Page 5 - ThePhoenix1992-93
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September 18, 1992, Page 5 CAP Board Kicks off the Year with Kevin Lee and Danny Wil- treasurer. Other students are in- uams, and the movie Wayne's Logan heads Second Stage, Usa 60 Seconds in various volved departments Fresh ideas and making World. as well. Emily Snyder is in changes are the themes that the However, the highlight of charge of Main Stage, Corbett College Activities Program- the semester will be in October, ming Board bas adopted to kick wben CAPBoard sponsors a Windsor is in charge of Special off the school year. Belter cruise on The Spirit of Battt- events, and Erik Siano takes known as CAPBoard, the orga- more. lbecruisewillbeonSat- care of promotions. The films nization is known for providing urday, October 10. which is the are run by Chris Cutler and Qg_q,mpus movies, music, and a wide vari- weekend before Homecoming. Karen Downs is in charge of ety of entertainment for WMC It will take students around the Performing Arts. students. This semester, Inner Harbor, and there will be CAPBoard welcomes any in- CAPBoard will continue this dancing along with a casb bar. put or suggestions from students tradition, but with some new Tickets will go on sale at the end and others. Julie encourages twists. of September. anyone woo is interested to join September events include Ju;ie Simmons, the president in any of the various program- As freshmen, what are your first "Strange Like Me" in the forum of CAPBoard, is impressed by ming committees, especially impressions of ofWMC? on September 17 for Diversity the amount student involvement new students. Information Day, Pub Night on September inCAPBoardsofar. "I'm most about meeting times will be 24 with singer Teresa. and My excited about everyone's enthu- posted on the CAPBoard office Denise Sarver '96 Cousin Vinnie is showing on siasm," Julie says. "Everyone door outside of Englar Dining Political Science September 25 for $1 at Decker on the executive board is eager Han. On September 22. there Auditorium. to Iry new things." will be an activities fair on the "Scenic. It wasfun:" The events planned for Octo- Those students on the execu- Ensor patio at 11:30 am. ber .and November will be an- tive board include Julie as presi- CAPBoard will have a booth, nounced SOOD. CAPBoard also dent, Erica Guenther as vice providing students with another sponsored the video dance dur- president, Scott Aquila as secre- opportunity to become more fa- ing orientation, Comedy night tary, and James Martin as the miliar with the organization. 0 Your SGA Representatives for '92-'93: Kourtney Sweeney is the senators for 1992-93 are: Keith dent is Kelly Benvin. Jered UtTran president of the Student Gov- Nelson, Mary McGuirk. and Ebenreclc, heather Schmidt, and Biology ernment assembly. Her vice Erin Thompson. Jay Hilbert are serving as "Very nice. Clean. president is Chris Wess. Sarah Lee Harget is the junior class sopbomore senators. Duval is the secretary and Chris president. The junior senators The Phoenix will be covering Small. Easy to get in Marsha11is the treasurer. are: Deborah Milstein, Made. the SGA this year and wishes touch with people. " The senior class president is Furlong, and Sarah Duval. the new office bolders good Michael Razze. The seoior The sophomore class prest- luck. 0 Reflections seemed to have a positive opin- school is and yet, they still con- ion about their experience at tinue to spend on unnecessary From Page 1 WMC, they did have some sug- things.," sbe said. None of the seniors ever se- gestions for improving the On the other band, a few of Maria Duva riously considered leaving school. the seniors stressed that the Biology WMC for personal reasons. All of the seniors agreed that school can only get better "Ipicked the right col- Ballard. a sociology major, said something needs to be done througb student involvement. that without his ROTC scbojer- about the financial aspect of How can students get involved? lege. " ship he would have had to leave WMC. "Question things you don't WMC. Ballard said that the school understand ... find out wbat is Financial reasons also made needs to get its priorities in line. going on," Craig said. "Don't Frees think about transferring. "They need to figure out what expect the scbootto provide you "Personally, I didn't want to they really want," be said. with every hitof information. If leave but financially, I almost Macblan agreed with students don't ask questions and had to," he said. Ballard. "After working on get involved, they'll never While all of the students SGA. I see bow far in debt the know What's happening." 0 Brian Irons Undecided "Friendly. outgoing place. The upperclass- menare really helpful:" Kathy Gaston Mathematics "Everyone's willing to help. You don t have to lookfartofindafriendly face ora helpingpairof hands."