Page 7 - TheGoldBug1942-43
P. 7
The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Wutmioster, Md., October 15, 1942 PAGB THRBe The Morning After • - B" G S F A Gettysburg Game Will Go Down Ig r~en et or nnual Mountie Fray In Terror R'ecords As 10-7 Win Following 7-0 Win Over Boston Terriers Terrors Hope To Gain Art O'Keeffe Tallies Lone By John Robinson, Sports Editor Third Straisht Victory Marker In Bo.ton Game For records in the future, the Battle of Gettysburg, 1942 style, will go down in Western Maryland's publicity department as a 10 to 7 Terror win By Scoop Wolfsheimer ball, reversed to Chuck Godwin, who and not a 20-10 "steal" as was the case in papers throughout the East two in turn slipped the pigskin to O'Keeffe, Sundays ago. Coach Roy Byham will send his who raced for the touchdown. The Following the pictures of the play which robbed the Terror footballers once beaten Green Terrors against entire Boston team was faked out of of a 10 to 7 victory, the Gold Bug, the Aloha, and the sports publicity depart- Mount S1. Mary's, Saturday, at 2:30 position and there was little block- ment of this college stick together in reversing the 20 to 10 score of the P. M. on Hoffa Field, this game serv- ing required on the play. Kaplan ad- game at Gettysburg and it will go into our records, at least, a 10 to 7 victory. ing as homecoming for the alumni, ded the point after' touchdown to give Coach Leroy Byham regarded the incident as very and the Terrors will be out to pre- the Terrors the game 7 to O. unfortunate and said he could think of the game in no serve the record of never having lost A week before at Gettysburg, other way than a win. "It was not a good play on Kap- a homecoming game. Green got off to a flying start the as lan's part and it was not Kaplan's interference on the For Mount St. Mary's it will be the O'Keeffe tallied a touchdown in the play that caused the Gettysburg end, Yovicsin, to drop last game of the season, since their the ball. He just missed the ball and that is all." schedule was cut from an attractive first period and Kaplan added the con- Yovicsin, admitted shortly after the play that it nine game affair to an abbreviated version. In the second quarter, Kaplan was not interference on Kaplan's part but that he just two game schedule because of various kicked a field goal to give the Mary- didn't catch the pass. It was too late to reverse the colleges giving up football for the landers a 10 to 0 lead. G-burg scored decision, thought J. C. Winters, linesman, and Gettysburg duration of the war. in the second period also but the gained a gift victory. .Mounts Tough score stood 10 to 7 until there were but two minutes to play in the game. Had the pass been ruled incomplete, as certainly was The Mount, however, will not be a Robinson shown by the pictures, the Terrors would have taken the soft touch for the Terrors, since the .Things Happen ball on their own 20 yard line with but two minutes Upstaters walloped the Salisbury Ser- Then things happened! Gettysburg remaining in the ballgame. A first down would have certainly sewed the vicemen 41 to 0 as Beefy Byrnes and had possession of the ball, fourth game up and even if Western Maryland had been forced to kick, Gettysburg's Gene Fuhrman led the offense with down on the Western Maryland 33 task would have then been a 100 to 1 shot, two touchdowns apiece. yard line. Hardy faded back to On the basis of the pictures, the feelings of all the players, and the Western Maryland will be without pass to Yovicsln in the end zone and sportsmanlike feeling of even Gettysburg .footballers, the Gold Bug takes the the eerviees of their regular tackles the ball bounced off his chest. J. C. first step in recognizing a 10 to 7 win over the Bullets. for the majority of this game, since winters, linesman, ruled interfer- So, when Mt. St. Mary's is met on Hoffa Field this Saturday, Western Joe I{ugler and Allan Cohen were in- ence on the play and presented Gettys- Maryland will be out f.or their third straight win following the latest upset ured in the game with Boston Uni- burg the ball, first down on the Green win over Boston 7 to O. versity and probably will not see one yard line. The game was gone It is the best looking outfit since 1938 and here's hoping they won't let much action in the game this week. then. No amount of arguing could down a host of homecomera. Captain Mike Phillips, after play- save it, although Winters needed po- ing II stellar game at Boston, will lead in particular who played good ball. lice protection in order to leave the the against Gamma Bets Open Touch Season his men into action Mike has been Jack Caccia at tackle and Bill Pen- field. of tbe game ning tou, at guard, played nearly the Mounts this Saturday. The moving pictures playing good ball all season and entire game and gave a good account show that the official erred on that With 26-0 Win Over Bachelors should repeat on the All Maryland of themselves. Effutive decision and the coaching the staff of team this year. players Maryland Western .Backfield and Gamma Beta Chi's improved touch football team, opened the e Ends Good The backfield was very effective as consider it a 10 to 7 victory for the fraternity pigskin race last week with an impressive 26 to 0 win In the opinion of many people who Art O'Keeffe averaged slightly oyer Green Terrors. over a weak but stubborn Bachelor eight. saw the contest last Saturday, the six yards per try and Manny Kap- Little time was lost by the vastly improved Gamma Bets and play of the Terror ends, Gus Gusges- lan's passing average went over the before the game was hardly a few minutes old a pass from Tommy ky and freshman Dick Koester, was .500 mark for the season as he con- The Probable Starting Lineups Lavin to Kenneth Yolk was good for a touchdown. Lavin quickly the best that the Green terminals nected on 4 out of 6 passes in the for Saturday at 2:30 P. M. added the extra point. Getting ex- have operated in many a year. first half. Tom Terry was bucking Western Md. Mt. St. Mary's cellent support from the entire team, Black and Whites was postponed due The spirit and fight of this club is well and for the season is still the McCarthy 28 the well conditioned back-field con- to the rain. almost unsurpassabJe and this alone leading ground gainer for the Green. SO Gusgesky R.E. Watts4S tinued to prove its mastery. Late in may prove to be the deciding factor Boston started the game like a 66 Piavis R.T. Blasco 32 69 G. Norman R.G. the first quarter, Lavin, on a well ex- in many a football game. house afire, but after getting two 50 Phillips(c) C. Clark 46 first downs in the opening minutes of Byham was well pleased with the ~C~~~t:,la~:ea~r~Of!:~~: ~~raan~~~~~ In This Corner work of the team and the substitutes play they stalled like a model T Ford. 62 Barrick L.G. McCue 23 was blocked. Dear Boss, The Terrors threatened on numer- 76 Caccia L.T. Coffey 44 The Bets continued their march to In reply to your letter concern- ous occasions, but their only touch- 87 Koester L.E. Skidmore 29 down came in the second period after 41 Kaplan Q.B. Ncyz 26 ~~~to:y~;:~e~r~~te ~:l~et:e~:~nqu::~ i~:e:,i~k!:~l~ 1;~:t:e:::;s t~:;n:t~~ they were stopped on the Boston two 11 Godwin R.H.B. Fuhrman 21 good for another marker. A pass ing would give me any more pleas- yard line. When the Terriers punted to 12 OKeeffe L.H. B. Fantry 41 from Lavin to Volk added another ure. Especially because of the the Western Maryland thirty-five 33 T. Terry F.B. Byrnes 25 point, making the score Bets, 19; fact that I ain't so good on books yard marker and Kaplan received the Bachelors, o. and that this gives me a little Lavin's offensive play, his running ~~m:~:in~r:nsdO a;:e~e:~~n~e t~:~; Women's Athletic Association Is and his passing made him the out- heads against the wall, I will take standing player on the field. Volk over this all-important task. Please also played a splendid game, catching don't think I am partial when I Busy Organizing For Big Year one touchdown pass and tossing an- don't pick the Terrors, but that Now that the school year has begun, the girls of Western ~~h~:~mE:hc:l~:~~r:u~:::~ :~~c~ecc~:~ Wi~~:; i;1 ~~:tm~~~~y~n off-hand Maryland College are once again busily engaged in Physical Edu- sisted of Harry Yingling, Bill Con- statement-we wus robbed at Get- cation. Almost any day you may find groups of girls out on the neley, Volk, Bob Mirise, Bob Moore, tysburg. So if eve,' th~t kind of field vigorously playing hockey, which is the sport to which most time is given just now. Great emphasis is put upon team sports :~:g~:vin~ri~~~, s~~~~:ies :~~iaa7ss~ ::;n~ i~vi~~lle1'llagsat~r/ ;;t :~:~:; for which all girls are eligible. In addition to such team games as played a good game are Bill Burgess, slow this week and just to make hockey, basketball, volleyball, and softball, the physical education Bob Baker, and Holbrook Siegel. things interesting I'll predict the department has provided facilities for such individual sports as The Bachelors played hard and at score. This will have no bearing archery, tennis, badminton, table tennis, hiking, and golf. At the all times tried to overcome the early on my record, however. present time there are 20 girls who are working to meet the state requirements for teaching Physical Education. lead of the opponents. The Blue team W. 1\1. C. 20 i\lt. St. M. 7 included Howard Hall, Walter Beane, Maryland. .... 14 V. M. 1..... 7 Here at Western Maryland Col- snow, sleigh-riding and skiing parties Willie Kerber, Guy Reeser, Dick "Nevy 0 Yale 0 lege, an organization known as the will be organized. Also hopes are up Wome'n's Association, Athletic has Shuck, Jack Buttner and Skeeter Delaware· 26 Gettysb'g .. 7 bcen formed with the purpose to pro- for the most favored of outdoor ,vin- Hauff. Coach Woody Preston today Bucknel1(Soccer) 3 W. M. C. 1 ter sports, ice-skating. _ expresscd his belief "that with more .. Super-special mote athletics to create a love of practice and experience, the Bache- Yours truly, Herm sports, and to foster the ideal of good lors will improve." sportsmanship. in the college Any woman student Using much deception and the is eligible for membership in this as- smart execution of plays, the A pass Delaware Scores Twice In Each sociation. The instructors in the De- Bets continued on their march. from Lavin to Williams, who either partment of Physical Education act threw or was on the receiving end o.f Half To Down Terror Boaters as advisors for the W. A. A. This every Gamm'a touchdown, was good organization is headed by an execu- is as fol- tive board whose personnel for another 6 pointer. The try A coupling together of two formidable powers, the University of Dela- lows: for the extra point was not good, ware .Soccer team and the Pennsylvania Railroad, brought the Green and Gold President, Dorothy Sowter, Hag- making the score Tead 26-0 in favor Booters a 4 to 2 loss at Newark last Saturday. of the Gamma Bets. erstown, Md.; Vice-president, Mary Louise Sehrt, Baltimore, Md.; Secre- StubboJ"ll defense was met by both An enthusiastic crowd of onlookers saw the Blue Hens score two goals to tar~', Marie Steele, Ocean View, Del- teams in the fourth quarter, and the Terrors' one in the first half and repeat the performance in the second to aware; Treasurer, Mary Jo Davis, team. trim a determined Western Maryland But soccer seemed only to be of neither team was able to score. The secondary interest to the local squad, as time and again their attention seemed Galt, Md.; Hiking Manager, Agnes Bachelors threatened in this period, to wander toward the railroad and locomotives which passed close by ·the field. Dyson, Ironsides, Md.; Hockey Man- but were held back by the fast charg- (It might have been the practical experience of Dr. Schempp's Transportation ager, Rutn Hausman, Baltimore, ing Gamma Bet line. course coming into play.) Md.; Basketball Manager, Jeanne Captain Lavin of the victorious Dieffenbach, Baltimore, Md.; Volley· Gamma Bets stated briefly that "to- Outstanding on the field fOI" the Wallace-coached aggregation was the ball Manager, Anna Rose Beasman, day's victory was only the start and veteran Tommy Price, who played a fine brand of defensive and offensive Sykesville, Md.; Softball Manager, I'm confident that we will end much ball. The play of Co-captains Bud Blair and Francis Cook also stood out, Ruth Ann Whitmore, Westminster, higlier than we did last year." The while the two scoring men for Western Maryland were also veterans, Mac Md.; Tennis, Virginia Crusias, New Gamma team ended in a tie for third Williams and Warren Cook. York, N. Y.; Archery, Katherine last year with,. the Black and Despite the opening game defeat, the soccer squad boasts a veteran, well- Waring, Chaptico, Md.; Golf, Peg Bart Norman-Tackle White team. balanced organization, which should rank high in league playas well as Thompson, Oxford, Pa.; Badminton, Delta Pi Alpha's defending against other opponents. On Saturday, the squad will truck to Lewisburg to Emily Billingslea, Westminster, Md. Norman, first string tackle last sea- champs, will seek to extend their 28 meet Bucknell in a non-league tussle. The boys will be out to win this one, This winter all are looking forward son, has been operated on, and will game win streak against the Bache- since they had an opponent victory taken away from them last year when the to more sports out-of-doors. If the be inacth-e for the remainder of the lors on Friday. Their game with the game finally ended iii a scoreless tie. weather man is kind enough to give