Page 1 - TheGoldBug1963-64
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Lior!:!!"'y" THE GO'll)" BUG Prospectus September 25, 1963 . WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND Dr.,,!i/~er Views Negro Students Arrive On Campus (fIT/sf/on Sex Student Raphael Mayamona of leadership as well as Psych%gico//y Are' RaPL~:P~:d~fl~yaj:O~~le' campus: A ~c~~~:~e~~ ri~Ug~~: i of the Congo. i high school, he was the presi- America dent of the Science club and the also the Photography club; vice- the History and and affiliated Council, Math, A Junior Reflects by Gtmdni Two s!titcases and one foot locke)" Up three flights to the earner room; Phew! Only two 1JWTe tri~; then, Start to work with. polish. and broom. RfJg~tration, new [acee, name tags; Whtch. way to the Dining Hall? An assembly after dinner, mixers; Upperclassmen eye doU. we joel ti~ th1'ough [acee, Remembonng oureetoee just a 1ninute ago. Could we have beon that jresh, eager, Uncertain? So sad to grow. 80's Arrows The Root of AllGood A remarkable event has tran- dent organizations. spired recently at this school; The implications remarkable both in its portent "power of the for future generations of 'West- should be ern Maryland students and in class dues can the opportunity which it pre- eliminated, the sents to the current crop of students want can be realized, Western Marylanders. Although and the foundation for a strong ~le::~ ~~~ai~s r:fmai:iS t~eabr~ ~~~ :;t\:~d s~~~e~~eg~~~~~:~~~I?',,,,oo~otio",,d_ Western Maryland students, crease in enrollment. If the a through their- representatives SGA proves able to handle this alent in in the Student Government As- responsibility, the administra- sociation, will acquire parJ;ial tion may eventually control over the $40.00 activi- complete control of the ties ~ee. paid by each student. ties fee by the students (many 'fbia IS not the place to pre- student governments in this obtained from sent the exact breakdown of the area already have this control). ington of the activities fee money; the stu- A debt of gratitude is owed ment, our Fulbright dent can find out where his by the entire student body to campus. The deadline money goes if he is interested Dr. David, Dr. Ensor, Mr. npplieations through enough. The proposed process, Schaeffer, Nancy Miller, and ington is October 31, however, can be generally cut- especially to Earl Armiger for applications, in the lined. The SGA president and engineering the accomplish- must be completed by viee-president will help allocate ment. The administration is ber 1, at latest. ~~~ti~~ti~~ ~i~v~i~~ ::n~~ :n f;~~n~pu~ot~~: 0!t~~:~~~i~ddnt~~ ================== ~i~~ib~~dnc~oCt:m~!~~~ustost~ ~¥t~ ~~.prove what c~o b~1~~;: House Iepp Recognizes Diverse Opinions Toward Religion "Non-sectarian does not mean Christianity to the rest of the non-Christian, but neither does intellectual arena. He is plan- required chapel mean required ning to schedule "Skeptics religion." Hours," faculty-student die- Reverend Ira G. Zepp, new logues in which religion would Dean of the Chapel, feels that be subjected to the intellectual it is important to have exposure disciplines of the other to the Judea-Christian tradi- of learning. These tion, which is bound up with would be. part of a bi-monthly Western culture. "To reject fireside program following the that is to reject part of our chapel service. heritage." Enthusiasm for his job is Charged with full 'responai- also evident in Rev. Zepp's Dean Helen Howery takes to the air in the shovel of a bull- bility for chapel service and re- plans for prayer-study groups dozer in order to re-enter her newly moved home. ligious activities, as well as for depth in religious growth, providing religious counsel to and weekly communion open to Suddenly the; hous6 began to Books, china, and pictures students and teaching one class everyone. like a ship bucking a remained in position during the each semester, the Western And chapel itself? He has al- Its 80/e inhabitant dili- move, even th?ug~ the house ~~~:f:;ndfooat~~tU~la~:;)d ~:~ ~:~~!r~i~;s~el~ ~e:~ic~o~~~~~~ of :~~ec:su~~~;n~~s J:u~~:~'ac~~~ made extensive plans to broad- self will present. "I'm going the fixtures. soup bowl which felJ from a en and deepen the presentation publish the list speakers, from a Jack Lon- cabinet. All the furniture stayed of religion on campus. that those the story, this was, intact and in place. Rev. Zepp feels that students be mine! scene on August 8 on The actual move was super- can be divided roughly into .sent various as workmen moved the vised by four PhD's, who three types; those who are cept that I couldn't get a Dr. Helen Howery, watched silently, and the administration ~~di~;!e~r~~g~~d;~~O~~::o :~~ ~~lih~!i~::~!!tt~~~;:e~~~ever,,, c~!:~~~ti!~ ~~l~~ :~~~ De_:n'sb~l~~i::ergra;:V~~e;lass. '-N-ot-, -,-o-,-w-'-,,-,-o-o--th-" I::o,~ couldn't eare less. He sees his he promised. Lewis Hall. only means of entrance bookbags;> The charming duties toward each as different. The evening service will re- for the trip be- the house for the Dean line-up was created by Betty Believing that the main thing main essentially the same as in 5, as hydraulic was still on jacks. Until Jacobus Blackburn ('63) in that sets the college student the past, but "some beams lifted the ment was dug, the response to a contest spon- apart is that he is engaged in may notice that I'm . calculations mained in the air, sored by the bookstore. The ~~~~~ft'~~tCe~~uJ:!:s~ Vr~r; intellectual endeavor, the per- church than most. trimming of Howery lived like :~:~;le wi~~i~~:!~S ~~hib;!~mi~ BU(tC:n~:~u~~P~nd;:~~b;) his ~~:::a!l~~~b~h!r~:li~:.rounding :~~h~~{ye!e;;~~i:ranO: many can you spot?