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freshmen involve themselves in activities. worthy of involvement,m4t":~(gnl~ It Occurs To Me That ... that the freshman · .. class has a lot to offer to the Hill. Judging from the general colloquium discussion, the class of '71 is very well read and is well equipped to express itself. If the a lot of things will happen at Western Maryland. The world isn't out there somewhere. . it's right here. All one has to do is grab hold. · .. that the junior varsity segment of the football team will ..:_ --=,-_~-~-----__=__=__=__=_::::~_= ~~;eg~~!:~u:~~~~~n~~~eaili ~~a~t~!;~;sfif:;e~ag~s~~:~ ;~~~e~~ Vol. 44, No.1 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND September 29, 1967 rt ,,./ t A' t remain on the squad, thus the cancellation of the junior varsity ";"=;""';""===="""=========;""============="",,,===~ schedule. However, the steady fans of the once-upon-a-time JV r ,L r.1 l ,.1,. IAI'M ( ~:':a~Z~~:':~:~ki::v~::;~t~~::::~~:;'::~~;:~!~~';h~::i:':~Je vent" Jeol inrilOn J I Brien mves ° rr j .,. rirmlllOOO Inter squad scrimmage. Premieres Film If m L k. 'S ° t A merlCon l.OmpUS L ~L ItE ___thatWesternMaryland" looking up"atheadmissions :~~~;~nlfs[;~e~:s~en~a~~~~e~~~:~h:r:~a~~~~,b}~~Si~~:~t~ ~~;l~~;' Series SeDSOn by Dave Dunlevy Urmilla Varma has a back, they already have made the Hill a better place to be around. by Cathy McCullough ground as colorful and varied as Here's hoping that more and more students will brave the chilly Atlantic a~d exchange with us. Ingar Bergman's The Sevf'mth the dress of her ancestral land, Seal, first of the College Film India. Born in South Africa, · .. that 100 years is a long time. Series, will be shown in Decker Urmilla emigrated to England · .. that we haven't heard anything from the President's Lecture Hall, Sunday, October 1 where she :eceived her elemen- Committee on Fraternities. But then again, maybe we aren't sup- at 8:80 p.m.. . . . tar~ educabo? Although. South posed to. It would be interesting to hear the Committee's find- All films III t~IS ser.les ":y11i be by bir-th ~nd Indian by ings. ~~~;;:~:~ o~1~~~~~'~:1;~~~:~:i;i~~ aC~i:~n~~~lla possesses · .. that despite a few foul-ups in scheduling, the SGA Exec- films are being made available Tn 1964 Urmilla arrived in In- utive Council has come up with some good stuff. The Pozo Seco to the students and faculty of dia for the first time. With her Singers will bless us with a concert on the 29th of Octobe;. And Western Maryland as well as college career approaching, she thanks t~ the abolition of Sah_lrday classes, everyone t~us year the Westminster community enrolled at the University of can exclaim GIGIF. If everything goes well, the SGA wlll spon- through the efforts of the dra, Osmania. I was surprised to SOl'off-campus parties every Friday afternoon. Cary Wolfson has rna department. learn that Indian students uau- Sociology, and 'liIIIiIII.~i proclaimed that these affairs shall he called "mini parties." If 1\11'.William L. Tribby of the ally pursue dual majors. While there were Saturday classes this year, quite a few cut~ would be d ram a department explained at the University Urmilla stud- in order. The SGA will have no f.riends every Saturday III the a.m. that the films are not meant to ied Psychology, · .. that if any more students move off-campus, the College compete with the Carroll Thea- Public Administration. !II will have to schedule two water battles in the Spring. 01' perhaps tel', but rather to offer students Urmilla first heard of WMC ~~l ~;_~em:!~~~il~~!et:t~~:~:~~~~t~;!~'le~~S~n~v~:e~~::\~~~ ~h;;ti::;~tYano: {:J:~i:;:O:n a~~ ~~~~g: y!~~no~~vSe~~d;~~r:aad~ doesn't have a wet campus? J theaters. Recommending the The girls were roommates last · .. that the life expectancy of guest speakers on the '~ill ~~~tsh: hs~i~'l ~L~beer:~p~:!dst~~ ~~~\e;r;:;!;\~ !~~:~~~t:r;~aa~ isn't very long. George 'Lincoln Rockwell stopped a speeding what's b!'ling done new and un- here on September third. bullet and Father Murray had a fatal heart attack. Perhaps next usual in films today." When asked to relate her first year we ought to invite to our podium Fidel Castro, Ronald Th(J'S&l.Jenth Seal twice won impressions of Western Mary- Reagan, George Wallace, and Lee Harvey Oswald. ~:~~e~ti~~alS~v~~s:r!~~it~,n~~:~ ~!~eo~~~~r;ndii~~'::;t~eor~U:~re~~~'-..,..~~-~j the Cannes Film Festival's :replied that the In- land, Urmilla in o;;~:h~~~;;g~O~~e~~~e~~~~~g:h:fa~~e~~e~~u~e7up~~~ It is not financially supported by the College, nor does Dean Zepp Lauritzen, "a c I ass i c of the ly. And, we don't have your go out and recruit. It has to come from within. If you have it, screen." This allegorical story student-teacher relationship. share it. Go to Clark. is set in Medieval Europe while There is little contact outside of Walt Michael the Black Death is wiping out the classroom other than a few Editor_in_Chief ~t:t!~~~at~~~"ut A~~ni~~~~~:~: ~r~:n~::~t~ ;~o~e:::s_}ecome f a~ l:u~pri~!e~~c!he If~e~~~: A very charming a~d well ~ttempts. to find mea:,ing in. his ~oy: girl relationships a l' e ~he~~tes;na girl can' ever come spoken young lad?, Urmilla has ;~~ d:SP;!~a~i~:ilai:;i~10~oCl~~ ~u:!e ~~~~:n~!~~~ t~~~~~m~~= home is 10:30 or 11." Urn:i1la ~~~~~~~als;:;~ b::!::n ~~~tE!~~ ~~~~:li~!S p~;;~r~ ~n~O~P~ej :~!~~~~la::~y th~!a~~ h:i~n:! ~~~sE;~~~Sh"~~I~~~~ ~r;e~~:~ :~~::n~:~~: ~sa~;o:e~:v~~ ii~ er and dumb girl under his protec- young men and women weren't tooI much ~:.~~om ~t t: i ; fact, when asked if she had ahy tion. Death .slowly takes its toll, permitted to mix. soci~llY on ~~~: :foei morler:~~e~t fo; th~~r additional comments, Urmilla but B.lock hves long enough to ':l'he area In .w~lch the p'arents. For examplc, simply repliM: "Yes, I was impressed S se~:~s ~~~er~o~~achTi:!;tYde- ~dm~:rs~;~df~o~:~;nl:1 ~sslf~~~ out of respect an Indian teen_ by the football game!" scribes The Seventh Seal as Women of the area formerly ~v'~:d:d:~;'~,t~t;:a~~f:~;;::::~~:'p~;:::-'t:~:''t:'::',~~~President Ensor Announces even ~~a~~~I!~aOtna~t~~~~h~:O~:ne~f Promotions for Faculty Members ~v~~~c~i~t~r;;e~~a;~r:::~~e:~~ Fiir:r~ee:;e:I~~1I i~n:~~eC~'~:~~ ~~e a~;ath~r~r~~:fo~~d~~~l~Or:~ Seven faculty programs were and played varsity soccer while Year at Marienbad," "The Gos- vail." "In fact, twenty years announced Dr. Lowen S. at \Vestern Maryland. He was pel According to St. Matthew," ago if a couple was seen to_ of Western also promoted to a full profes- and "The Throne of Dlood." gether in public, eve r yon College, at the first sOl'ship. In March of 1967 officials to increase student enrollment Tickets, which are 75 cents, they passed on the street would . m.eeting this .week. . Three teachers v:ere promoted broke ground for Western Mary- by almost one half. are now on sale in the Alumni stop and stare. Even boys and Promotions are gIven along In rank from assistant profes- land's two new building proj- Both dormitories are sched- Hall Box Office. Box Office girls at the University usually this line: instructor, assistant tor to associate professor: Dr. ects. The new men's dormitory uled for completion by the fall hours are 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 oaly meet at das parties or at professor, associate professor, David R. Cross and Dr. Do_nald will house 214 men and will in- of 1968. The respective con_ p.m. sporting events." and fuB professor. E. Jones, both of the chemIstry of Towson, and Hicks-Tate, Inc., THE FRESHMAN FINGER clude a swimming pool and cafe- structors are John K. Ruff, Inc., ~ , Dr. William M. David now department; and Dr. Theron E. teria. The women's dormitory holds ~~e title. of full professor Thompson of the education de_ will house 192 students. These of Baltimore. of political sCience and head of partment. Dr. Cross was the ~~~:~~~~:saZoeb~h:o~;~;u~:~:e:~ to~h~o:~~e~f i;h~om:~';,1°::~ b Pat Smith and John-Skinner five to one ;~~~::p~~~~e~~te~e:'t~~~~ ~~~ T~c~~~~~tA~v\r~h;re~!~~~:~~s~~~ ~~~;~e~io~o~i~l:~~te i~Op:S~~~~~li~~. Tt e I' ~~~en's d$~:;,d~0;6 yThe purpose of this column is h Two fresh~an girls w7 know :~~. r~;!~~~gant~:~~~~ai9s~l= !:~ISi~o:v:~a~~~~~~!ew:~~~i~~:; t _________ ,L n ;~th c~~e.sfil;anc~do:~inly hi, ~ ~jon:~p:~:~p~~~tsi,ni!~~ ~~~~~!ia~~l~shst~~r-b~g~r:~t~li~1 e ; !!:;c~~ ~:di:x~:i~!~d~h:n~e~:= ~a;!s~~~~d~h~::;i~:oa~st~e:Vl~; r :~~:: i~~~~~::::~~~i~~:;;:: JpeeCII, IirDm" $2.5 mIllion loan _from the e- consensus of opinion of- the know the results of thIS prac- tions between thc central gov- Chemical Center in Edgewood ~:~~:a!hi;~a~s~pe!~ehe~:bl:C! ernment of India and the Indian b~~~oe;!~~t~~;~n~:~~sUt:b~~ tic~i8celianeous: Experts Meet paid by 2007. ' :!~~t~;: ~~n!~i~u:li::s.from the Sh~~::t ~?~s ~~~~e~heh~rgh!~~ A. Cl~::~ i~tr:~~ ~1~r;e=IS~nh~~;h:S::I~'O!hi!' w~: 3?, Golddianlond Speaks On Saturday, September Or?:n;:~~~e.a few words about ma~~~x~~~ HOUSING: ~~;~~!~~~~ !~~~~~0~io~::n~n!'robU;d~~\~1~ ~:~~:~~ On Human Behavior ~~ ~~ia~!m~~!t ~ f a~i~ r~~~nj!rx!~~:;e!~te:~; ~~~ t~haen!:e~~ ?has a laude ~~ar~du~: i~faJi:g ~i:;bo~ac~~~ ~~n~~6Jo~~e:i;h: high sch~o~ and dra~a t~ac~er~ On Werl.nesday, October 4, the Most people wished they'd been Where are the guys who re_ member of the Human Relations ~~:r ~~~dlll~~:!~~:I~o~f:re~:e noted., ~r. Israel in bed. ceive awards at Convocation •• •• Club ?f qa.rroll .County. and the in Itumni Hall. ~ro~::I~~O::~'e:eI~~d~~~:rn~:sat~"p~:!;t P;~:li:~"tofrao~liSf~t~~: ;:~~~? everyone raises hell all Exhibit Hlghhghts ~:;e~~C::h;h:;'~~~b;:~,e6~:lle~: S . C II The Conference is sponsored .Behavioral Control and their use by freshmen I WMC h b ports In aery I and Purdue University. Con- by Western Maryland's Dra- Relevance to Human Nature." T f d ~ fI. d th th sU f M;n?ot er ranch cerning education, he has been ~:;~la~~t ~;~::~m:~~ a~~a:: SP~:k ~olag!~~e~ndiec~~~ ~~i:fir::r~i;ht :faw~~c ::'~:n\ th: ~is~o:eries·.:.. An exhibit highlighting ~~r~r~!~~~~p~~ir:c:~~I~ia;~ Association. The Conference from 6:45 to 8:00 p.m., is Pro- Mamas and the Papas left. The mountam goat paths lac_ "Sport in Art" is currently on sachusetts, and is involved in will include four symposia deal_ fessor of Behavioral Analysis in Is the girls' curfew a discrim* ing the campus. display f~om 9-4 each week day the Boy Scouts of America. ing with drama curricula in the Department of Psychiatry ination .between the sexes? Of "Hot Spots" in town: the local through October 4 in Gallery I Moving from instructor to as_ Maryland schools, theatre work· at the Johns Hopkins University course 1t gave the f.rosh men a stills, the coffee house, the two of the Art Building. sistant professor were E. Wood_ shops, the problems in the se_ Medical School. He is also the chanc~ to plan an unsuccessful bowling alleys (composite total ,The show is sponsored by the ward Prince, psychology; and lection of high school plays, and Executive Director of the In- moonhg~t strenade. of seven lanes), numerous bar_ Physical Education Department Fern R. Hitchcock, physical ed- undergraduate drama programs stitute of Behavioral Research The gnls gradually got used bel' shops, a swinging laundro- and contains twenty-two repro- ucation. Beginning with a col- in Maryland. The Conference is in Silver Spring, Maryland. to t?king bat?s with the local mat, and a sixth run theater. ductions of works by various 'lege major in civil engineering, planned to make high school Dr. Golddiamond's address is centlped~s w~lle the .fly to stu- Whoopee! artists whose paintings may be Mr. Prince became interested in drama teachers more aware of part of the continued effort of dent rabo thIS year IS down to Walking through Westminster found in the large galleries of psychology; in this field he new ideas and opportunities to the Religous Life Council to is like reading Main Street New York, Washington, and served two years as an experi- ~7P~t;;:~~o~ras~uadt!~t;.ot;~~~~ ~~'i~~et~~:~t~:d ~:l~~:n:a~~~es~ ua~:n!~~:I~~~~ri~sste~h~~lr~~= U.~.:.:l~:!~friendlY Methodist :~:!:.~~~~hi~~ ;hhee~:~bt:C!~Oo~ :~~~~ne1t~~r~~~~tCo;~~~at~~~ ~~~eq~~~!;a~~d e~~:~!~t; ;~o!¥d ~h~~s;:~g:s~:.iS ~~~!:S\~~/~~~ ~i~:~i:~t~:::~~ ~~rO~~~~~:~ Ch;;;~~nalities: ~~~~~~e;,i~:~~~~db:~yc;7~:.m~~~: ~~et~:!r~~~of:;::.S A~~~t~i~~~ be imp I' 0 V e d throughout the clude the October 18th assembly abroad and Marshall awards Dean Robinson: A great guy ing, circus, and other "sports." cock participated in varsity bas. state. on sexual freedom, a November for study in B I' ita i n are with the freshmen at heart?? In an attempt to promote in_ ketball and baseball on the Hill As a result of the Conference, 1st address by Dr. J. B. Rhine, available. Woodrow Wilson The new physics professor terest in sports and establish a while attending college, and to- valuable contacts will be made. the director of the Institute for and Danforth Awards are who'd double for John Lennon. tradition in art, the collection is day h~ coaches JV football, JV These contacts could lead to a Parapsychology, and the No- particularly for seniors who All of _the Military Science being circulated by the National basketball, baseball, and he is common consulting service for vember 15th showing of the may eventually consider col- cadet officerswqo resemble char_ Art Museum. A campaign by an athletic trainer. In the 1940's 1~~P;;os~OiS!~~::~nt:~~e;c:~:~rd :~~' s;!iao~e t~fet~eed~;a~e~~i~ :~~~r~:~f~!~g~eeF~;. ~~~~:~ .ac~e:;e~U!:{n~~~I~o~~il~~~ther ~~er:{:es~~~d!st~o;O~d~r~g;:~~ =~!i~;;~\!;:b~Atc~~~~~ p~a~:~ lead to a united goal for the im- sent to North Vietnam by ten ton, Room 301, Memorial Vic McTeer: We hope he doesn't manent home for the growing year contract to the St. Louis provement uf dramatic art in m e m bel's of the Society of Hall. get hurt this year in football so colI e c t ion of paintings and Browns, the team that eventual- Maryland. Friends. he can dance at all the parties. sculpture. Iy became the Orioles.