Page 2 - ThePhoenix1993-94
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"etters September 3, 1993, Page Z To the College Community- Thank You and Good-bye It is with very mixed emotions iguana, dogs, cats, hamsters, and of back surgery in 1989. that I bave resigned as the Associate course trained roaches and silverfish There are some very special a responsible place in the world at large. Director of Residence Life and ( however, I will not miss the people that I must thank: The Resi- To the faculty and staff: you are Housing Operations here at WMC to roaches that were mailed to me dence Life and CEntral Office staff here because the students are here. become the Director of Residence through campus mail!); being in the (the R.A.'s, Meg, Donna, Jude, All of Life at St. Mary's College. I spent dunking booth at MAy Day two Charlene, Frank, Bev, Judie, and Please do not forget that fact. are edu- you, in one way or another, over six years and have many fond years ago; facing a mob of students Phil) and the entire Student Affairs cators. Believe in yourselves and memories of the students, faculty. protesting on the President's lawn at Division (Counseling, College Ac- staff and parents. 2:00 am four years ago;creating 45 tivities, Campus Safety, Health Cen- the great work that you do to edu- Maybe someday, I will write a triple rooms two weeks before new ter, Religious Life). I must also ex- cate and serve the students and their together, you book (with names changed to protect students arrived six years ago, and press my appreciation to the parents. By working with these great things can do great the guilty!). Some of the stories to being "written up" twice. I remem- Bursar's Office, Academic Affairs, minds. be included would be: the "inf'a- ber Junior Follies, the Harvey the Graduate School, Registrar's When I look back on my career, I mous" 60 Seconds on Campus inter- Awards, judging the Phi Alpha Mu Office, Computer Services, Food will always remember my years at view, in which students were asked Lip Synch contests, CAPBoard Services, Conference Services,and WMC with intense pride and joy. I what I do in my spare lime (what Gong Shows, and other campus tal- the hard-working folks in House- have ;Iearned so much from all of spare time?!); having a "spontane- ent shows, participating in the Phi keeping, Building Maintenance, and you. My own college experience ous" Greek party in my apartment Sigma Sigma Rock-athon and the Grounds Maintenance and the was so wonderful that I wanted to after Greek Day, two years ago; liv- BACCHUS Hollywood Squares, go- Physical Plant Office staff. I could give back a little to others. I hope I ing through the I8-hoUf. campus- ing on the Senior Cruise in 1991, not have asked for better people accomplished that goal. wide black-out four years ago; sing- and discovering the mysterious with whom to work. I am deeply grateful for the chal- ing tenor in the College Choir for beer-dispensing Shasta machine on To the students: get as much as lenges you have given me and your six years; handling several small the fourth floor of one of the resi- you can out of your college expert- support and encouragement over the fires on campus, some due to ciga- dence halls five years ago (I wonder ence. Listen and learn from others renes, one due to a gas grill being what happened [0 that machine?). I around you. Start looking beyond years. floved my job, but it is time for me to move on in order to expand used in the dining room of an apart- have thoroughly enjoyed advising yourself and see how you can make my horizons. I shall miss living and ment and one was for a cook-out in the JSU and Sounds of Silence orga- the community a better place. working here. I wish you all much the bathroom of one of the residence nizations. I even enjoyed a beer To the parents: trust your student. happiness and success in your future halls; missing the swim team once in a while down at Champs and Their education entails a great deal endeavors. streaks; dealing with students the Westminster Inn. I will be for- of learning, in and out of the class- With love, rappelling out of residence hall win- ever grateful to the College Commu- room. When they graduate from Joanne A. GoldWater dows; discovering all kinds of pets nity for their concern and assistance WMC, they will be prepared to take on campus: snakes, ferrets, prior to and following my harrowing Come join the'''farriily! A word from the Editor: .. ~taff. Slay hmedas tbing-s get even bet- ter. The Phoenix is going 10become a 16 Salt wafer sprinkling over our bodies as the hot sun roasts our skin and every- page paper covering more news on a greater variety of subjects and with more where the reflection of smiles twinkle in in-depth stories. Also, last semester, The sunglasses ... Visiting new places and Phoenix received many letters from the meeting new people ... Hearing the yell campus community regarding stories in ofa boss' angry voice over the rhythm of the paper and other events on campus. clicking type-writer keys as one franti- We hope this does not change. It is the cally searches for a missing file .. involvement of the students and campus Whatever wondrous or tragic mo- which make a community newspaper a ments made up our break, summer '93 good one. has come to a close. We'vearrivedback Reading The Phoenix is fun, but join. home at Western Maryland College with ing us is even better! It is a chance 10 a new semester at our fingertips. investigate the WMC community in Last semester was made up of many greater detail, meet many members of exciting events which were covered by the community one wouldn't otherwise The Phoenix: WMC students and Phoe- meet, voice an opinion and even influ- nix members went to the Slate House in ence a change or two within the college. Annapolis to personally interview the We are always looking for new staff governor about the job future of college members to join the Phoenix family. and graduates; the dangers of sledding on the special studies credit hours are available. "hill" were explained and the fact that We are looking for photographers and sexual assaults have occurred on campus layout staff as I type, and more writers was reveaJed; Westminster merchant, are always welcome! Omer possibilities Pamela Snowhite Davis, was sentenced include working in business or advertis- on drug charges; and the men's golf team ing, copy editing, or being an assistant won the MAC Championship 10 name editor for one of the four sections of the just a few of the events that occurred. paper. Arriving back on campus this semes- If a person is interested in joining us ter, already we see changes. Last years or even if he/she just wants 10 make a graduates are somewhere else, and new suggestion or two about how the paper students have arrived on campus for the could improve even more, come visit the first time! Welcome to our community! Phoenix office in the basement of Daniel In addition, some administration mem- Macl.ea or call x8600! We hope to see bers no longer work here, and a peer you this semester! mentor program is in effect for the first time in WMC history Sincerely, The Phoenix. itself, is off to a great Rebecca Kane start with an EXCELLENT and larger ," editor:ln-chlef