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WESTER:\" :\IARYL.\ND COLLEGET h. R . e G ld B-;--'J,/,R'" -v. C0ll~;':'L ug fl' "7 0. CENTENNIAL YEAR Vol. 45 No.1 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND SEPTEMBER 27,1968 Dean Ponders SGA Plans Social Calendar; Curfew Change Mitch Ryder to Give Concert Although the time wben non- were studied but complexity, cost, Responding to the student bOdy senior girls will have anunUmited or maintenance problems over- demand for big name entertainment, curfew seems to be far off, the aq- shadowed their usa. Dean Laidlaw the Student Government is featur- ministration seems to be seriously is cur rently studying a checkout ing The Mitch Ryder Show Saturday, considering unlimited curfew for key system in which each senior October 12 in concert on campus. Seniors and girls over-twemy-cne , girl would be assigned a key that Mitch Ryder's vocal perrorrnancas As. the curfew rules stand now, the would have to be checked outoflhe on record. together with his in- seniors have some flexibility but office by the girl personally when credible stage act have made Es- hardly what their sense of re spons- she was going out. This system has quire claim, "Mitch Ryder's spec- ibility warrants. Both the House- been used effectively at other col- ial. He is the genuine article: in- mothers and Dean Laidlaw agree leges and research indicates that telligent, good looks, and his stage that a new system should be avail- the loss of a key was not a major presence is extraordinary. The able to seniors with them e reser-. problem, The Dean of Women is m yth of the soul performer is vauon that the 'lew system would continuing her research into met- one of identification rather than have to deal ertecttvalvwtth secur , hods of unlimited curfew but the entertainment. II is to Mitch Hy- ity problems, What has the admin- final decision is not entirely hers. der's credit that he can make it istration done? Surprisingly per- She must have administrative ap-. work in a new context, Ryder does haps, the answer is not "nothing". provat. Dean Laidlaw cannot, at soul as well as it can be done." The "'1 project this year for the present, state a date for the in- The show will cost $1.S0 per cou- Mitch Ryder singing "Three-point .two Blues." girls dorm ccuncn was the intro- stallation of a new system but at ple for those who have a Student Lynn Coleman. S.G.A. vice-pre- sired by the student body, ducn m of a key card system. This least she seems to be taktng a fir st Activities Card: cost tootherswill stoent explained that the student Otner S,G,A. sponsored events system was electronic and special and very important step in the be $5.00 a couple or $3,SO a head. Activity Card has given the S.G.A. will include the Friday Afternoon cards would be made to open and direction of unlimited curfew for Homecoming weekend will in- the freedom and leeway to engage GIGlr's (Gee, r'rn glad it's Fri- lock the doors. The major difficuity our seniors. ctuoe. besides the traditional foot- big name entertainment without day) at Fr-ocks, Coke, pretzels, turned ~ut to be mechanical. The ball game against Lycoming at 2 fear of a huge financial loss. So potato chips, and 3.2 beer will be device would simply not wor k tr Ina Committee to Review- o'clock on Hoffa Field. a new at- far the Student Activity Card has substituted for the traditional 6.0 temperature dropped below 20 de- traction. a free. Open Party Friday given the S.G.A. over $7,000 with beer, A student evatuatton or ccur- College Policies beer. Again free admission only to ing some 200 students respond. the semester. grees F. Several other systems night at Frocks complete with 3.2 a potential $2,000 if the remain- ses will be compiled at the end of In an attempttosolvesomeofthe Carmines to Speak growing problems at Western those with Student Activities Card. Dave Weber,S.G.i\. treasurer,will were elected Wednesday night and sections representatives Floor gladly hand over the Student Acti- Maryland a new Advisory Commit- Restrictions Set vities Ticket to any student who the first Senate meeting will be 0" Art in Religion tee on College Policies has been For Open Parties would like to pay the $10,00 fee. Monday night in the Senate room. created, The committee's function The S,G.A, Concert wtll be Nov- The S,G.A. officers are Harry Col- Mr, Al Carmines. Greenwich will be to discuss existing college At a special meeting, Monday ember l"th at a minimal cost to lins, president; Lynn Coleman, village pastor-playwright, will policies and to submit recom- evening, September 23, a Joint those with the Student Activity vice-president; Judy perrv.cor- participate in several programs mendations totheappropriateauth- Committee composed of President Ticket. Within a week the S.G.A. responding secretary; Dave Weber, held at WMC, this Sunday. Sept- orities on what changes the com- Ensor, Dean Robinson, Mr. Mow- will conduct a poll to determine treasurer; and newly elected re- ember 29. The first of these mittee deems necessary, Some of bray. the IFC'ISC presidents, the the blg name entertainment de- cording secretary. presidents, and the Ex- will be a discussion of off-off the issues to be discussed are stu- fraternity Council of the S, G.A. (le- Students Question Value Broadway plays at 4 p.rn. in the dent participation as voting mem- ecutive under-stage of Alumni Hall. Mr , bers on college committees, the cided on a new poltcv errecuve ttns Carmines is also this week's role of ROTC on campus, the COl- year.1!168-S!). Of Mandatory ROTC chapel speaker where he will dis- lege administrative structure-a There will be four major open cuss the role of art in religion; redefinition of responslbililiesand parties: iiomecoming, Christmas, On Wednesday, September 25 a pulsory program is not needed. In "Pop Art: The New Icons". Fol- authority, racially integrated fac- Valentine's Day (or an equivalent) forum was held on the steps of addition, Mike emphasized the lowing the chapel service at 8:30 ulty, the drinking policy. -and May, to be sponsored by the Baker Memorial Chapel todiscuss moral defeat of any man forced to two films will be shown in Decker Members on the committee are S.G,A,. the I,S.C., the l.F,C., and the question of compulsory ROTC_ take ROTC against his conscience Lecture Hall. One II's "Scorpio Dr. Clower ,Dr. Stevens, Dr, Light- the S,G.A. respectively. The gathering promised to be the Ri stng'" by Kenneth Anger, and ner, Dr, Phillips Dean Zepp, Dean Ground rules to be enforced are: first of many on this controversial and beliefs. Rudman also propos- the second is "Another Pilgrim" Robinson, Mr. Mowbray, Mr.Clark, A. Coat and tie or equivalent toptc, ed that a'debate on the subject of which Carmines himself direct- Prof. Solomon, Jennie Brace, Dave B, 3.2 beer for those students Mike Rudman, acting as MC, required military training beheld. ed, The viewing will be ronowo Hilder'. and Don Elmes; President who are over 21 years of age spearheaded student opposition to Speaking as an independent stu- by a discussion. Admission charge Ensor will served in an ex-officio C. No hard liquor. the obligatory program. Many stu- dent in favor of ROTC was Don is 75 cents. capacity, D. Soft drinks for non-drinkers. dents hold the opinion that a com- Elliott. He stressed the leadership potential and opportunity to be gain- Carmines is an associate Min- ed from ROTC par-ttctpattcn, As a This -Go South for the Winter-- ister at Judson Memorial Church practical reason for the program; in Greenwich Village, and eirec- Don cited the preparation for basic J9r of its Arts Program, training which a man receives. program includes a poet'stheater. Along the same lines, Elliott not- dance theater, and an art gallery. by adding a real and necessary logical Center and Allant a Univ- ed that a orartee or enlistee has The poet's theater has won 11 Obfe Sixteen weeks in a different perspective. Learn from un-wtut- ersity. As a student at Clark more openings available to him (Off-Broadway) awards. The world - a realistic world of con- ened textbooks, such as Franklin's one may select courses at any of with an ROTC background. church earned on e of the first frontation - a Black world. This Up From Slaver-y.what the Negr ct.s these SChools. Thus, the selection achievement Awards from the New is what a Western Mar-yland stu- true experience has been in this is quite vast and there are num- To further examine student and York State Art Commission. dent can expect when he goes on country. Be confronted by black, erous courses offered which are faculty opinion on the subject, the exchange for one semester to angry militants who are tired of GOLD BUG will Circulate a poll. Carmines, who is also a com- Clark College in Atlanta, Georgia, ,waiting, Spend hours discussing not available at our school - most On the basts of poll results, stu- poser, won an Obie for Best Musto The racial crisis in our nation our racial dilemna with less- notably those courses in Negro dents will ask lor meaningful re- in 1964. He received the Vernon today is more than a groovy topic ;vehement blacks. But most im- history, Financially, the only search of the problem by the stu- Price award for his off Broadway for an orientation colloquium or portantly, become open and sen- extra burden for exchangees is dent-faculty group established last play, "In Circles." He hastwore- a subject to be informally dis- sitive in inter-personal relation- transportation costs. In essence year by the administration. one is simply trading pJaces with cordings out, "In Circles", and cussed by "enlightened" students ships with individuals whose ex- "Pomegranda." Another, "Con- to prove that they know what's perience has been substantially a Clark student who will take VOTER DRIVE SPONSORED gregation of the Faithful," will be happening, This crisis is real different from one's own. Such your place second semester on released in June, Directing other and. must be understood so that personal involvement will give one the "Hill." The Religious Life Council off-Broadway plays, and directing necessary action can be effected an added perspective, A semester in an urban setting will sponsor a voter registra- on television, writing a movie col- promptly. Academically, a semester at among five thousand black students tion drive down Union,Charles, umn for Alotivemagazine,teaching Such understanding requires Clark College is quite advantag- and perhaps ten white ones Is Green, and Center Streets dur- at N,Y.U, and Earlham College, are proper perspective and insight into eous. Clark is one of six pre- quite a change from 01' Western ing the latter part 01 nextweek. some of the other activities with the problem, In our more than dominantly all-Negro schoolS in Maryland. However, this change AU those Interested In particl- which he fills his lime. predominately white college, we the Atlanta University Center offers a priceless opportunity to paUng come to the Religious are denied such objectivity. How_ grow in understanding as one Is Life Council meeting Wednes- ever, a semester at Clark College challenged to I~arn more about day, October 2 at 8:00 p.m. In can help to broaden our experience oneself and others. L.:M:::'~D.:!!nl!::el!.:Lo="nge!!:;;.. ...J