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THE GOLD BUG SEPTEMBER 27,.1968 PAGE 3 Ensor Welcomes R.L.C. Studies David House WMC Sponsors Talk on Racism New WMC Faculty Campus Needs Will Become Freshmen, FAC's,facultymem_ Life Religious This year, the Council is posing questions about French Dorm bers, Negro leaders of Baltimore, Western Maryland is fortunate and Mr-, LoweJl R. Duren. Mr. its purposes and goals in an effort and a Negro student, participated this year to have sixteen new fac- Jor dy received his Master-s from David House has been turned over in the Colloquium '68. "In Black ulty members and three new dormI- the College of William and Mary. to better meet the needs of the to fi ve French majors this year who America", during the iast3 days tory directors. He has also done addittonal wor k campus. Until now, the R.L.C. has want practice speaking practical of Orientation Week, Filling the vacancies in the bio- at Cornell University. Mr. Duren been composed of representatives French. Margaret Boyer, Debbie Members ot the panel during logy department are Dr. Michael accepted his B.S. from Southwes- from various denominational Owen, Betsy Feustle, Pat Waiter, General session I spoke on the M. Brown and Dr. T. S,Cheug.Dr. tern State College and his Masters groups on campus. The Council, and Linda Newton are the five stu- racial situation. Reverend Stith, Brown received his a.s, from from the University of Oklahoma. however, feels that this repre- dents now living in the French th pastor of a city church, com- Lebanon Valley College and his sentation alone no longer reflects House. By next semester, they in- pared our society to a glass ot Doctorate from the University of ~~ f~O~~~~rskt;t~.towards his Ph. ~~~alR:\~::~~s op~~:n'C~::~I~fO~:~ tend to have a full house of seven. pasteurized milk. He said that no Delaware. Dr. Cheung accepted Special Instructor in Dramatic Mademoiselle Evelyne Rau Is the matter how much the glass was his B,S, and M.s. from the tj mv- Art is John Van Hart, a graduate planned an informative session house director. Before she attained shaken n.e cream would st1ll rise arsttv of Hong Kong, his B.A, from and organizational meeting on this positon, she lived in Paris, to the top, implying that our soc- of last year from Western Mary- Wednesday. October 2, to gather University of London, and his Ph.D. land. ./ France. She graduated from the iety is still a segregated one. He from the University of Glasgow. In the ROTC department there together all students interested in Sorbonne in parts where she ob- emphasized that Negroes are pre- The new additions to the Modern are three new faces. Lt. Col. Bob- becoming active in R.L.C. Time tained her doctorate in English. sently trying to homogenize our Language department are Mr. bie W. Mitchem is presently Pro- and place will be announced, and Last year when WMC was looking society. Peter H. Buttner and Miss Eliza- fessor Military SCience. The As- freshmen women may obtain per- for someone to be the French House Mrs. Madeline MurphY,dlrector beth McDearmon. Mr. Buttner, slstant Professors of Military mrsston to attend if the time con- director, tbey contacteuthe Pr-ancn of a Cherry Hill Presbyterian born in Elbing Ger rnanyrattended Science are Major AnthonyJ. Cur- flictswith study hours, Embassies. Their cultural ser- Church Organization spoke about creve City College where he re- cio,_Jr., andCaptainAlanB, Lewis. In addition to sponsoring pro- vices located her. She has come the lack of Negro History in the ceived his B.A, and Georgetown Good things must come in threes. grams and providing opportunities here to continue her studies at schools and about current urban University where he received his This year there are three new we- for students to become involved in WMC. Her future plansincludere- problems and the Negro. Walter, M.A, He is now a candidate for a men's dorm directors. Mrs. Geo- social action, the R, L. C. hopes to turning to France to be an English Carter, director of the Baltimore "human relations pro- PhD from the University of Mary- rge is the new director in Blanche start a ln the wor-ds of Dave Bulle r , professor at a University. Model Cities Program, spoke gram." land, Miss McDearmon attended Ward Hall and Mrs. Jane LUSSier president of R. L. C., the program Debbie Owen says "Last year about the frustrations and current Mills College for her B.A., and Strong is in charge of the new girls' will have two goats-c-vte sttmulata Monsieur Der asse went to Hood demands of Negros. Lastly, Vic Indiana University for her !lI.A, College in Frederick, Md. Hood has McTeer spoke about what it was Mr. Ronald C, Sick is the new dorm. David House has been turn- genuine communication between a very active rerencnnouse.vsev- like to be a Negro student at W. instructor in Physical Education. ed into the French House and Mlle. - various groups on campus" and "to eral meetings were held to see if M, C. He remarked that students Evelyne Rau is the director there. Mr. Sisk attended Washington Col- explore the possibilities of inter- anyone was interested in having a had created a "hell for Negroes." lege in Chestertown, Md. After New Ypar Bp(..>1lls personal relationships and sensory French House at WMC. People Keith Richwine, director of the graduating in 1956 he entered the awareness." The idea Is a close were, so Fr-ench majors applied Colloquium for the past stx years, 'vlat-ine s for 3 1/2 years. From human involvement on the personal for membership and five students 1960-1965 he was a baseball coach Many Win Awards level promoting understanding and said that it was the "best turnout and towns- at wa s.nngton College. From 1960- Western Marytand-s rall semes- deeper realization of self and were chosen to reside at the new of faculty, we've students, had." Dean people House. Nothing is spoken French ever 1963 he was an assistant basketbal l, ter was officially opened by Dr. others. there except French. Occasional- Zepp said that it was the best coach and from 1964--\\65 he was Lowell S. Ensor, the college pre- The R. L. C. has a number of ly there are lapses into Spanish student response I have ever seen head basketball coach. sident, at the Convocation held in programs on calendar of which two or English according to one mem- In 5 years." Dr, LeRoy L. Panek is the sole Alumni Hall on the everung of Sapt-. are "The Abortion Dilemma" on ber, but the main purpose of the new face in the English Department. ember 18. October 23 and "An Evening with house is to speak everyday French PublicatWns Dr, Panek attended Marietta Col- Spectat honors and awards were Zen" February S. Generally, pro- instead of formal Fr-ench, lege for his B.A. He received his announced at the Fall Convocation. grams are scheduled for alternate Erench customs are also being Move 10 Art House Masters from Lehigh University The Distinguished TeachingAward, Wednesdays. The R.L.C. also hopes learned. Once every three weeks Shadowed between MCLea, Eld- and his Ph.D. from KentStite Univ- presented annually by the Balti- to sponsor exchanges with other a French dinner is planned and ertnce and the Holiday Inn, there- ersity. more alumnae of Sigma Sigma Tau colleges, Morgan State in parti- COOked. Some evenings after din- novated ArtHousesitsquieUy. Assistant ProfessorofPhsycho- sorority, went to Miss Esther cular. ner, there are discussions about This year sees a change. During logy this year is Mr. Edward L. Smith, associate professor cf dr-a- the differences between students the summer a task force of work- Palmer. Mr. Palmer attended mauc arr New Cafeteria in France and the United States. men re-did the innards of what is Gettysburg College where he re- The Alumnus of the Year Award Books by French authors are also now the home of Western Mary- ceived his B.A. He received his was presented to General Robert discussed. Anyone at WMC who land's student publications. They Bachelor of Divinity degree from J. Gill. General Gill, a graduate of Improves Service can speak French is invited to patched waus, ceiUngs, noces, Gettysburg Seminary and his M,S. the class of Into, is a prominent these discussions. Two nights doors and banisters. New paint now from Ohio University. attorney. an internationally known The new Dining Hall opened on a week, Monday and Thursday, covers hastily scribbled phone "Encouraged in the prospects philatelist, and former chairman Wednesday, September 17 in time the reSidents of the French House numbers and assorted grafltti. for Western xrar-ytand College," of the College's Board of Trustees. for the noon meal. Built with will eat dinner together in the din- Neon lights brighten work spaces is Mr. Bruce E. Langdon,instruc- A retired Brigadier General, he the aid of federal and state funds ing hall and speak only French. where before students slept in the tor is Political Science. Mr. Lang , was executive officer to Chief of as part of the new complex tnat ln- Two events have been scheduled dark. The change is remarkable. don acceptted his A. n.rr om Brown Counsel for the United States in crudes a men's dormitory and into their plans. A future exposi- For the GOLD BUG, Aloha, and University and his Masters from prosecution of the international swimming pool in addition to the tion will be held. Posters painted Contrast, the Art House is a God- Duke University. war crimes trial at Nuer-nber-g, new dining facility. by the aaux Arts students in Paris send. More space is avail- Mrs, Ann H. Coffey is now As- Germany. following World War n. Approximately forty students will !Je procured by Mlle. Rau and able for layout, typing and a dar-k- sistant Professor of Economics Other honors presented at the are employed in the dining hall exhibited. The posters are "us- at Western Maryland. Mrs. Cof- Convocation were: The chemistry to aid the kitchen help at vari- ually political or satirical about fey received her A.B. from Ran- Achievement Award and The Math- ous tasks including food distri- the Gaullist government. St. Jos- dolf-Maco~. She has done a year ematics Achievement Award, Ray- bUitio, clean-up, and I.d.checking. eph's College is showlngaproduc- of g-raduate study at M.I.T. mond D. Brown, Riverton, New Bob Wesley and Fred Schroeder lion on November 16 by French BOWL Assistant PrOfessors of Mathe- Jersey; The Physics Achievement are the head waiter and assis- players which they plan to attend. matics are !IIr, James L. Jordy Award, Alan E. Gober, Pikesville; tant head waiter respectively. The play is entitled "Tartulfe" Wllh Dramatists Give The James and The Jim Boyer Me- President Ensor the and Mr. Rice by Moliere. Chief B. Moore Memorial to Speaking help, student Award Book Award, Gary attempted steward Lee morial A living Portrait Scholl, Bel Air; The BarryA. Win- the sense of pride in to instill ~ BusyB's Pokomoke the help. a kleman Memorial Award, R, Daniel the new "Our Faces, Our Words" will Brown, Jr, Millersville. Both poi nted out that in Carroll facility the best was be presented on October 3,4 and Also, The United States History County and that they hoped a new ~ Studin Tenpins 5 at 8:15 p.m. in Understage of Award, Penny R. Williams, West- attitude would develop inthework- Alumni Hall, Western Maryland ville, New Jersey, and Robert E. ers and stutlents. Knitting. Needlepoint. WESTMINSTER College, Westminster. Outman, m. Linthicum; The Mar- The new cafeteria itself Is clean- Arts & CrilftsSupplies LANES A reading by the dramatic art garet Wappler MemorialSchoiar- er, more appealing, and more Freelnirtruction in the ShoppillJ' Center faculty, with the College Singers, ship for Applied Music, Mrs. Jud- efficient in most aspects than the withPurch_s StudeDUI - Until 6:00 p.ta. "Our Faces, Our Words" is for ith Elseroad Parks, Hampstead; old dining hall. It is simple but $1.203 Games the benefit of the Martin Luther The Harry Clary Jones Scholar- beautiful in design with all new IDeludinJ' Shoel King Scholarship. A book of mon- ship (chemistry), RlchardW.Kidd, equipment, Stainless steel in the 4 SpruceAve. 848-4968 MoD. _ Fri. 848-6570 ologues and photographs by Lill- Westminster, and Clifford R. Mer- kitchen and serving areas gives to the dishwasher WIJ~~,!~;:~ Ian Smith, it is a living, speak- chant, Cockeysville: and The Felix a more sanitary aspect and adds ing portrait of the fight for free- Woodbridge Morley Memorial to the beauty of the facility. dom told in the words and faces Award, John R. Warren, Jr., New As with any new operation, pro- of Negroes and whites of the non- Shrewsbury, New Jersey. blems have arisen especially in violent Civil Rights movement. Two new maces to beusedbythe area of the conveyor that brings Lillian Smith, who was also the marshals in academlcprocessions the trays but author of "Strange Fruit" and were presented to the College. experience will hopefuUyeliminate "Killers of the Dream," under- Designed by Dr. James Lightner, the backups and confusions. LAUNDERING· DRYCLEANING • TAILORING stood the people in these mono- chairman of the mathe'Tlalics de- Generally, the student reaction Garment Storage & Linen Rental Service logues and what this struggle partment, the maces are made from to the cafeteria as opposed to the wood used in "Old Main." Super- old dining hall is positive. One Service for Students in WMC Student Center imposed at the top of each are comment concerning the-advant- brass medallions of the college ages of the new style was that seal and a cor nerstone design from the food intended to be served cold the original buUdlng. was cold and the hot food hot •. L. ~':":;';';; "';'__ ~
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