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wijt'''~nlb Y'J""'si:ern Dean Zepp's :i..ibrary \tirvland College , . "'.._-\.. Sermon Topic NilD Sunday Night Wagner Is Next "From Berkeley P.2 with Love" Vol. 43. No.1 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND September 23, 1966 Lecturers Stress New Innovations in Research 10hnAkarViews American Wa;,ollile; GovernmentLoan ScienceProgramsHighlight Playwright Presents Africans Opinion :~a~~:i~~lIege~~n~!.~~t!,~?,~!!.~I,,!~~.!!.~/!.Tu",. of John ~kar, London producer and he ap- P . tion of the Lewis Hall Iday. October 11 in Decker Lee- actor, director . peered in a starring role in the In connection with Its Cen- Science on October 15, each oflture Hall. Mr. Eyler, a 1953 Leone Broadc~stmg London production of "Cry The tennial Expansion Program, the science departments has graduate of this college is pres- head o.f the SIerra Leone Beloved Country". In 1955 he Western Maryland has requested planned a special series of ident of Eyler Associates. He ~~~d~~:IS~~~~l~:~l~~~ on ~:~~~~.~~t~~gn~te~e~~:~~~l~~~ ~no~l~'~~;i~~~~~;~~~~~Z~~~:I~~~ pr~~~am~~Wal"d Cushen, who ~:~~'c~?,~ak on "Operations Re- BBC released him his post, and partment of Hou~ing and Urban graduated from western Mar-y- Dr. Michael Chirigos of the Irecommended him to the "Voice Development. ThIS loan, supple- land in 1948, will speak in Deck- National Institute of Health 0' America". He remained in mented by $88.6,000 of the Col- er Lecture Hull on Wednesday, will lecture on the Virus-Cancer that position for two years. lege's fu~ds, w111be used ~or ~he October 5 at 8:00 p.m. His topic Complex on Wednesday at 8:00 During this period he appeared construc.b?n of two dOl"l~ntorJcs,wiii be "Operations Research", p.m. in Decker Lecture Hall. in "Mr. Johnson" on Broadway, ~ new dllllllg. hal.l and ~Itchen. and he will be sponsored by He is also an alumnus of the classes. In conjunction with ;I::ioG~~:, o!n~u~t~~ ~l~~:':u~~ ap~~:xi!~~::i~or~;s4 \~~n h~~~~ ~i~:at~re~~f:~l~~;~~~it~~n~~~ ~o~~:~eand is sponsored by Tri- ~l~:':nvi~~'ri~a ~~~~pb~f ;;~l:me~~in~heofI~~tli~~" ~:tu(~:~ ~~~:='~::s;v~~:t~~~.d~~:, I~~\e ~~~~:~al i~~rea:e~~b~ta~~al~hs~ th Dr6 ~oh~.r \~t~~rspoon of Monday, September 26 cided to return to 'hi's native dining hail ~vill serve cafeter-ia The physics .d.epartment will or:torfes willlg;e th~ ~Ol~:~e~a:~ 7 ~';::~.el~vil~~~k~~charge Si~ra Le~~e a s~or~ t!me ~.ater. ~;!l:. ;~v~ ~~~~/~:~.t!50~ ::e ~:~ ~ho:rs:~~~r. tc~~~~rD~L~~or~:~~ Thuzs~ay ak ;~OJ:m~ in. Dec~- ~~~~?:.m~~~eIS~beIOP~~yer JOHN AKAR Leo::nhe. ~\~asa~~;:int~~ a~e~~: rna;~;~:t~'~rt~~'D~~::~e~te:~ ~:i;~o~e~~:~~o~~~~u:~~i~~~~~ ~~ p7;n~r~esp~n'se :; .i:a~li~t~:~~ spent this past summer in' . and by the age of nineteen he ~;:~ Affl~~n i: b~ he~? ofSpro- Hail, are already in operation. of Maryland and he will speak ~e WIll also me;t \~lth discus- ca, will introduce the .teaching English: math- ice ~ on S.e . roa L cas lllg erv- Decker Lecture Hall will be on Quantum Electronics. s;on gTOUpS an WIth seveTal three short cmatlcs, current affaIrs and t . dS'dlezra eone mov~d formally dedicated in October. On Monday October 10 at casses. "Continent of AfTica' religious concepts in the local .o~var hlll.e_pendence, .the Br_Jt- The planned progTam is to in- 11:30 am /n Alumni Hall On Friday, October 14 the Below the Sahara'" ';Tropical prim~l"Y school. He attended IS a~t ontJes gave him an m- crease facilities to accommodate Dr. Eu~en~ Cronin researdh chemistry department will spon- Africa'" and "In Se~rch of My- Ottclbein College in Ohio and creasl.~~l! large amount of re- 1000 students in the near future professor and director of the SOl' Dr. John F. Yost at 4:15 self" The first is a general received his B.A. degree at the spon~l Ilty. _In 1960, he was and 1500 in ten years. There Chesapeake Biological Labora- p.m. in Decker Lecture Hall. Dr. i~;~~~~c:!~~ m~ss. t~i:st :~r~~: ~~;k!~eYC~~~:r~~a~f~~jo~i:~e:~ :~~~~~d DIrector of Broad- ~;~p~u2·enUy 850 students on ;:~~ O~!~~r~nii:~~i~~c~; ~:;~=!:!Ti;a~ r~~~~~~~tiV~o~~:~; film surveys Africa in the post- pOlitical.scie.nce and journalism. Jl.1I,r. Akar continued t? write In order to increase its en- tute will be the a.ssembly speak- and \~11ls~eak on "Agricultural war period. "Tropical Africa" He studIed I~ En~land for two ~or. the the.atre, and h;~ play rollment gradually, Westem er. Dr. Cronin is a 1938 graduate ChemIstry. Dr. Yost was a 1943 is a survey of political revolu- years .pursumg slmultan~ousJy Valley ~Vlthout Echo was Maryland has fOT the past few of Western Maryland. The sub- graduate o~ Western Marylan? tion and great social change. a curl"lCUIUlllof la,,:,"studIes .at produced In London, .~~w YOf.k years accepted more students ject of his lecture will be "The That evenlllg at 7:31) p.m. III Campus visits by Mr. AkaI' the Honourable SocIety of Lm- and several other clbes. HIS than it could comfortably house. Place of Science in a Liberal Dec~er Le~ture Hall, Kappa Mu are made possible by a project coln'.s Inn and post-graduate second play, "Cry _Tamba", was The Admissions Office estimates Education." That evening Dr. EpSIlon ~vlli spons?r Dr. Harol? begun in 1957 and sponsored studIes ~t the Londoll School of awarded second pnze fo: drama that 417 stud'ents are now in Martin Broadhurst will speak on P. ~awcett of OhIO S~te Ulll- jointly by the Danforth Foun- EconomIcs. by. the London dramatJc mag- overcrowded facilities, and 58 "Dielectrics" at 7:30 p.m. in verslty. Dr. Fawcett WIll speak dation and the Association of The British Broadcasting aZllle "Encounter". are in off-campus housing. Decker Lecture Hall. A member op "T~e Teacher's ~ole in the American Colleges. Mr. Akar Corporation invited Mr. Akar J.ohn AkaI' .returned to the The college hODC..!to break of the Notional Bureau of Em;,rglllg Mathematics Curricu- is one of several scholars or to speak on "An African in Unlt~d .States I~ 1962 when he ground for the new buildings be- Standards, Dr. Broadhurst is an lum . specialists fTom this country America", un opportunity which wa.~mVlted to.glve a four-mo.nth fore January 1, and to have alumnus of. WMC. T.he .actual convocation and and abroad selected by the Foun- led to a ten-segment series, selles on Afn~a~ broadcastlllg, the~ completed and ready for The chemistry department dedlcabon of the Lewis Hall of dation and the Association's "America in African Eyes". drama, and wntlllg. use III the fall of 1968. will sponsor a lecture by Roger Science will take place on Sat- Arts Program for campus visits Upon completing his academic urday, October 15 at 10:00 a.m. during the current academic studies in 1953, he continued in Alumni Hall. Preparations yeaT. He made a similar tour in with the BBC as its only Afri- Mew pf1'(Jlr '0;'0 IIl'este''''II M"r'II,/""r/ r,.",lt for this e~ent will begin on Fri- " .. IiY 1965. I can staff announcer. ,~ .I~'l rrt , J .... ,' .... i , .. day. evenlllg. The two large int;;~st\~· ~~~~~lh~rod;:;;i~~~ M~i~k~:~O ~~!iv~;!:~ti~~O~fh! .. Several new members have University, received his under- her master's degree from Bryn ~l::~~~g i~tsa~~ic~~~loU: :~\~~ JOined the Western Maryland graduate degree at Dickinson Mawr College. She will be an large number of guests. There Faculty this fall, some replacing College Ilnd his B.D. at Drew instructor in modern languages. will be special traffic directors those who left the campus last. U~iv.ersity. He has taught at Mr. E. Woodward Prince, an in- and guides and hosts in Lewis · in psychology, has IDlckmson College and has been structor WMC Installs New IBM Computer , year. The new Dean of Women is senior minister at the \Vilbra- master's degree from West Vir- a Hall to help the special gllests. Members of the honorary science T h Alb ert Off ers ec nlque Courses Miss Elizabeth Laidlaw, replac- ham (Mass.) United Church. ginia University. M;1-s.J. Anne fraternities will serve as guides instructor special in and members of 001( Mr. Harry ing the late Dr. Helen.G. How- Holman, A. Dennis, assist- and the co!~~te~.rst~ ~~l\Iins~a~1:~ ~;3~ I~~!:t~o~~~~;:t;~~~l::r~::~~~~ :rJ~:i~~:sL:~~l~:;~:l~e:~O~~r~~= :n;r~~~:::o:f o:h:~~~::::~;' ~~ ~i~~~~~'ni:ooi~~ r:I~~~e~~e~ni~ ~:l~m&eew~:I;::t~:e:~b~Jl:::nt~~ Maryland college has been added I computer techniques is extreme- tor of women's residence hails Missouri, and received his M.A. versity of New Hampshire. Mrs. Convocation. to the educational facilities at ly valuable to students planning at Franklin College, Indiana. at the University of Denver and Evelyn S. Hering, a special iq- _ Guests ~or. the Convocation Western Maryland College. It is graduate work in the natuI'a! The new dean received her <'Itthe Clarion State College in structor in music, has studied at llave been mVlted from the co1- probably the first of its kind to and social sciences. bachelor's degree from Michigan Pennsylvania. !'Ifr. Alton D the Organ Master classes in All- leges in the Mid-AUalltic area. be installed at a college ill the Students with computer train- State University and her Master Law, assistant pI'ofessor of ec~ dover, Massa~husetts. She has ~he president or a representa- United States. ing who enter the teaching pro- of Arts degree in counseling and onomics, received the B.S. and also received degrees from Wes- tJve of each college will join the pu;ehrea~O!l~~:ti~fU;!~~O!~~:~~; ;~~~io~i~t ~~,ev:i~h :~~~~~Ile:~~ ~~~~~ne~hs:rv~~~f~~~eM~~~i~~~ ~~~~e~:~~e::dt i~ve\:~I~i~~in~~ ~::O:IC~:le:tus~~d' the Eastman ~~~~~:70~~~~~~~~/~~~I:~eiC~~~ ~;6Zgu~:;iO~~lnt:~ci'fi~::Si~~~a~: ~:~~~ge~s~e~~y.;;;~l !~n~bl~.e~~ I~~~~y at the UniversIty of Den- ~~~./h.D. dissertation at Rut- This fail, 241 new students ~~~~!:o:i~~~I~r~;i?e~'t~~ ~~:t;;~ under thEl"direction of 1.1.. Ray- teachlOg techmques now belllg I Dr. Walter T. James, the new Mr. David W. Herlocker, as- registered at Western Mary- of ~cad~mlc affaIrs at the State mond E. Albert, Jr., whh will developed wlli~h use the com- associate professor of sociology, sistant professor of chemistry, land, bringing the total en- ¥n~ersltY of ~ew _Yor~ at operate the computer center and puter as a baSICelement. has his Ph.D. from Columbia was graduated from Knox Col- ~~~~~~~:,t~3~24;r~ff;;:h~:~ ,,~o. ey Broo~. Hr'btoPlc WIll be offer a course in computer lege and is 1I0Wcompleting work and ten are transfers from t· cI,;nce an a 1 eral Educa- techniques. r. IAI ,'.... L ~". for his Ph.D. at the University other colleges. 10; . ddT h .. The computer center has been Jummer rrDff(SnOp ~mp oSlzes of ~l~inois. ~~. H. Ray Stev~ns, The largest ~mber of Oct~b:r ~ti~ ;~s~ ~~:;.~~~a~li~~ added at Western Maryland to t UR' t· aSS1Sant plO essor of English, at W~IC F' 11'00 assist f~culty and stud~nts en-' a graduate o~ \~ester~ Mal'y- i;~~~~~~o~~r;res:a ~ ;~ea7t= there wiil belOamtail~atea~~~n?; gaged III special studIes and on emporory numon e,a Ions ~and Co~lege, lecelve~ hIS .Ph.D. so represented. N€tv Jel"Sey This has become one of the most .. ~~fj:c~ill ~;~~~~t:o ;;du~:r:i%~ From August 22 to 26, the history, Baltimore City Public ~~I~~~~il~i ~ and PennsylvaniaJ Mlve the ~oPul~.. featll:e.~;~ the dll:Y' :~~n~a~: a~l:l~~~;. ;~~p~~ti~~ ~y~nh~~~,Shae~d~~~;~;:_sN::ro C;~~ ~:~:~~~s~:~~f~i5i~!~;:: a~~~st ~:/L~~:~~Si~~~ fa~;;~y ~O~~:d ~;;~e;:o~:e ~t~::~:erfoC~if~;en:~~ak~le~~s ~:~~~ low them more time to under- latIOns" were the two topics ant to the superintendent, Balti- Amoruso, instructor in math- foreign students this year; I 'll' i'7i e~tern aryland stand the nature of their ma- under consideration during the more City Public Schools. ematies, has. a master's degree but Mr. Kenneth Shook, )\.d- i'il ff m;~ ld ;mlt e~ Sydney on O tel'ial and will increase the depth sixth Human Relations Work- That evening, and continued from the Ulllversity of Tennes- ~~:~~~: i~~~~~/;i~::Si~:J Iat 4~OOI~ ~ 0 IOWlll.gth~ ~~~e of their comprehension. shop at WesteT~ Maryland on '!uesday:, ther~ was a col- see. .. g l' 0 UP of fresbmen than I child~en a~d";f~eUnr;;~\I:; invi:~ th!n C~!d~;li~~,t~t:~~~~~::et~! we~:r~~~c~~~smwt~~ i:'aoJk~~~~ ~;~:,~.mS;~ak~re:~:~~~s!~~~~~~ of ~~~~~~Ig~z:~~l;:~~~~:ia~a~;: usual. ;0 =:~t~l~n~fCDaniCI Lounge for administration for student reg- selected on the basis of their M~~p?wer Development. and ,--------, istration, records and grade re- ability to from the pro- ~1~~;'ln~ ~e~ter'hthe BaltJmore Woodrow Wilson Feliow- "La Dolce Vita" Initiates Movie Series U ~~~~i~~~~~~~:;i~~~0~1s: a :: a~~ ~~I~e~totr.PI~~~~~m a G'pr~~~~~ of P~CblicC\~,oels;a;e~~~~a~~~l;:~ :ii;~t~: ~:~~e~~sde~~o~~ll:~~ c ~~I~~;~se~a:Yb:~~~~ljr;;gU~~:£,~:~~nce:~~~;:~t: pr~~~:~~o~.~:~s~ ~~~~~~~~; !:~c~~~~ toF:~~!~;:~v:~v~~~~ Sponsored by Dramatic Art Department years a basic IBM accounting race relations, interfaith ac- R' ~t~,ll]Shed t~USllles.soff CI~ll to spend a year in graduate ':La Dolce Vita" will be shownIwhi~h .was directed by Frederico system for registration and stu- tivities and socio-economic dif- \~gd s d was e. toPIC 0 / e study abroad. For informa- Fnday, September 23, at 7:30 Felhlll. The story is an anal~'sis dent grade reporting. ferences. tu:inn:sD~~ B~~~~~:gt~::~eni~a~ ~i~~onaa~o~~uat~de"s:.":nDd".oRt~ed' Lecture Hall. The of decay and tragedy in con- A new cou~'se, Introdu.ction to On Monday, August 22, the a youth panel discussed wl1at "" , ""'-'" , • mOVIeIS.t e first of a series of temporary life, and is told computer !5c"/~nce and Data P'/"Q_I \Vorkshop considered the impact young people expect in human ington, room 301, Memorial outstandlllg fil;'ls to be presented through the experiences of a ce 8 stng WIll I.ntrodllce students. of human relations on curricu- relations. Thursday, the discus- Hall. Since it takes time to by the dramatic art department. cynical, yet naive journalist. to the techmques of problem lum and instructional changes. ~ion was centered on "Police- prepare an effective applica_ O~e of the most tal~ed about The audience is invited to re- solvir;g and research in their re- Dr. Harry Bard, president of Negro Relations". The final tion, the process should be movies eve: produce?, It won the main after the showing for a spectJve field~ with the comput~r Baltimore Junior Coiiege, was workshop on Friday, August 26, started by the first of Oct- Cannes FIlm FestIval Award discussion of the film. Ticket as an a~alyslS tool. Students In the lecturer; and a discussion investigated how individuals can ober. Completed applications and the. New York Film Critics sales will begin Tuesday, Sept- the socl.ology depa~tment ha,:,e was presented between Mr. work with the legislative to are due at varying dates, ;\wa:d m1961..Mareello 1\[astro- ember 21)in the Alumni Hall Box been USlllg the baSIC system m Frank Fnirbank, supervisor of bring about favorabll;l action. some as early as November 1. ~~~n;ta~~~gAr~i~~i~.~::r:iC::~~ ~~~e~e~~:. price of admission is
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