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Hall Message And To Parrish Freshmen Page 3 Page 2 Vol. 34, No.1 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. September 28, 1956 673 Enroll As West. 'Maryland Military Awards Ten New Members Added Commences 90th Academic Year Top ROTC Post To West. Maryland Facultu aCC01~~~gt~a~ge~:e~ll~~~~tf;rr:l~~S:~atl~~C th:a~e!r:t~:;'si~~1:'To Bob But 1er Ten members have joined the Western Maryland faculty and Of this total, 224 are new students with 110 of these men, and Itl4 Robert Butler has beenappointedas administrative staff. They are Mr. Richard Allen Clower, Dr. women. One foreign student has registered. He is Amin-jurf, from the Cadet Battalion Commander of Agatino John Giunta, Dr. Leonard E. Griswald, Mr. Donald R. Wer~~~oa~~e~d:dt~~i;~r,~~~~e~~~als~~~g?eo~~e;;~nt::~hi~~~vania. the ROTC unit here at Western ~il:e~!V. ~~~~k,AJ~re~tt ii.a~~e:~crst·E~o~o~~~~~nJ~: :is~n~~t ~r:!11~ Johanna Faigenberg, '59, has had to return to her home in ::~y!~n~e:eOI~~~z~~~:~:~i~!a:x~~~~ and Miss Ruth Weer. Tel-Aviv, Israel to serve in the Armed tive Officer; Denny Harmon, SI; and Mr. Clower will replace Mr. Bruce Ferguson, and will be As- ~o~;=~et~:r~i ~~~t~~r/:~e~~r:;~~~~ Foreign Students i~~o~ ~o:~:!\:I~ILt~i~o~::~. in th: sietant Professor of Physical Educ~tiW~st~~ \~:aSry~a~~5~0r;~;~u:~~ College, Fort Live On Campus, Noteworthy Campus ~~o~t~~T:~a:hristian High Seholarship ~~~~~~e:eldhisCo~:;!~r\f~:!:~~U::~~ a e Freshmen arrived on campus Observe Classes Butler has been actively enrolled I rriprovements Md' 1956 Wednesday, September 19. Orienta- \ in the ROTC at Western Maryland m Dr. Giunta, Assistant Professor of hCo,.~llef:e,ohfm".nt,h"npP.h·n'tmnf~eU,'.nyed"J'U~iIn~In Summer Months tion activities, included placement Ten foreign students under the Economics, obtained his masters and tests, mixers sp'onsored by the F AC, auspices of the Experiment in Inter- "L " " doctors degrees from Syracuse UTJi- campus tours and meetings. ~;:~::!~Ii:!;fan~e~:llt::e ~~i:st:u;~ ~:~~t~s~~a~t:0~1~~:dm~7i~~~~~~ssl~~; There have been several major re- ~~~~:~/n ol'~~~n~re ;:~Ol:::~~d :~~ ea~~o~ho :~;:r~:~sb::~ of rt~~r;:~ _mer. The group, under the sponsorship which an award has been given each f:~~s I~:v~rt:~oe:at~:~e O!hi: e s~~r:e~~ the Research Assistantship while at were: Seniors, Lee Bowen, Stanley ~;e~r~~~~~~~n!a~;r~:;i~~:~:~~ee:~ ~~:\I~~a:;r~~ll a~ef;-cl:~~r~~~in~~ Six ne\}'tennis courts arc being built; ~:sr~:::~ll~e will replace Miss Fran- ~:~t~;hnR~:~l;~~:a~:e;\]:na:{:. of the faculty, and visited local points ~:~t~;t~:sHt::orC;~::OO~al~:; y~::~ ! ~:i~hh:a::! ~~~:t~:~ ~::~i~;~~o~~~ Dr. Griswald obtained his doctors ~ii~~~~::~E::n~:t!~:::~::L{~:~ ;:i;~~';~i;,;"P"8:~,.;~:,pt;:~: :,t56~h~U~;;"~'~~;:i~n::;~:~ :~;: ~::p:,~: ,~~~~:~; :~: ':~~'fi'~~'!~~~~i:::~~:~:;~~~:'~e;::~~:~'~ Jarrell, Janet Perkins, Ann Gettings, Drouin, Jacqueline Bourgeois, Anne tinguished Military Student and. also golf course have been improved; an instructor in the United States Air Patricia Richter, Ruth Ridinger, Mary ~:,:i~::dess:::nB~~::~~ H~:~,an;ae:i ~~~;~d p::s:nt!~lt:o~~e :u:~~a~~~' ~~:~:~i~/o~~~a~~v~c~:~~b~:::ri~;sr:oe;~ ~~rc~ilis~~h~~~~~~!n,:a;~~~:s~~:o:~ ;~~e it~~::~~'~~:;al~H~~~::,erSo~:~ ~~~~em::r~e'int:;~~'~~~u~: ,!!el~~:t ~i~nn~~~gt~:d::_:~ ::r~~~~~n!a~!:; ~:v~c~::i!tu~!~~ed in the basement Sociology. more members are: Martha Anstedt, With Gladys", and visited the local designated as a DMS, he was enabled Work is progressing on the six all- m:!~: isn~:n:l~i~~n~e:.r~;~~o~n~~ Carmela De Flora, Joanne Filbey, radio st~tion, WTTR. A tour of the to apply for a Regular Army Com- weather tennis courts. They have been Ann Hisley, Nancy Jones, Ann Kin- Gettysburg battlefield was arranged mission which can be conferred upon graded, and will be covered with a over, Massachusetts. He is a candi- ney, Carol Pettersen, Ellen Richmond, by the director, Dr. Walter Colcman, outstanding cadets at graduation from green bituminous coating. The course date for the Ph.D. in Musicology at Pat Shaeffer I, Marianne Shears, followed by a reception by the Gettys- college if the cadet meets many rigid will be surrounded by a steel fence. Boston University Graduate School. Katherine Bond, Pat Cooper, Betty burg Kiwanis Club. The most inter- requirements. Work on the fence was delayed by the Mr. Key replaces Miss Lindborg. Edington, Marlene McGraw, Virginia esting single occurrence to the group Born In Dublin recent steel strike. There is no dead- Taking the place of Dr. Isanogle Pott, Joan Robinson, Joanne Trabuc- was a tour of an American depart- Butler was born in Dublin, Mary- line for the construction, but the while she is on leave of absence to c'o, Margaret Van Dyke, Marjorie ment store. M». Marcus Bernstein, land, 22 years ago. Shortly after his courts will be ready in the Spring. Beirut is Mr. Allen Walker. He is a candidate for a Ph.D. Degree at the Woodward, William Achenbach, Sam- manager of Hutzler's department birth, his family moved to nearby Pipes for the new heating system uel Cook, Donald Dewey, David Ed- store in· Towson, conducted the stu- Frederick. He took all his secondary start at a point below the library and University of Texas. / ington, RObert Fothergill, Kenneth dents around this store, and answered schooling in the public schools of run up to Le,vis Hall. This serves Col. Bennett, who arrived on cam- Giddes, Allen Gilmore, Stanley How- their questions. They were especially Frederick. He was enrolled in the Alumni Hall, the Library, McDaniel pus in April, is Professor of_Military ell, Lawrence Hyatt, Manfred Joeres, interested in the modern houseliold General Business course in high Hall, Lewis Hall, and the new Chapel. Science and Tactics. The assistant professors are Major Clark and First !:u;;d~::d J~~:~~:sD::::I~~!;~ a~liances. The group also toured :~no;;d"B~:~r al~a~is~~;;. ~e '~!;~~~~~~:e o;:s~iI:~ ;~r 1~~~~~~ti~;o::~t~: Lt. Howard. Allen Spicer, George Summers, and !~l.timore, Annapolis, and Washing- pated in track, basketball, baseball, adequate for present faciJjtics. The The two new nurses are Pat Small from George Thomas. Their social activities were rounded and football in high school. He was new pipes are insulated to last many and Ruth Weer. Pat graduated Balti- Hospital in Union Memorial Other students returning early off by a picnic given by Mr. and Mrs. captain of the footbalJ and track more years, and will allow greater were: David Bailey, Beth Granger, Philip Uhrig, a visit to the home of teams in his senior year at Frederick pressure, with less steam loss, adding more. Ruth, from Drexel Hill, Penn- Albert Dawkins, Violet Fonncr, Jack Dr, and Mrs. Rembrant Summers, High School. Under his leadership, up to a long-range saving for the col- sylvania, graduated from Pennsyl- Fossett, Jeanne Goode, Carlos Gos- and a farewell party given by Dr. his high school football team won 10 lege. Construction of the new heat- vania Hospital in Philadelphia. Both nell, Larry Hall, Florence Mehl, Wray and Mrs. Bailer. out of 10 games played in 1953. But- ing system started early in August, are classified as freshmen and are working on an A.B. degree, Mowbray, William Muhlenfeld, Jo- Following their visit at Western ler's name appeared on the All-State and is now complete. anne Parrish, Peggy Pate, Ronald Maryland, the students left for Wa- Football Honorable Mention List for There were originally two water Strauss, Nancy Willis, Stanley Green- terbury, Connecticut, whe~..ethey will 1953. His name was also known lines serving the campus. It was berg, Ni~k Spinnato, Donald D'An- each spend a month with an American around Frederick High School as vice- found that the new chapel would rest Fulbrights gelo, and Abdulf\Ziz. Futaiti. Also family. president of his class in his junior di'rectly on top of one. This line has among the early-comers were mem- Dr. interested in facilitat-. year and treasurer of the school's been cut off and now' terminates he- Announced bers of the Choh·. ing the inter-exchange of students, chapter of the National Honorary hind Dcan David's home. To compen- and is trying to interest various Society in his sei'lior year. Butler was sate for the loss of water then to the BY DR. WILLIAM RIDINGTON Opportunities for more than seven Dr. Isanogle Named groups in sending a Western Mary- a very active fellow in school affairs seminary, the water line serving hundl'ed Americans to undertake land ~tudent as part of the Experi- as well as sports events during his Blanche Ward and vicinity was made graduate study or research abroad To Teach At Beirut ment. Experiment in International high school career. into a double system and serves the during the 1957-58 academic year The Football Playar seminary. A fire plug was installed on have been announced by the Depart- Dr. Isabel Isanogle, Associate Pro- Living, founded in 1932 at Putney, Butler chose Western Maryland this line. This is now a six-inch line ment of State. These awards are un- fessor of Biology, has received a one Vermont, is a plan to promote inter- ....College as the school to further his with one meter, giving the college a der the Fulbright program and the year leave of absence from \Vestern national understanding at the person- studies because the football opening cheaper rate because more volume of Buenos Aires Convention program. Maryland to teach at the Ame;ican al level. The students pay part of here interested him. Upon entering as water passes through the single meter. The most recent Western Maryland University _in Beirut, Lebanon. She their expenses. This year four hun- a freshman, he was awarded a four- It also insures better fire protection. graduate to receive a Fulbright award will serve in the Botany Department dred foreign students visited the year football scholarship. An econom- Installation of the electric football is George Albert Gipe, '56, who is and ,vill conduct classes in botany, 1!nited States under this plan, and ics major, he plans to enter the field score-board is complete. It is a gift studying English Literature at the physiology, and taxonomy. seven hundred American students of law or business. from the classes of 1956 and 1957, It University of Glasgow. visited seventeen foreign countries. has two sets of controls and the tim- Active On Campus Dr. Isan