Page 3 - TheGoldBug1960-61
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The Gold Bug, Sept. 27, 1960 3 I A Call In Time Honors ToMan Behind The Scene Foreign Grants Dr. Charles Crain ResumesDuties Avoids Decline For His Artistic Contributions Are Available Following Year's Study In England by Marsha, Bendermeger by Jay Whaley Only two months remain to Western Mar-yland is happy the athletic events of rugby, apply for some 800 Fulbright to welcome back Dr. Charles E.. As autumn wends its gol~en My roo~y is reading this for ingness to work and ability with scholarships for graduate study Crain, Associate Professor of around England on way_o'er the sun-drenched hills the first time; and even now he a sketch pad. Sharing In the or research in 30 countries the Religion and Director of Re- bicycles became a favorite pas- of dear old Western Maryland, do~sn't kl_1owthat this ar~icle is profits is its sister publication Institute of Interna tional Edu- ligious Activities from a sab- time Af -the entire family. An the attention of some 380 eager being wr~tt:n to hon.or him for the :4-loha. Ch~rley has been cation reminds prospective ap- batical leave of absence during interesting sidelight was their young men naturally turns to his unstmtmg se:vlce to t~e appointed art editor ~n t~e 1961 plicants. journey to London to attend the some 380 equally eager mem- school. The subject of thia yearbook staff, and If his R e c i p ie n t s of Fulbright wedding of Princess Margaret. bel'S of the opposite sex. It piece, if you don't already know, work is any indication of awards for study in Europe, At the end of the summer they must be the infectuously crisp is Charley Relaenweber , a guy future, the '61 edition of Latin America, and the Asia- supplemented their stay with a air which brings out that sev- who never says no. No matter Aloha. should rank among the Pacific area will receive tuition, trip to the Continent and visited age beast quality in the Ameri- what the job, if it is vaguely finest ever produced by a WMC maintenance, and round-trip France, Switzerland, and Oer- can college male, forcing him to connected with art, Charley will senior class. travel. IACC scholarships cov- summon enough nerve to finally lend a helping hand-til 3 or 4 This is being written primar- er transportation, tuition, and ask out the young lady of his in the morning if necessary. ily to honor Charley for his ar- partial maintenance costs. lIE choice. Poster art has reached a high- tistic service to the school, administers both of these stu- Social Science But, alas, she already has a er- plateau since Charley first de- it seems he has invented and dent programs for the U. S. date and he simply cannot fath- voted his time and his talent to cornered the market on a 48- Department of State. Honor Society om why! After all, he called advertising the numerous and hour day, judging by his inter- her on Saturday at five o'clock varied events that fill our school est in other activities. Four General Requirements to make a date for seven-thirty year. Examples of his keen wit Charley is now entering General eligibility require- States Purpose -that's plenty of time! At and sure hand can be seen second season as a tackle on for both categories of ~east according ~o his standards, throughout the Terror gridiron squad and are: 1) U. S. citizenship Maryland Beta Chapter of It's plenty of time; but to the But poster-making IS only one instrumental in starting a of application; 2) a Pi Gamma Mu, The National gentle sex at WMC, it's hardly of the artistic fields in which crosse movement on campus. degree or its equiva- Social Science Honor Society, was inaugurated on the Hill dur- re~~~~a~~~'t our men be normal, ~~~~:~a:~c;~:r'sT;:~~o;:~~nf:; t' In addd\tion .Char::; iS an ; o~)t~:o~:~~d~~u~~ ing the past year. Its purpose, j like those at other schools and Prom may have had a quick ~~~t~;ya te m:;:n rdo. f good health. as stated by the pamphlet, is "to just ask a girl out when it peek at his decorative ability. Itl P a .ra I'll! t~ an IS capacity for inde, improve scholarship in the so- strikes his fancy, instead of let- School publications have also ;n y S~~~I~~on th e and a good aca- cial studies and ... to inspire ting her dangle until date-time benefited greatly from Charley's 01' pu ~ClZmg e are also expected. social service to humanity by an is fast approaching? talent. Upon turning to the sponsore given to applicant .. intelligent approach to the solu- Are these so-called men at sports page of this paper, you A guy that is under 35 years of age who have tion of social problems." Eco- WMC merely shrinking violets can see an example of his con- ing (sometimes at not previously lived 01' studied nomics, history, political science, who hide behind their fraternity tributions---contrihutions which ever ready to lend a helping abroad. and sociology are these social pins and letter sweaters until he has been making faithfully hand-a guy I'm proud to call Applicants wil! be required to they can muster up enough since mid-semeste; of last yea.r. my friend, Charles B. Reis~n- submit a plan of proposed study courage to call a girl for a date The GOLDBUGIS not alone m weber-roommate excraoardtn- that can be carried out profit. two hours before the appointed reaping the results of his will- al re, ably within the year abroad. time? To what tragic fate is Successful candidates are re- our dating pattern doomed? _ qui red to be affiliated with S~~ t~r~:~e ~!\i;feff~:~~; U. S. National Student Association Elects rer:;:i~g i:~~!~~i.ons of ~0"i:"::;;;:;'~~;"::d,;:o:l~~:':~William Sitter To Head Mason·Dixon Region ~;:k\~flr:.m~~,:a~e~ie[fYt~~~ s~~:~I~a~~~~:~i~~Ud~~et~~i;~~~;n~ej~hfr~~:~t~ ~a:ti~~eal university ~hould co~sult i Theo- time you can graduate to askmg ation Conference at the Univer- dent Congress. Completely stu- c,:mpus Fulbfl~ht advI~er, under the DIVInIty Faculty Ht; dore M Whitfield, Professor her no later than the 4th. ~~~ O~it~i;n!:osta~l~~~~summer, ~:~;e~~;int~~e t~~~:~t~Ot~tsv:~ ~~~;~c~~~s~or ~~:::;~~~nwrite ~:~~a:a~e:~~~~:~i~.' ~~a;~r:' Hurt, and Dr. Jamcs Mademoiselle . to ~:~h ~~n;t;~:; ~~gth;i~~~~~~~~;~t~~d ~o~~::!~ ~~~~es~!n~.IS;::::~:~io~as the Sponsors College of na~ro~alvo:~~ i~~ ~~:~:~~k~;u~~~~n21~ ~.:!t.~~~~ ~o~~a~ii~C~~~~~!;. ~he Board C ontest Civil Rights and Human ~~e!~ any of lIE's regIOnal of- ni~\i~a~~ ~i!am~IY ,,,,,mp"·I,"emhe,, importance. i\fademoiaelle magazine an- tive Commission and lations, Student nounces that its 1960-61 College Directors to the NSA. tutional Board Contest is now open to "A 'Vorld in Transition: change and women undergraduate:; under and Educational CALENDAR -Bartlett 's ;::~::;~~\n~~~re~f~da:~~cr~~~ QQ. ~~~e: f~~es:f the Saturday~Oct. l-{F) Penn Society Plans Program . d 11 •• 11 uotation broken down into Military College (away) As their program, Pi Gamma ~~e ~:nt~~~ ;~er~u~o~h:~c:g:t. UIZ helping to cover a t??ic Tuesday-Oct. 4-(S) Mt. St. Mu will sponsor various speak- .winning one of twenty Guest . thoroughly and to faCIlitate Mary's (away) ers, open forums, and debates. Editorships-a .month on the ha~:I~ead'11s:::hr~~~~d ~~rnasg~~ islative action. ISMS dO~aht_~~~~~~O~;\~y\~) Rt;; ~ah: ~::r~~~:en~~thaeteS~~i::.ri- staff of Made'IMtselle. . say about educ~tion and s[udy. Western Maryland ca~ benefit Drexel (home) On October 27 installation of To tryout for membe~shlp on Below are listed 11 quotations f;om NSA by req~:stmg Na- Socialism-if you havc two Tuesday _ Oct. 11 _ (S) officers and me~bers will take ~;:it~0!le!~ti~~S~d'(1~2cfor~v:~~ ~l\ ~a~!~g to do ~th t~:n ayc:~ ~I~~,a~:~~~~~~~~;:I~;~es,c:~d ~;~ia~;ekeoe~et~~ !~~ergOVern. W~S~~ngtonoC:ll;f e (h~~e~ e place Dr Henry W Splegle, H ~~ ~o::;r:~tt~:s~:it;;t:ia~eC;:~~ c~~~~tllye. iden~;~y?,an;ev~n out ~ronaatlte~~~~!r~:~~na~haen~e!te~ Communi~m-if you h~ve two U.lh~~n~YPia~ist Mumnt HO:n ~i~~n~~I~~ ~fan;':;a A]',~~~~~~~IR:~ \ ~~~: ~~ed~~~~;e~no~o~!~ o;a:;~~ ::ate:;i:~~ .s~~dcZr~~~ea~~lyo~~::: ~:f!oni~1 ~:t~~~m~~ ';~~se';. ~~:~e~~ua~~v~.h~~e:i~f ;~:e g;ov~ 8'~:t~~day _ Oct. 15 _ (F,) guest speaker at that occasion. You will be notified by January ~::,~ ~~~s;hi~~~e ~o~~s!: li~~~ a~d Bill hope~ WMC students sO;:c7!~::i;nllk~u have two ~:;PdCn-Sydney (home) Dad s Vocational Guidance ~:~6;~c; your tryout has harder. ~~~r:!te~~ t~~~h~:~!:~~nc:~:~ cows, keep the~, give all the Tuesday-Oct. 18-(S) F&M se~~: of ~~~~~~;~ is~~~f;~;; .Each Colleg~ Board mem~'i!r p~~tt;h~elll:~~~e~n:r~n s~:: NSA as he. ~~: ~~e~h~ilfvs~~~e;li~tl:n~a!~ (h~~t~rdflY_Oct. ) Ju- to assist students who are Ull- ;::~Q~e~~~a;~~~~:n:f f~~s::~ ~~::~u~~~: :j:veea~~nS~~d~~~\~~ to you: (~:~e)(away); (S) ~:~~~~n:~ ~:}:C:i~~~~ti~a~e:i:~ ments to choose from will ap- young NaZism-If you ha:e two Tuesday-Oct. 25-(S) Loy- of tests and intervicws can help ~e:;a~~n~~e~ah:~:r~i:~:~ao~:;i~ S;~dyNO~~h!~bet;a~tar~s ~a~~!~~ COZY COLE ~~:,\~~e ~~~~~~~~ee~~ew~~~7~~00tOI;~~~~:~_Oct. 27-(S) Ly- ~~h~I~:i~: i~~~r~~~~~~~a~~~~e~~: ety of s~lectl~ns, so a girl Will izes character and permits it not Capitalism-If you have two coming (away) service should consult Dr. Rid- HOMECOMING ~~it:b~~r t~nte~:~t~ne that best t~. beOC;U~aking many books co~~\:el~~~~{S;'~I~UYy:u bU~~ve ti~~~iUl'!~rk~~~'r~9C(:/1 eNga~~:~to~'es~~~~s~~orr~~ ~~~da~~~ College Board members who there is no end; and much study- ~wo cows, kill one, milk the oth- (away) morial Hall. =:"':"':"':"':"':"':"':"':"':"':"':"':="':"':"':~ ~~m~h~utt:y~~~ga~~e!~;i;:;~~~ i~~ i~~u~~~~~~~s;e~:ti~~es~:s~~ SATURDAY, NOV. 5 e\:::h!~~So:~~a;o~h~a:!I~:vo win a salaried month (June) in the strongest tie. cows, definc, and tell why. ,- New York as Guest Editors on 5. For the student there is, in SEMI·FORMAL the staff of Mademoiaclle. Guest its season, no better place than Editors will be featured in the the saddle, and no better com- NON-CORSAGE DON RABUSH Notice to All Students: August issue and will represent panion than the rifle or the oar. Campus Agent the college girl in editorial 6. Order and simplification for the Do you want a Collcge Ring in time for Christmas! meetings held to plan articles are the first steps toward the $5.00 mastery of a subject-the actual and fashions for forthcoming e~~m~~s :~:fi~n~;O~::n'where ~=======~ Modern G. I. Laundry Cut·off order date Thursday, October 201h iSS~::e:~hre ~a~:z~~:. deadline is and Cleaners for submitting the tryout :lS- no pleasure ta'en; 223 E. Green St., and ~~~~;:~:ionF~ri;~or~ d~~fli~:~ you !~stb:i~~~t~ir, study what Heagy's Sport Shop flhoppln. Cant.r _ Ca.h .. Carl')' THE BOOKSTORE WINSLOW STUDENT CENTER Board Contest, MademQiaelle, 8. Real education must ulti- 16 W. Main Tilden 8·6670 575 Madison Avenue, New York mately be limited to men TIlden 8·5515 All Laundry and Dry 22, requesting the Contest Rules insist on knowi~g, the A Complete Sports Line Cleaning Work Guaranteed Soap and education are 1-========~.'::::========I11 Book. mere sheep-herdmg. 9. as sudden as a massacre, but 1- Rat Court Announces they are more deadly in the The folks at Quality Cleaners wish to wel- Welcome to Incoming Freshmen Freshmen Schedu1e i~~g f~i'sh that some one and returning Upperclassmen! ! 1 come all the students at Western Marvland Col- The sophomoro class wishes give a course in how to i . lege. Whate·ver your Cleaning, Laundry, Tailor- to announce that all freshmen can't be taught in the WHAT'S NEW IN THE BOOKSTORE? are required to attend the an- that's perfectly obvious, ing needs may be. all at Quality a1'e ooger to serve nual freshmen Rat Court. Ses- lege professors don't know • Many new and challenging Books you and a1'e as nea?' as a telephone. sions of the court will be held better than the rest of us. in Alumni Hall on September 11. If I were founding a • New glassware with W.i\f.C_ seal (fine gifts!) • New lamps, prints, desk and room accessories. ~!~';i~io~ndofO~~~~n~~d~:;;~ ;:~~;~g Ir;;~I~h::und Ron Cronise. The court is set a little more money' • Full line or paper napkins for your entertaining Quality Cleaners up for the purpose of hearing would found a dormitory; . • Far too many things 10 list here! and judging fairly all violations after that, ... a decent reading Come see for yourseIr! TI 8·8050 of the 1960 Rat Rules. room and a library. After that, Freshmen are reminded that if J still had more money that THE BOOKSTORE 1 South Center St. the Rat Court is a part of the I couldn't use, I would hire a welcoming tradition to the Hill professor and get some text- 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. WINSLOW STUDENT CENTER and is to be taken in the spirit books. Page 2, Column 3 IL _J L- -,- -' of good fun. ANSWERS
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