryland the primary clcc- than any other source I've so far encoun- uon is usually quite interesting and the tered. Where else could you find out How You Feel. Mail to address: campaigning quite entertaining. Admit- about Parris Glendenning's pequena The Phoenix tedly, I do find the constant assaults on problema (that's little problem) with bis Letters Will be 2 College Hill Parris Glendenning to be gelling a wee bit pamphlets at the Hispanic Festival. Ac- WMC boring, but then again that's politics! cording to the columnist, the pamphlets Printed as Westminster, Maryland 21157 Don't Mickey, Parris and American Joe written in Spanish were held up at the (and yes that is his legal name) have any- printer so Parris was forced to pass out (410) 751-8600 thing better to do than to ridicule each those in English. Tough luck! Space Permits. (410) 876-2055, ext. 8600 other's past, present and future? Perhaps the candidates are just waiting How can these candidates and others for just the right moment before the elec- l-ora ,-'IlP) (11' our cdin.ri.r! expect the voting population to make intel- tion to make themselves unforgettable. ligent and informed decisions come elec- Perhaps we'll see planes skywriting ]101il'\. ill"\ cnll u-,