Page 2 - TheGoldBug1936-37
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PAGE TWO The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. II i ADMINISTRATION WILL LIST F S I INNOVATE DEAN'S IVariety f f f (Continue~ from Page 1, ~olu.lllns ~) lies in my Oup I Section B below until he ag-ain FRANm N' JOHNN" inclusion qualifies for III Sec- tion A. Knock, Knock- Like the current Broadway season, the most promising in several years B. For all Freshmen and Who's there? Official student newspaper of Western Maryland College, published on Thurs- And such Juniors and Gus. day, semi-monthly during October, November, February, March, April, May, with one hundred ninety openings do not qualify for Section A above: Gus who? and monthly during September, December, and January, by the students of scheduled, the Baltimore theatre sea- "Guseip" is always with us-c-even Western Maryland College, 'Westminster, Maryland. Entered as second-class 1. If a student finds it necessary matter at the Westminster Post Office, under the Act of March 3, 1879. son, ecreduled to open October 5 but to be away from a scheduled after a 122 day vacation. It's time to SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE$1.00 A YEAR now opening a week earlier, gives evi- class or conference or labora- pack up your best sun-tan and get dence of being the 'biggest and best' tory period he is expected to into the swing of school ag-ain. 1935 Member 1936 seen here in the last decade. make arrangements with the Frankie and I saw a lot of Western I=\ssociated Co~e1liate Press "T'ovru-ich", one of the outstanding instructor in advance in regard Marylanders this summer during our hits of London last winter, will have to .rnaking up the work to be travels. Soon after school closed we decided to come back find see how the missed. If such arrangements EDITORIAL STAFF its premier in the States beginning ru-e made, the instructor may at old place was getting on, and who Editor-in-Chie! J. RALPH LAMBERT,JR., '37 September 28 at the Auditorium. his discretion excuse as many should we meet but Baxter, Forth- Associate Editors EVELYNCROWN,'37, GEORGENEEDHAM,'37 "Tovarich", an adaptation by Robert NBWS Editors SARABELLEBLACKWELL,'37, SHERWOODBALDERSON,'38 absences each semester as the man, wunta, Gross, Phillips, Ewing, Copy Edit.oJ· . ... _ __ _ .FnANK BROWN,'37 E. Sherwood from the Fr'ench of number of hours credit which "Lib" Wine, Whiteford, Ward, and REBECCAKEITH, '39, AARONSCHAEFFER,'39 Jacques Deval, is a comedy dealing the course g-ives. Campbell back for more learning. P1'00! Editors . SALLYPRICE,'37, CHARLESBAER,'38 with the adventures of a group of 2. Whenever the total number ab- They reported an excellent summer ~;~:.~;·E~i~~~:';:s :::::::::::::::::::::::::WA·i,T~~t~~LT~~~gR,'~377,1I~~~~~~~ ~~~~~:: ;~~ Russian aristocrats, exiled to Paris sences exceeds this number, 01 school, with "row 'em back alive" Exchange Edito)·. JANE WHITE, '37 and transformed into servants. The whenever any absence occurs Whiteford back in stride and dating five females the MAKE-UP STAFF English company was headed by Ced- without satisfactory arrange- -well at least Frankie's intuition at puts same time. Manag'iJ!g EditOl'S BEVERLYHARRISON,'37, JAMES COLEMAN,'38 ric Hsu-dwicke and Eugene Leontovich ments having been made with Win Willy up in first place, however, the instructor beforehand, this BUSINESS STAFF but their- places have been taken by absence will be reported to the "Puffy" Forthman was playing Romeo Bueinees 1Ila.11a/lBr . .. . _ROBERTA. KIEFER,'37 John Halliday and lIIal"ta Abba. Miss deaignated absence officer on to all of the girls and being quite a Advcrtill·ing MUllage1' _ _. JOSEFH OLEAIR,'39 Abba, an Italian actress hitherto un- the same day on which it oc- success at the unaccustomed role. Cirtntlution lIIu'TIugeJ's . . JOHN CULLER,'37, ARLINEHUDSON,'37 known here, is regarded by Gilbert I AssistaJlt Ci?·culat.ion lI'/cmagcl·s... BETTYRILEY,'38, HILDABIDDLE,'38, That night we stayed in Baltimore CHARLESSPANG,'38, TnAGOBRUST,'39 Miller, producer of the plny, as a no- 3. The student must then go to in order to see Nick Campofreda table discovery. The present com- this officer within one week af- wrestle at Carlin's. Yes, he's gone REPORTERS pany has had three weeks experience ter the absence and make satis- professional. But it's little wonder- Reporters contributing to this issue: with the plny in the English prov- factory explanation. Peg has had him in training- for two Reporters contributing to this Issue: Eloise Ounn, '37; Ethel Lauterback, '3'/; Rufus Simms, '37. 4. In case the studcnt does not We also hear that Ponte has gone 1I-Il-. Miller's plans for the current make satisfactory explanation in for professional boxing. We wish Worthy opinion; Model management; Correct new.s. season includes two more productions, within be one week, this absence him luck and no cauliflower ears. . counted double will and "Promise", adapted by H. 1\1. Har- wood from the French of Henri Bern- whenever the total number of Before leaving for the good old Weep For Ye Freshmen! stein, and a revival of \VycherJy's accumulated absences for any Eastern shore, we stopped to see Dot ex- at Franklin Hull, who was a dietitian course during a semester comedy, "The Country Wife", starring ceeds twice (during the first Square Hospital over the summer. We Poor freshmen! You really don't know what you're in for Ruth Gordon. suspected that Bob Elderdice would ucxt few weeks. You really haven't the "lightest idea! You may semester of 1936-37, three have appendicitis any time. worried at the thought. of leaving home. You may be apprehensive about "Pride and Prejudice", produced by times) the number of credit hazing. Perhaps college courses (ill you with nlrn-m-c-tn 11slight degree, Max Gordon, has been booked at hours which the course gives, Down on the shore we saw many of Rehoboth, Betty of course. But r-eally, there is only one thing to be afraid of, one thing Ford's for a split-week, beginning the student must take a cor»- the old kids. At with an orchestra Riley was singing over examination prehensive to avoid, if possible, and that. thing is advice. October 1. The production is an ex- ceptionally beautiful one in the mat- ~:;1~~~i~~rC~~~~e~:::s!0~~~:~i;~~I :~~ ':~~:l~~;':'~aa~~~.n'\:e~:e \~:~:~.~~ Not tllllt anyone has really manageel to ,H'oid it freshman tel" of settings and costumes, designed week. No, eonferenees with advisors, t;-llks, informRI must be The committee on absences I "Doc" Coleman and Rosy Luman jerk attended,1 politely listened to, !lnt! then huniedly forgotten. 'rhe illl- by Jo Milziner. Helen Jerome's dra- may for very exceptional .rea- sodas. As we were strolling down the portant, thing to do is to take everything-well, almost e,'crything-'\'ith matization of the Jane Austin novcl sons order the fee to be waIved, beach we saw a life-guard dash to the a grain of salt. is noted for its faithfulness in spirit but the examination must in all rescue of a. drowning girl-who was and in dialogue to the original, and it cases be taken before credit for none other than our dear "Petunia" Oh, you 'Il be imllressed no donbt. good st.udent devotes al is quite lively and humorous. the course can be obtained. Enfield. Strictly between us, I think two hours to prcparation for eReh class attends." Yet "Don't Baltimore will see the same produc- 5. Make-up tests for absences will it was the same old gag. Anyway, the lniclnight oil." not ordinarily be given. reports had it that the life-guard and tion, but not the same cast. Muriel Pet were seen together frequently, af- Might the GOLD Buo tcll you what is rcally worth remembering? Kirkland, Molly Pearson, Esther 6, There shall be a committee on ter that. \Vhcn the rescue was over, absences with the absence offi- l\Iight we gi,'e you concisely aU the IIcl\-ice you need ~ Mitchell, J. Plumpton Wilson, and cer as chairman. He and his we went ovel" to see ou!" old friend. Lowell Gilmol'e, have replaced Lucile committee shall have charge of She informed us that a group of girls First of ali, work when you W[lllt to and play when you to. Watson, Helcn Chandler, Adrianne from school were having a house par- but be eareful thnt yon do some of both. The exact 1I1110nnt.of will Allell, and Colin Rieth-Johnson. all absences. Any exception to ty down thece. And were we sur- depend upon you and you only. H you're naturally studiou;;, you'll the above rules must be madc prised when we sawall twelve of stuciy. If ~'ou\'e ahnlYs fiddled away ~'our time, then thc chfll1ces arc "End of Summer", a Theatre Guild by the Committee on Asences. them strolling down the board walk! that 110 amOllnt of advising will divert YOll from your "wot the hell" production starring Ina Claire and Shortly after this we left fo\" Ocean philosophy. Osgood Perkins, will come to Ford's City. The W. W.'s were having a Secondly, take yom hazillg' seriollsl,\". Don't cros;; the llpper-class- ~~~e~.h~.w~~e b;~i;n~~~s ~~o;~:;~h~ac; grand time at a week-end party down tllere-at least that's what Sue Smith ~~.~.~~:~ lej~stp~~:i~II~Cl(~;t ;~'~:~.~~~l~el:~~~~li~eg.~~~~~°J~s~!,le:~r:a~: ,~~~~s!;success last summer and is the first told us. In fact it seems that those he.use pal-ties were all a big success. and keep on doing' what yOIl '\'erc doing before, Above all, don't WOlTY ;i:nas sl~I;::sw~l~~:e~~t~'~;tll~~r~:~o~~~~ abont rat. rules. NOlle of them 11I'eIl1lllieions; most 1111\'eIl rcal 1)J11'pose Phi Alph's had their reunion at Ocean \I'hich you will l'eeognize II'hen you become an u]Jpel·-e1assman. Bllt City the next week-cnd and Delts had don't be il smart alec. Hemember, if there is lIlly thing likeable at all Beginning October 12, "The Gl'eat fl shol'e at Betterton fOI' a week. From Ilbout you, the upper-elassmen are bound to disco"el' it; you needn't Waltz", a gargantuan opus that 1111reports thel'e must hllve been "big show us yO\1r bu(l points. played fo!" months at the Center thea- doin's". Frankie and I then decided to return 'l'hirdly, don't lend it all, "it" meaning 1111ything ~'O\J might IU1\'e ~:r~~: ~;~.d~O\~~!~'\~~ll'sb: offered ;~ home. But while in New York, that belongs to .~'Oll.. (Of course this doesn't. flpply t? those things yon production by Ma~ G~rdo/~:~n~~ill Frankie reports that she was quite borl"o\\'ed back III lllgh school. He.lllcmbed! Esqu-u'c says tllat eHch travel in seven balloon-to ba a e ~urprised to see "Slug" Hansen driv- student should have at least t,,·o hes, but. Slllce the GOLD BUG recom-I. . . .' p gg g mg a horse and baker's wagon to mends a strict "don't-Iend-it" policy one tie should be enOlwh. cms. BaltllllOI'e wdl be one of the I Staten Island-we'd probably be SUl"- ., 0 first cities to see It on the proposed pl"ised at that too. And she stopped Now there's money-maybe. By all means Rule No.3 applies to . tf'anscontmental tour. to see Joe Uvanni who was working this. Of course, if you haven't any (!lnd, eonfident.ially, no one Christmas week, the Theatl'e Guild JOHN B. WARMAN as a life-guard under the admiring at \Vestern Mnrylancl does as you discover) you really won't will bl'ing to Ford's a pj'omising pro- A yawn and lazy smile-and Johnny eyes of those Roman girls. hllve to worry. Somello\\- or other one get IJlong \\·ithout it-some- duction of "Jane Eyre" with Kather- appears-a charming personality, a Anyway it WflS a swell vacation. how. ine Hepburn playing the lead. true friend, a gentleman. the past two Among those married Lee were Kenneth Plummer, Smith, and Virginia As class officer for There is, we've been told, a phenOm€llOll called the "sugar-daddy", Easter week will find the satil"e on years, Johnny has been one of the out- Virginia Spates. Pat Mahoney and but fond parellts may rest IIssured. 'Vestminstcr (sigh, sigh) is Ilbout Hollywood, "Boy Meets Girl", at standing figures on the Hill. A social- Elizabeth Humphries were reported the poorest place cast of the Mississippi to find fJllyone who'll subsidize Ford's. ite and membel' of Gamma Beta Chi, engaged, and also Kitty Rose and Will a young student. Eyen organists (Il'e poorly paid. Other offerings listed for Ford's for he has been elected pl'esident of the I Murray. which the dates have not been an- fraternity. And from another source we heard Fimlily, there i.~ the question of college rnlcs and regula1ions. nounced are: Jane in "First 'fhese, like burns, call be clfl~sified into three degrees, depending- on thc With Versatility as his middle that Dud (R.R.) Ritchie showed the Illllotlllt of the fine placed 1'or infraction of said rule. Lady", Philip Merivale and Gladys name, he has dipped into practically I sights of Boston to Westminster's Cooper in "Call It a Day", "The Chil- every extra-curricular activity. Presi'- !~:d~~b s~~~;~ii1a~~i~ summer. Like Db.!_l't miss cl!lsses before 01"after 11holiday. This m'dears, costs dren's Hour", and Alfred Lunt and dent of the Y. 111. C. A. and Sunday Bob Elderdice has sworn to turn fh'e dollll-\:s and is thus a first degree burn from which few recover. Lynn Fontanne in a repertoiJ'e of School, he hopes to fit himself for his over a new leaf this year. And so "Idiot's Delight", the Pulitzer prize- For the especially careful student, gencral brcaiHlgc be clllssi- winnel', and "The Taming of the life work-the ministry. For further don't be surprised to hear about the fled ill the second degree class. F'ines range from IIbout dollars Shrew". proof of his ability in his chosen field, "Ex.-Mrs. Elderdice." upward, deJ~ellfling. of COUl'se,upon how milch you manage not to break. Johnny is a member of Tau Kappa A little bird mentioned to us that Here one bit of advice is especially pertinent; don't let anyone-friend It is probable that Katherine Cor- Alpha, llnd hfls been selected as man- Sally Blackwell's visit to Rehoboth or foe-break anything in YOtiJ" room. H yOll do, no explanatiOll can nell will bring her production of Max- ager of the debate team for the com- this summer was not all it was paint- possibly keep you from bcing fined. This we deli"er you as stllff ~traight well Anderson's new play, "\Vingless lIlg yea)". ed up to be. from the shoulder. Victory" to the Maryland. It is not In sports, too, he is an ardent fan, And we'd like to know "Is It True likeJy that Miss Cornell will bring and a participflnt in every phase of What They Say About Plummer?" Third degree burns are basically mild, bill, there is always the pleas- Well, It's about time to go back to ant possibility that they will grow more g)"a'·e. For example, you pay "Saint Joan" on tour. intra-mural activities. But more than we extend work. To the freshmen one dollar pel' exccss absence on')" your qnota (Cf. p. one, col. 3 for com- Baltimore was on the projected that, he gave a very creditable per- our welcome. We expect to see you pletc details.) Thus there is at least a minimum charge of one buck, itinerary of a road-colllapny produc- formance in the 135 lb. class in box- in this column soon-but before we provided you cut too many classes. tion of Maxwell Anderson's "\Vinter- ir.g. close, we wish to give a little advice 'Yell, hosh, there you flrc. Now secrctly we have one minor recom- set". Guthrie McClintic, however, A regular, all-round fellow, with an to some of the girls. You'd better get ruencifltion: if you've read this editorial, don't, though hell and high withdrew the right'> to the play be- habitual good humor, it is no wonder in practice for that Jast 30-yard sprint wllter attempt to change your resolution, relld (lIlother one, but we've c1!.use,it is said, he was not satisfied that the men have chosen him as at 10 P. M. It pays to be prepared! had OUl"say . .At least \\"c got our adyice in fil"l:it. with the quality of the production. president of the Student Government. We'll be seeing you soon!