Page 108 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 108
Page (1728)"'1 Western Maryland Collegel May 3,1990 New And Old News In Brief Six Western Maryland Col- women's swimmer J. J. Boggs of Pawlowski of Wilkes-Barre, writet,editor,andpublisherofthe gent viewpoints of Dr. Martin lege student-athletes have been Stevens. Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. monthlyBaltimoreCluonicleand Luther King, Jr., President John namedtotheMiddleAt1anticCon- Monroe, an Oakland Mills A six-foot seven-inch for- the annual Baltimore Review and F. Kennedy. Attorney General ference(MAC) Winter Academic High School graduate, also is a ward, Pawlowski played in a 1967 graduateofWestem Mary- Robert Kennedy, FBI Chief 1. Honor Roll, aa:ording to MAC politicalsciencemajorwitha3.55 twenty-twoot the Green Terrors' land College. will review Taylor Edgar Hoover, and the lesser director of statistics and media GP.A. twenty-four games with averages Branch's Parting the Walers: known individuals who played services and Widener University Thevenouxhasa3.79G'p.A. of3.1 points and 1.9 rebounds per America During the King Years, key roles during one of the most sports infonnation director John as a communications major. contest. 1954-63, on May 7 at 12:00p.m. volatile periods in the nation's Douglas. ParkviUe High School graduate The Bishop Hoban High in McDaniel Lounge. history. The honor roll is open to Watkinson is a business admini- School graduate also shot a team- Cberbonnier'sreview.partof Branch.aGeorgianative who players with at least sophomore stration majorwitha3.76G.P.A. high sixty percent from the field, the college's Books Sandwiched lives in Baltimore with his fam- atbleticandacademicstandingand A communication/art major, making 27 of 45 attempts. In series, will be the final session ily, based the book on a diary he a 3.4 cumulative grade-point Westminster High School gradu- Leading the Western Mary- in the series for the 1989-1990 kept during the summer of 1969, average (G.P.A.) who were stan- ateLowehasa3.83G'p.A. Boggs, land guards in scoring was junior academic year. when, as a Princeton University ers or significant contributors to agraduateofEphrataHighSchool EricWatkinsoo. Cherbonnier, who works as graduate student, he traveled to their teams. who has not yet declared a major, The six-foot Watkinson was an attorney and translator in addi- rural Georgia to launch a voter A total of fifty-four student- has a 3.86 G.P.A. second ID Sherlock on the team tion IDher publishing ventures, is registration drive for black resi- athletes representing twenty-one scoring list with a 9.0 average. president of Allegro Communi- dents. of the twenty-six MAC institu- Junior forward Mike Sher- Watkinson wasseventhin Di- cations in Baltimore. The experience convinced tions earned honor-roll status. lockofMedfard,New Jersey, was vision TIl of the National Colle- She graduated from Western him that the issue of race is "the The six members from West- named the recipient of the 1989- giate Athletic Association Maryland with a bachelor's de- great lens of history." ern Maryland were the most from 1990 An Press Award, given (NCAA) in three-pointfield-goal gree in French literature, and later Branch is currently working anyone school, followed by five annually to the Most Valuable percentage through games of earned her master oflibcral arts at on the second volume of his chro- from Widener. Player of the Western Maryland February 24 as he made forty-two TheJohns Hopkins University and nology,tobecaliedPillarojFire. Western Maryland sopho- College men's basketba11 team. of his eighty attempts for a 52.5 her law degree at the University Books Sandwiched In is an open moreTrevorWysongofCumber- The six-foot five-inch Sher- mark. of Maryland School of Law. series of hour-long reviews spon- land, Maryland, a member' of the lock led Western Maryland in Forward Dave Barnes of Herfluencyin French has al- sored jointly by Western Mary- men's swimming team, was one scoring, averaging 10.4 pointsper Towson, Maryland, was the only lowed her to provide French trans- land College and Locust Books of of just two honorees with a per- game, and was second in rebound- senior on this year's team. lating services for insurance Westminster. feet 4.0 grade-point average. ing with a 4.5 mark. Barnes, a Loch Raven High claims, legal disputes, and legal The audience is invited LO Wysong, a political science ma- The award is named in honor School graduate whowas the only documents. bring a bag lunch for which bev- jor, is a graduate of FortH in High ofl952WestemMarylandgradu- player to stan all twenty-four Chcrbonnier, who is a mem- erages will be provided. School. ate An Press, who remains the games, averaged 7.6 points and ber of several professiona1 asso- Because the series isdesigned Joining Wysong on the honor school's all-time scoring leader lopped the Green Terrors in steals ciations and boards, is married to for people to attend during their roll were senior women's basket- with 1,564 points. with twenty-eight and blocked Laurence N. Krause. lunch hours, ten minutes at the be- ball players Caitlin Monroe of Sherlock, a graduate of shots with ten. The couple have one child, ginning and end of each session Columbia, Maryland, and Claire .Btshop Eustace Preparatory The Green Tenors finished and they reside in Baltimore. will be allowed for the arrival and Tbevenoux of Lyon, France; jun- School, was also selected as cap- the season 5ยท19 overall, 2-10 in Parting the Waters is Taylor departure of guests. lor men's basketba11 player Eric tainofthe 1990-91 Green Terrors theMiddleAtlanticConference- Branch's Pulitzer-Prize winning Additional information about Watkinson of Baltimore; junior by his teammates. Southwest Section. historyoftheAmericancivilrighlS the series may be obtained by women's swimmer Helen Lowe Western Maryland's Rookie movement. calling 857-2281, or from Balti- of Westminster; and sophomore of the Year is freshman Paul Alice Cherbonnier, LL.B., It is told through the diver- more, 876-2055, ext. 281. Bob Blue Reads Between The Stars After years of service to the is tilted towards the newspaper, ship, in which case they may just for those people. could all play major roles in your newspaper community,BobBlue and your brain is deciphering not call you for a week or invite Ajax the All-Purpose life. Adjust lifestyle accordingly. has given up honest reporting to various (but not random), intelli- you over to dinner, or they may Cleanser Crapacorn the Glar By- earn a liule money. giblesplotcnesof ink presented in intentionally choose to disregard If you were born today product His bi-weekly whoroscope a not-entirely unprofessional dis- your presence when you wa1lcpast come you're already reading a See Gemini. (thank you, S. Beckett) will soon play. them in a shopping mall, even if newspaper? Spam the Lunchmeat be in national syndication. Gemini the Cricket it's a Wednesday morning and Librenvironment the Im- Accept that partnership with The predictions were made Your eyes are half-shut and not very crowded except for a few balance Leo and Taurus, but don't take with the assistance of the Great glazed, your head is rolling from clusters of housewives shopping, If you were born on this advice from Gadgetarius, Ajax, Swami Jon Marsharoni. side to side, and you couldn 'tread dragging along snot-nosed brats, day...who cares! So were half a or Rudolph, unless the person is Aries 'euse of 'amburgers a newspaper if you were paid to. and for a few tennis shoe-clad million other people. the disembodied head of Buffy If you have a lot of money, Youjustretumedfromapany senior citizens who are zooming Rudolph the Red-Nosed fromFamilyA/fairwhichhasbeen now is a good time 10 invest it. If in McDaniel. up and down the halls. Reindeer following you around for two youdon' Canswer the Cresponse Leo the Vinci Do not point sharp objects at day. is a good time to earn it. Be on the alert for people Today, you will produce a self. Get oil change. Drop and Green light for romance with If you fall into the latter cate- who are out to harm you, but do commercially successful music give me ten. Add to wardrobe at Crapacom, Leo, Rudolph, and gory, in this day and age, good not ignore your friends, because video thai. will include often heart- bargain rate. Check legal rights. Buffy, but red light for Leo and luck. if you neglect your friends, they touching lyrics about and scenes Sendneigbborapostcard. Change Gemini (or is that Canswer and Taurus the Uglycar may become the people who are of homeless Americans sleeping location. Focus on foreign cui- Aries?) You are in the process of out to harm you, unless they're on park: benches and steam grates. sine. Do not pass Go. Do not McPisces the Fish Sand- reading a newspaper. You just really good friends, not just ac- Steer clear of your con- collect $200. wich read: "You are in the process of quaintances, who have worked science, however. It could be Gadgetarius the Trinket You will be visited by hun- reading a newspaper." with you for a significant amount asking you to donate a small per- Bearer gry European travelers. Youreyesare open, yourhead of time in nuturing your relation- centage of your profits to a fund Love, friends, and money Hide the family pets.
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