Page 5 - TheGoldBug1974-Jan1975
P. 5
Page 4 THE GOLD BUG Thursday, Sept. 26 Thursday, Sept. 26 THE GOLD BUG Page 5 -----------------------Voicbox------ _ Dear Editor, Dear Editor swer two essential questions: It is not pos_sible for a student 10 graduate from Hopefully by now all WMC students know that the year. together better that the rat race society which we I'm coming from. I now put a challenge before each college and properly enter society in his, or her, college operates on an Honor System.vl'his system L Should a certain few have the authority to The year was one of success and failures, good come from, then don't bother to down society, the western Md. student. The challenge is to give a role as a member of that society's thinking class is based on the strong belief that people can and make a determination which lies ultimately with times and bad. As president of the freshman class I system and or everything else because as long as damn, about yourself, others around you and without a basic understanding of that society's should trust each other to act in an honorable way the individual? deaIt with successes and failures and I tried to we don't change it won't. But don't get me wrong we anything and everybody who comes into your life. social, economic, and political systems. Yet while and that when they do they help each other to 2. Do you feel that a yearbook staff should have mobilize the energies of a class of 400 plus into an are changing but the question is, is it for the better? Make living worth. living. most students develop an intuitive understanding of develop personal integrity. the power to unequivocally withhold something active part of the Western Maryland community. It Admist all this sickness which the community has Grace, Peace & Love their social and political systems' which ap- While the Honor System is not unique to WMC it obviously representative of the college com-: was a hard, trying job and I am indebted to those generated has been the cries for more freedom, 'less Dear Editor: Herb Watson who stuck in there with me. Above I referred to the proximates, at least, reality, no such understanding is not common on college campuses. In a com- munity? Western Maryland community and this is how I see rules, to be treated as adults. But where are the What's in an old Ford? seems to develop regarding their economic system. plicated SOCiety where computers check credit The fraternity agreed, somewhat reluctantly, to- it. adults? So people forget the rules' are made to Funeral Of This manifests itself in the legislation of our ratings and guards patrol stores to capture have a second picture taken on May 22. This picture protect people because some of us forget that other governments, in the social values of our time, and shoplifters and an 18-year old has to have a license could in no way be construed as "obscene and Western Maryland College is a community much people are around and they have rights to. Open Representational in the economic disorder which has appeared to to prove that he or she may drink alcohol; it is a distateful" by Western Maryland College's modern like many others throughout the country. I look House, 24-hour visitation and other can only exist, Democracy mirror our fundamentally sickening economy. pleasure and a relief to join a community that day Inquisitors. Why was this not published? upon it as an experimental community in which ISan atmosphere which people are considered and ~~~hO~~er:;:~~~~~~~rve~f O~~:l~~a~:s~ocracy, i.e. people are thrown together for a period of time and Our economy is a system of people who collec- assumes each person is honest and frees each one This second picture was taken ten days before concerned about people other than themselves. tively, yet individually, set about to allocate the from computer card control. Commencement Exercises. Since the excercises asked to come together and perform 'as a com- How much do we really care about others, about the Neither leadership nor followership. Neither scarce resources which nature has endowed us It is a relief but also a responsibility. If every were covered covered in the yearbook, lateness munity with their own government, rules and community in which we now are living, about our driver nor driven. Neither guru nor disiple. Neither with. Its continued efficient and healthy functioning cannot be offered as an excuse. The fraternity people with different life styles, trying to live teacher nor student. individual is to benefit from 6ur Honor System.fhen depends upon several basic realizations. First, that every individual must participate by being as hestitates to accuse; the staff of malice; since together. I look upon the college communities of ~~~tft~~·,e~;.~h~d~r~~~~tst ~~!r ~r~;e~ w~~~r!~~ Look within. Be intensely aware of that inner flow nothing is free. Even clean air has its cost. Every honest with himself and others as is possible and by quite possibly there may have been an oversight. If tomorrow for from these will come the next and beer cans and bottles and study rooms' too dirty of thoughts, feelings and actions. Realize that you social and political problem is an econormc helping others maintain their integrity. this is so an apology is in order. generation of leaders and families of this country. to study in. Are you happy when the roaches run off are simply the Observer/Experiencer/Perceiver of program in that it regards the allocation of edrr~r c~~i~~~if~o~~r th~~s~~i c~~~~~t.w~~~t t~~ Guess what? By just looking at this campus I am with the piece of cake you were going to eat later. that endless flood. resources. Second, it must be realized that no Our student handbook has a large section on the an-aid for the world, for the society which I'm going- How about the time you felt like you ate a book of Then walk further on. organization or individual can create and distribute Honor System. This section includes the Student censorship? It is a question which has troubled man to have to live. Why you ask? I shall explain. Ex-lax and somebody had forgotten to flush the Awareness. goods without paying the price. Honor Board constitution, a statement of its since time immemorial and is admittedly difficult Few things on the campus are for real, especially toilet or else had pissed all over the seat. No jokes Sidney Simon Our economy is unhealthy because sir.ce World purpose and the technical working of the System. to answer Each individual has his or her own relations which people have. I mentioned some intended, just plain facts and you know It doesn't thoughts on the subject and we could not begin' to War II large numbers of people (including many Please read the handbook very carefully and give do justice to a workable definition in a brief letter. g_oodtimes and some bad times,' most of the good end there. 16 Osprinee l{oad misguided intellectuals) have lost sight of these two serious thought to the System and its implications. Our suggestion is that everyone reread the First limes were not real for people were not real, and I've saidenough for most people to know where London NW 5 basic concepts. It is felt that the government need A better understanding of our Honor System will Amendment to the Constitution and perhaps this the bad times were really real. When I first arrived only snap its fingers and everyone can have the make for a more effective System and will benefit issue will not arise again. on the campus I witnessed a scene I shall not forget, "good life", the country can have a war, and every everyone. The Brothers of Delta P'. Alpha for the scene has been repeated many times since Housing Council social problem can have its own federal agency. Thank you then. I saw a student drunk-out of his mind, being Our government consumes nearly 2/5 of the total David Cooney dragged through the mud by a friend. This was a goods and services produced in this country per Student Honor Board Dear Editor: good time for some, to get their friends plastered so seeks student interest year either directly or indirectly through its they could do them in. That's some real fun. But it JurieMulien transfer payments. Yet consistently it has not paid I started to write this letter to share some of my didn't stop there, there were more fun times, as During the month of September, each housing procedures. AU-upperclassmen are aware of the for it directly. Rather it has paid for it with in- feelings at the end of last year but couldn't find the girls cried themselves to sleep or got drunk because unit on campus will elect a representative to serve flation. I burn up every time I hear some Dear Editor time in the last minute rush. As I think about it now, they were not asked out on the weekends or to one of on the Joint Housing & Conduct Council. This disadvantages of usin~ the present system. Other .newsreporter talking about high food prices or high This is a time of year when students both the dances. And guys who dare think of themselves council has the responsibility to insure students areas to be explored this year in the council are, for , oil prices with the implication that business has departed and returning sit down to enjoy their the present time is better for hopefully, this letter as men who sit around doing nothing because they well-organized living conditions in student example, revision of trial procedures & co-ed Christmas dorm party . will give incoming freshmen a few things to ponder. "screwed us again," and that the politicians are yearbooks. Unfortunately the memories which are I am one who subscribes to a theory in which one don't have the nerve to ask a girl out who doesn't residence areas including the maintenance and going to put on their white hats and run into the usually prompted by a picture from the past have takes a look at where he or she has been in order to have the approval of his group or because she desipline of each. Mentioned above are only a few items. An ef- sunset to save us ..The government is directly and not developed this year. doesn't go down. This may sound sick to some and This year's President of the Council Julie Muller fective council could use them as stepping stones to solely responsible and now because of its. mistakes It is admittedly a huge task to organize the foces get a bearing on the direction that he or she is now that is because it is. For a small community of hopes to see possible the undertaking of several greater and very meaningful undertakings. taking. With that, I took a look at the last school we must pay in the form of high interest rates, high necessary to produce a work worthy of represen- people to come together and not, be able to live projects. One will be a survey to approximately 15 Students interested in being a part of this year's prices, and high unemployment. There is no easy ting Western Maryland College. The 1974 to 20 colleges concerning their procedures on open Joint Housing & Conduct Council should let it be solution. Mnemonic is not reoresentative of the entire SGA Updates housing, room drawing. and so forth. If successful known at the elections or contact Julie Muller. Wage and price controls offer only a mirage the data received may prove helpful in making our All council meetings are open to anyone in- ~f:~e§~ ~~~~~i~ ~o~~~;~~ic~~r:{~h~eFb~~~k present system more satisfying and efficient. terested. Notices are posted campuswide when & ~~!~i~~~~:s~d ~;: d~~t~!~~S ~~ei~ei~c~~~i~7~1 :~~ 'Out of the mouth f presidents ...' Another prioritv is revision of room drawing where the meetings will take place. tractiveness. Their cost is great their benefit slight. ~~b~nte~esfai:f :~~in~~Ck!~~t ot(?hf.i~l~~~ G~:~ Our new apartments are not finished because of organizations on campus was included however. Were bock material shortages caused by the wage and price The outcry, when the first Delta P. Alpha picture Melvin Louis Franz controls of the Nixon administration. was submitted, is somewhat inconsistent in view of Last Wednesday night, September 18, 1974, ~e rothers, so this is one show you don't want to miss. two pictures which managed to pass the Chip Rouse Our present standard of living is what it is "obscene and distasteful" test. The reference is to wheels were set in motion by the S.G.A. at their n Friday, October 11, the great John Sebastian It's late September. Here we are, we're back. Just ebout aI/ the campus machinery is in full operation. pages 247and 171respectively. The former features weekly meeting for the best Homecoming th~t ill be in Alumni Hall. The student body will be n~~~u~~l~, t~~drt~a~as~:t~~~!s~Ufn ~~?t~m~f ~~ two prominent members of the campus community Western Maryland College has seen or ever WIll ranted the opportunity of a lifetime in that tickets Like usual, just about everyone is busier than was ever possible. Plans are running rampant through fondling themselves while the latter presents see. Steve Mahaney, the vice president o~ the ill be $2 for one show or $3 for both shows. For organization needwfJ{,!;::. St;;Lie-rns are alreiJdy finding things which make them smile; and make them grumble. ~:~[is~~g\a~~ ~e;dmt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[ t~~~e~:~ -equally known individuals ~unning about the buff. S.G.A. will head the Homecoming Committee. uests, it will be $3 and $5. Tickets may be obtained We just thought we'd remind you that the Gold Bug is here at the student body's "beck & call." Some (a.~r:;!n not to be dismissed. It is about time that we con- There will-be no attempt here to describe the Anyone interested in giving Steve a hand should get ~mediately by calling Intercampus #348 or 848- be seen by the letters) have already found us this year.. but there's room for much mur:h more. The Gold Bug is sider what we are getting from our government for Delta P. Alpha picture except to indicate that is ~6. Sales will begin in the cafeteria soon. called a news magazine technically: We would like to soften that image extend the title of the 'letters to what we pay for it. We must regain a philosophy of does indeed represent our fraternity. The curious inlOn~~ i~!~v~~:;:~ this year will be that instead of The Homecoming Dance will be held on Satur- editor' column to include the entire paper: campus voicebox. Letters, articles, photos, cartoons, and com- government. Never again will we be fooled into can hopefully find copies on reserve in the library. one concert there will be two. On Thursday, _Oc- ay, October 12. The group sponsoring the dance memtaries are not only welcomed but also solicited. Most important - for those who play with words and believing that the Great Society comes free. We welcome your opinion favorable or otherwise. tober 10a gr~up called Little Feat .will I_lerform.The asn't been decided yet, but it should be a very fictional concepts - there is always room in the Gold Bug for literary works. In otherwords, the Gold Bug is not tertatning night also. Anyone wishing to help with Richard Tucker Perhaps the student body would be willing to an- group is originally from Cahform~ and ..are ny phase of Homecoming should contact a merely a news magazine. OK. We're back. Come find us that you may reach the whole campus - who knows what .. maybe the world: next relatively new in this area. Their music combines . the_sounds o~ ~e Rolling ~tones _al"!dthe Allman ossible. 1J0x 3A. Campus Mail. ember of the S.G.A. Executive Council as soon as . WMC recognizes the Watel ~te mess • In panel discussion Cindy O'Neal "Hey man, what's happening? Not much, eh. Nixon. He sighted the difference between - t trimentally affected our dealings in Cyprus 3) control of inflation. Same here. Have a good summer? Yep, I went to ~~~g~r!ee~pireo~~ ~?t 1~~::r~;~%b~~~g~~p~~~~ reactions of those who voted for him to the m.e cking emphasis, the US position in the In- "Poetic justice" is the summer's basic synopsis their own merits in '76, and must face the difficulty the beach too...nothing much else happened wants to hear more Watergate garbage anyhow?" and the reactions of those who didn't vote for hI rnational Conference on Population was not by English department representative Dr. Stevens. of glueing their badly fitting factions. Prof. Smith though." "It would be a mistake for us as Dr. DaVId began the panel talks by expressing his He sums it up by seeing a compassion that t ong. 4) It may have weakened the position with The very thing that Nixon did (abuse of power) feels that corporate and labor shakedowns are professors to start the school year as if nothing concern about the strength of the executive branch ) never-Nixonites seem to have that the once-upo~- e USSR, and 5) has definately weakened the US brought him down: tragic irony. As there is m.uch necessary in both parties--he says every tax payer happened," says Dr. David. Sure, almost eve.ryone of the federal govt. It is necessary he says to have time-Nix-onites scorn. Dr. Zepp stressed the I ~ition in the energy crisis. Finally Dr. Weber to be said for interpretation, Dr. Stevens' is should pay for elections so there will be no need for is sick ofWatergate--and would rather .forget It now strong presidents with power: but not abusable ys we are in a hypocritical position when we try heartened that the ex-president was not im- "fatcats" to foot the bills. than to try and understand what it means and will power. The presidency has been growing stronger f~~II~~caen~fc~~~~~~O~f~~ss~~;'~~~r~~!:e~~tl:u~ sell the US as a world-wide model. Voicing his peached. According to Dr. Stevens, the problem is mean to everyone. But on the premise that and stronger. Dr. David believes that the im- Watergate in each of us." He w~nt sho umpty Dumpty" ethic, he concluded saying not lying (although he believes Nixon to be a liar, The general discussion session was pretty stale Watergate and the ensuing resignation does have I peachment process, the power of which lies with the disappointment in the perhaps indls~nmma~t u naybe the Kissinger people aren't going to be able something he "cannot stomache") or bugging, but considering that questions were express.ions some effect on everyone's life, the faculty accepted legIslative branch, is not "a partisan matter of 'God' in such instances as the grantmg of NIxon put the whole thing back together again. :a!_her:_abusE;_of power. baSically of personal outrage, confusion, and truth- the responsibility to recognize and discuss this altogether." He sees the president's offense (hence pardon. From here, Dr. Law expects state and local seeking. Stale, because they are the same questions summer's events at an open forum on Thursday reason for the impeachment proceedings) as his vts. to grow in strength, suckled by the Professor Smith has the answer to those who feel w~ich have been asked so often they are now almost involvement in the cover-up. Finally he feels that generation of the federal govt., in part, that Nixon was "hounded out of office by rabid chches. The answers, too, were nothing new but it Se~~'n~~' members included Dr. Ira Zepp, Dr. the govt. has removed the values of impeachment True to his calling, Dr. Weber looked a~ .t ,ecifically, by Nixon policies, in part by democrats." He feels that Nixon in office was worth was not expected they would be. As a forum, the William David, Dr. Robert Weber, Prof. Herb process as a corrective one through this summer's summer's events in view of international pohtlc esidential loss of power. He says that the far more to the democrats as an "albatross" meeting did just what was intended: it brushed Smith Dr. Ray Stevens, and Dr. Alton Law. After actions. ..... expressing problem areas in essentially six point oblem of presidential power abuse has been around the neck of every Republican incombant or away the summer campus cobwebs and rein- each professor gave a brief ~lk on.his point of view, Concerned foremost with vindictiveness, Dr. As "block leader" of the free world, the US ~ owing since the 1930s.As far as the pardon goes office-seeker. With Ford in office, however, and troduced the real world to WMC and (since the discussion led to a question, answer, and talk Zepp, played with the consciences of those who are now have difficulty 1) in maintailiing a leaal r. Law doesn't think it has "ended the honeymoo~ despite the pardon (the "last great Nixon con") the forum was open to the public) WMC to the real session with the audience. T~e a~dience by the way "evening a score with them selves," for votine for position with the NATO al1ip~ 2) It h o soon." The priority in his mind now is the republican party has been glued, back together. Now the democrats must look to themselves and ~rC:~di~es~~~ol~~~~e~~~~~~!o/~~~~~rl~owever,
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