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Inside: . sports- page 2, 3 Editorial-page 2 Western Maryland College August 31, 1989 Racism At WMC: A Look Back By Andrea Covington proving for a while," observed "thoughlknowitisnotenough." Dr.CharlcsE.Neal, "thenitwent Consequently, Academic Af- down the toilet, and now it's fairs is developing three new When Mitchell Alexander going up again." courses: Afro-American Lit- came to Western Maryland Col- While no new all-encompass- erature,Afro-AmericanHistory, lege as a student in 1976, the ing administrative policy regard- both offered this fall, and across- Afro-American population was ing minorities has been released, cultural course on African Cut- growing: it had increased from segments of the administration lure to be offered in the spring. 11 to 18 students. have taken action. Academic Affairs is also "I didn't really have a lot of In the Office of Academic focusing on increasing its mi- problems," remembers Mr. Al- Affairs, Dean Melvin D. Palmer nority staff in the Library, Ad- exander, now the Director of initiated a study of \VMe's cur- missions Office, Financial Aid College Activities. "I tended to Dr. Charles E, Neal, Professor of Political Science riculum to measure how well Office. and Registrar's Office, ignore any racist comments, al- minorities are represented. in addition to its quest for mi- though Idid say something when students arrived on campus in McTyre, now acivil rightsauor- Asians, Hispanics, and Native nority facuhy. Spear-headed I saw discriminatory behavior." the mid-1960's. According to ney, and Clarence Mitchell, Americans are studied, but the by Dr. Leroy Panek, the new Dr. L. Earl Griswold also L. R. Scott, President of the presently active in Maryland heaviest emphasis ison the Afro- Associate Dean of Academic noted the mixed reaction of the Black Student Union, education politics. Both were well re- American students. Examples Affairs, the search is for part- student body during the 1960's on alternative lifestyles and mi- ceived when they taught here. of the courses that have the best time and full-time staff. Aca- and 1970's. ''There tended to be norities was, and still is, lack- Today, WMC has two full- Afro-American representation demic Affairs is also working a strong support group around ing. "Generally,mostohhemi- time minority faculty, approxi- are "Liberation Movements and on an exchange program with the minority students. The whole norities who attend WMC find mately 10 minority staff, and a Human Freedom," "The Life Catonsville Community Col- carnpusdidn 'treach out, but there more ignorance than racism. minority student population of and Thought of Martin Luther lege. tended to be a core of people that I've found that most people are 2.9% of the student body. King, Jr.," "Prejudice and "We're going to bang away minorities got hope from." willing to learn." The general attitude of the Power," "History of Jazz," and anbis problem until it's solved," Mixed reactions and race Western Maryland also saw student body towards minority "Contemporary Drama" stated Dr. Panek. "If this doesn't conflict problems surfaced at lrsflrstminoriryfacuuyandsraff students has tended to parallel "We actually do more than I work, then we'll sit down and WMC when American minority in the 1960's, including Victor American society. "It was im- realized," stated Dean Palmer, Continued on page 3 Security Sentenced to Summer School Department of Campus Safety continues education to improve service By Stefanie R. Shaffer State Police Force. overdoses, and even childbirth. Once the force was as- AsfurtherproofthatlheDepart- sembled, Owsianiecki deemed mem of Campus Safety is com- The campus had just settled education the first priority. His mitted to providing emergency down at the end of the spring plan was to improve job per- medical aid, standard equipment semester when Joseph formance by sharpening and now includes CPR masks, AIDS Owsianiecki was .promoted to building the officers' skills and masks, and sterile gloves. Director of Campus Safety after knowledge. The rest of the Other programs completed two years of service at WMC as project includes a plan for the this summer included drug iden- an officer. SergeantOwsianiecki officers to use this infonnation tification and criminal law. The assumed his new responsibilities to educate students on crime latter course, taught by Steve on June 7 and promptly initiated prevention. Tabling, a teacher from the FBI a number of action-oriented pro- This summer, the depart- Academy, explored effective grams designed to reform the ex- ment took advantage of several procedures in conducting crimi- isting department and promote courses. The first order ofbusi- nal investigations, and is now a efficiency and top-level compe- ness was instruction for writing requirement to become a com- tence in the future. reports. New report forms were missioned officer. Within the To assemble an outstanding among a number of changes this next few weeks, a course will group of officers, Owsianiecki summer. Now, more informa- provide instruction for increas- Sergeant Joseph Owsianiecki, Director of Campus Safety at immediately instituted new de- tion must be obtained to com- ing the efficiency and effective- WMC. partment employee standards. plete the forms, and case fol- ness of campus patrols. All applicants must now pass a low-ups are required. Significant as well was the vandalism, and obscene phone *The office extension is 202 test, which isequivalenttoacivil Also completed was an in- visit by Sgt. Owsianiecki and cans. The video emphasized the (857-2202). service exam, before being con- tense forty-hour first aid course Officer John Eyler to the Louis- use of common sense to avoid "The Anonymous Tip Line (for slderedforanofficer'sjob. Back- called "First Responders." The ville Crime Prevention Institute becoming a victim of a crime. ANY crime) is x735 (848-2735) ground and fingerprint checks program was designed to pro- in Kentucky. Theyretumedwith The Office of Campus Safety *An escort service to any cam- have also become mandatory. vide instruction on how to ad- a thirty minute video for student would like you to be aware of the pus location is available. The department is presently ministeremergencyflrsraid. All education. Entitled "It's Your following: * An engraver is available to composed of twelve officers, ten twelve officers are now certi- Room-But It's Not Like "The office is located in the mark valuables. men and two women. Their back- fied for three years to execute Home," topics in the video cover basement of Rouzer. * An invemoryof your valuables grounds range from bachelor's procedures in emergency con- tips for preventing theft from *For accessibility at night, the can be on file in case of theft degrees and graduate school to ditions such as bums, fractures, residence halls and cars, "mali- office relocates to the Informa- "Sec them for Lost and Found. experience on the Pennsylvania bee stings, drug and alcohol cious activation" of nrc a1anns, tion Desk in Decker Center. =Carry ID at all times.