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::rof. L\1d.el'd1oe, W. M. C• • " '" '%" R. O. T. C. REVIEWS C;01 FRESHMAN WEEK AND PREVIEWS PROGRAM PAGE 4 PAGE 3 Z286 Vol. 18, No. WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. September 19, 1940 SevenFaculty Calendar ... Forty-ThreeGet Seventy-Fourth Session 'changes F6r Monday, Sept. 23 Placements In To Open With Freshman 10:00 A.M.- Registration of new students Week Program, Sept. 23 This Term Freshman Orientation pro- Education gram begins Friday, Sept. 27 Dr. Isanogle States Preshmen week ends Dr. Hildebran Appointed 10:00A.M.- of returning Graduates Teach Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf, Dean Of Faculty, Directs Sixteenth Orientation For The Registration Professor Of French students In Three States Largest Class In History Of College By Administration Saturday, Sept. 28 Fifty per cent of the 1940 educe- 8:10A.M.- With a capacity enrollment of approximately six hundred, Regular schedule of classes tion graduates have secured teaching Western Maryland College will open its seventy-fourth session on Faculty changes affecting six de- begins positions, according to an announce- partments of the college have been 8:00P.M.- ment by Dr. Alvey M. Isanoglc, Dean Monday, September 23, as the sixteenth annual orientation prog- announced by President Fred G. Hol- Informal dance sponsored by of the School of Education. ram is presented to approximately one hundred seventy freshmen. Before the upperclassmen return to the Hill, the administ~a- loway to be effective for the coming men's student government, Of the twenty-eight men gradu- tion, the faculty, the Student Government and the Stude_nt Chris- school term. ated in this department, ten have Gill Gym tian Association will play hosts to the newcomers. Beginning' on Miss Kathryn B. Hildebran, Ph.D., Sunday, Sept. 29 been placed, and of the sixty-five wo- Monday and continuing until Friday, these groups, working under has accepted a position as head of Vesper Service, Alumni men graduated, thirty-three have re- the direction of Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf, will attempt to acquamt the the French department, succeeding Hall ceived teaching appointments. incoming students with the customs and traditions of the campus. Dr. Margaret T. Herring, who resign- Monday, Sept. 30 lIfen's Placements Monday will be devoted to getting ed to be married. Convocation, Alumni Hall The appointments are as follows: room assignments and registration, Quentin Ear- Smith, Bevard, Miss Jane Veasey, of Pocomoke Richard Ackley, Manchester; while Tuesday has been set aside as City, Maryland, has been added to the Charles Cole, Delaware; the day to meet a few of the campus holds a bache- Hans Kindler music department as an instructor in hart, Virginia; Homer Elseroad, Tow- leaders. In the morning, Dr. Little Mal- Carnochan To piano. Miss Veasey son: Webster Hood, Frederick: will conduct a service of worship, Music, Returns With lor of music degree from the New colm Kuilmar, Rockville; Marbury followed by a welcoming address by England Conservatory of C.C.C. camp: George Myers, Cumber- Take Fifth Year President Holloway. During the day a in Lintou, advisor educational where she graduated with honors. a psychological test will he given and B.S., Mary Orchestra In the commercial education depart- land: Edgar Rineheimer, Parmsylva- student activities will he discussed. ment Miss Edna Harley, nia; Joseph Weirman, Pennsylvania. Three graduate students in the ed- After dinner, the class of '44 will he Washington, M.A., Columbia, has ucation department have been select- introduced to the college songs and been temporarily appointed to com- For the fifth consecutive year the Other Posts ed to return to college this year to yells followed by a reception in Mc- .plete the work of Carlos C. Crawford National Symphony orchestra will Catherine Barker, Cumberland; continue their studies under the fifth- Daniel Hall Lounge. At this latter who resigned last spring to enter pri- give a concert on the college campus. Ethel Barnes, Salisbury; Katherine year plan. function the new class will be for- vate industry. The concert will be presented on ~~~n~1tpa~;in~e~:ot~;t~~:w~~'i:;~ Miss Carolyn Smith, who graduat- mally introduced to members of the Lawrence Samuel Reynolds, 1st March'7 in Alumni Hall to climax the ed in June with honors, will do special administration and the faculty. Lieut. Inf. Res., has been appointed winter concert and lecture ser-ies. attsvillej Jeane Cairnes, Sykesville; work in the English department. Ker- On Wednesday, the new students mit Beyard, a mathematics and chem- assistant Professor of M i fit a r y This orchestra, under the direction Winifred Coberly, Prince George's istry major, and John Carnochan, will meet with their faculty advisors Science and Tactics due to the en- of Dr. Hans Kindler, was not disband- County; Kathryn Cochrane, Delmar; public school major, will return to do and talk over their choice of courses -- 1arged defense program. ed as thought. probable last spring but .!.J.;~r"'~·-Co..ffhm,l\f·.~,)'l8!'ltlPll~'k; Jean special work in their respective de- in relation to future vocstrcns. In Cox, Preston; Clara Jean Creager, The appointment of Dr. Richard has been reorganized by popular sub- Thurmont: Kathryn Fertig, Hurlock; partments. the afternoon, French, music, and annual Putnam Metcalf to fill the vacancy in scription. The are admitted concert, to Ruth Field, Oakland; Regina Fitz- Under the fifth year plan, outstand- reading tests will be given and the which students without the chemistry department caused by gerald, Baltimore County: Jane Gil- ing education students who possess third evening on the campus will be the resignation of Hugh L. Eldurdice, charge, always attracts hundreds of christ, Cumberland; Carolyn Gompf, the qualifications for being good spent at the Freshman Party. Jr., has been announced by the ad- outsiders. Baltimore County. teachers may return to the college The use of the library and enroll- ministration. Dr. Metcalf received To open the series, Professor Arlan after graduation to work in the edu- ment for courses will be the order of his Ph.D. from the, University of Chi- Coolidge, an eminent violinist, will Beulah Griffin, Great Mills; Betty cational field with all expenses paid. Thursday morning, and, after lunch, cago in 1939. present a series of lectures from No- Helm, Chevy Chase; Mary Hoffacker, The nrst semester's work consists recreation will be the keynote as dis- George's campus, While on the 4-6. vember County;; Prince Katherine As was announced last spring, Ed- Professor Coolidge, a popular lectur- Klier, Towson; Veronica Kompanek, "f observation and practice teaching cussions concerning athletics and win C. Mirise, RL.S., has been added er as well as concert violinist, will Westernport; Doris Mathias, Centre- at the Westminster High School; the physical education are conducted. to the staff of the Western Maryland give one or two recitals. ville; Norma Nicodemus, Brunswick second semester, the st1' 4 ent does ad- The Student Government and Stu- College Library. Continuing the series, the Curtis and Middletown; Eleanor Perry, vanced work in his major field. dent Christian Association are col- Replacing Dr. W. 1. Gilbert who re- String Quartette will give a program Flintstone; Sue Price, Frostburg; Of the five fifth-year students last laborating in the evening by present- signed to enter the field of industrial of chamber music on Friday, Novem- Edith Ritchie, Oldtown; Blanche year, three have accepted teaching ing an outdoor picnic supper at the chemistry, Dr. Jackson P. Sickels has ber 7. The quartette, composed of Scott, Havre de Grace; Jean Lynn positions: Carroll Cook, Baltimore campus pavillion. been appointed to instruct in the two violins, viola, and 'cello, is a well- Scott, Lonaconing; Lalia Scott, St. County; Elizabeth Harrison, Sykes- On Friday, the Dean of the Faculty chemistry department. known and popular concert group. Michaels; Ruth Wareheim, Laurel: ville; and LuMar Myers, Boonsboro. will address the new students and in Dean Samuel B: Schofield has an- On January 10, John Henry Coon, Emma Williams, Randallstown: Eva., Two of the three other students the afternoon medical examinations nounced that the house occupied until noted writer, traveler and photog- Zentz, Emmitsburg, and Ruth Zentz, who did graduate work last year are will be given. This activity marks this summer by Dr. William R. Mc'- rapher will lecture on his travels. Thurmont. placed: Lawrence Freeny, Salisbury, the end of freshman week and by Daniel will be used as the manage- Dr. Theodore Maynard, popular and Clara Bricker, Hyattsville. noon four hundred and thirty upper- ment house. by the Home Economics lecturer at the college last winter, Janet MacVean, '38, who has held classmen will begin to arrive, ready Department, and the house formerly will return at intervals throughout an English fellowship for the last two to resume classes on Saturday morn- used will be returned to its owner, the the year in another series of lectures Men's Glee Club years and who completed work for ing. seminary. on modern literary personalities. her A.M. in June, is teaching in Bal- (Continued on Page 3, Column 4) May Be Formed timore City. Changes In Military Office According to a statement made by Announced By War Department music faculty, an de Long of active Dean's List SENIORS the Professor Alfred unusually year is expected in his department. White Sadler Made Lieutenant-Colonel, Reynolds, There will be an opportunity for Benjamin William Allnutt Hazel Irene Beard Billingslea Ruth Charlotte Anthony Charles Puryer Succeed Conner And Lavin On Staff talented freshmen to help fill the va- Theodore Roosevelt Bowen Pearl Burkhead Bobbitt cancies created by graduation in the Charles Merritt Earl Jeanette Lee Brannoch The War Department this summer In view of the present crisis and college choir. Under the direction of Arnold Norman Fleagle Ramona Carmen Deliz announced the promotion of Percy L. reorganization of the regular army, Professor de Long, the choir partici- Bruce Andrew Graybeal Phyllis Marguerite Dietsch Sadler, Professor of Military Science the local military department has un- pates in the Sunday chapel services John Bayley Jones Madalyn Elizabeth Flicking;er and Tactics, from major to lieuten- dergone several changes. To fiU the and makes a concert tour each year. Olin Harper LeCompte Mary Kathryn Hudson ant-colonel. Col. Sadler became as- gap left by the transfer of Major Ed- Professor de Long is expecting at Sidney Zolomon Mansh Mary Alice Klein sociated with the Western Maryland ward H. Conner to Arlington, Vir- least four or five soprano- soloists in Edwin Gilbert Reter- Ellen Roberta Logan Military department at the opening ginia, Lawrence Samuel Reynolds, the freshman class. Ruth Easter Mansberger of the 1939 school year. has been appointed assistant Profess- As in the past there will be a girls' Margaret Ruby Rich Getting his start prior to the or of Military Science and Tactics. A glee club, which is open to all wom- Anne Elise Wiedersum World War, he enlisted as a private new non-commissioned officer, Ser- en. Also under the direction of Pro- Helen Mae Willard and has rapidly risen in the ranks. He geant Rufus C. Puryer, 93rd. Infan- fessor de Long, this organization Violet Virginia Younger became mess sergeant in the Ala- try (anti-tank), Fort George G. sings light music and presents a con- JUNIORS bama National Guard in 1916 and a Meade, has been ordered to replace cert during a Monday assembly per- year later was named a second lieu- Sergeant Thomas J. Lavin, who is iod. Paul AJelyunas Lucie Leigh Barnes tenant, O. R. C. In 1918, he was or- retiring October 10 after thirty years If enough interest is manifested by Philip Francis Bechtel Miriam Jane Bond dered to active duty as a first-lieu- of active service. the men of the college, a glee club Andrew Michael Bohle Ruth Ora Caltrider tenant, gaining his captaincy' two Tyron M. Shepherd, Madison Bar· will be organized for them. There is Alfred Strayer Hancock Harriett Elizabeth Dygert years later. Since then Col. Sadler racks, New York, and Severne S. an unusually fine opportunity for Grover Howard Newson Jean Willis Lamoreau has attended Infantry School, has McLaughlin, Panama Canal, fonner such a group on the campus, and if Isaac Bernard Rehert Lauretta Geraldine McCusker members of the military department there are any signs of cooperation Virginia Elizabeth Sweeney been P.M.S. & T. at Lehigh and has Janus Elizabeth Yentsch at the college, were both promoted to from the student body, Professor de been stationed at Panama, coming the status of lieutenant-colonel, ef- Long will undeltake the direction of . Louise Marker Young from that post to Western Maryland. fective this past summer. a men's glee club.
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