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EXTRA EXTRA SPECIAL EDITION FRESHMAN EDITION SIX PAGES SIX PAGES Vol. 12, No.1 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. ) September 20, 1934 New Dormitory Under Construction; FRESHMAN ORIENTATION Tenth Annual Freshman Week Opens Campus Improved During Summer PROGRAM Sixty-Eighth Session September 25 September 25-28, 1934 Summer Pavillion Built In Harvey A. Stone Park Includes Two Stone Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf, Freshman Dean, Arranges Special Orientation Fireplaces, Table, Benches TUESDAY 1 :00-5 :00 and 7 :00-9 :00 Registra- Program tion, room assignment, and as- BUILDING TO BE COMPLETED BY SPRING signment to advisers (Library DEAN OF FRESHMEN PRESENTS LETTER Building.) With the construction of the new dormitory for women "ell under Following' the practice begun here at Western l\Iaryland College in way, a new golf course begun, a large summer pavilion completed, and WEDNESDAY 1924, the tenth annual freshman orientation week will open the sixty- many other improvements and additions made to the rapidly devolping (Bring pencil and stiff-backed eighth session of the college on Tuesday, September 25. Dr. Lloyd M. campus at Western Maryland College, the note book and take complete Bertholf, dean of freshmen and professor building program of the "Greater West- notes on all addresses and dis- ern Maryland" movement has been grea t- cussions.) of biology, not only has arranged the Iy advanced during the past four sum- 8:20 Chapel (Smith Hall) program for freshman week, but has preĀ· mer months. 8:35 Welcome to the Class of 1938, pared a special letter for the members of Work on the new women's dormitory President Ward (Smith Hall) the incoming class of 1938. Dr. Bertholf's was begun about August 1, after the gen- 8:50 Retrospect and Prospect, Pro- letter is printed below. eral contract for the erection of the fessor Wills (Smith Hall) To the Class of 1938: building was awarded to Thomas Hicks 9:~0 Group singing, led by Miss Once more Western Maryland College and Sons of Baltimore. Nine other bids Jones (Smith Hall) opens her door to a new class. And were received, ranging from $168,097 to 9:40 Psych ological test (Science once more it is my privilege, as Dean of the accepted bid of $131,660. The heat- Hall) Freshmen, to send you through the cour- ing and plumbing contract went to the 11 :00 Student Activities: Men, Ml'. tesy of the GOLD BUG this advance wel- Westminster Hardware Company for Gorski, Mr. Ransom (22 Science come to the campus. Never in its history $19,448. From the seven electric wiring Hall) ; Women, Xliss Bork, (Y. has the college been better prepared for bids received, the contract was awarded W. Room) its work of education. The faculty has to David J. Baile, Westminster, at a bid 11 :30 Reading test (Science Hall) been strengthened by several additions; of $7,000. As yet, the elevator contract 12 :20 Lunch-e-with advisers the campus irnproved ; a new dormitory has not been awarded. The approximate 1:15 English test (Science Hall) and power house started; and the eurri- cost of the dormitory will be $165,000. 2:45 Campus Problems: Men, Dean culum changed here and there better to Although the foundation for the new Miller (22 Science Hall); adapt it to the needs of tl~e times and to building has been completed and the Women, Dean Stover (Y. W. the requirements of individual students, placement of the girders begun, the proj- Room) remembering that the welfare of the stu- ect will not be finished until about April 3:30 Placement tests in French: In- dent is of greater moment than tne wel- 1, 1935. itials A, B, and C, Miss At- fare of any theory or organization-or The dormitory building, besides provid- CAPT. HAROLDW. WOOLLEY wood (25 Science Hall); Ini- institution. ing rooms for approximately 160 women, Fonner Prof essor of Military (Continued on Page 3, Column 3) You will therefore find here, I believe, will have located in it a fully equipped DR. LLOYD M. BERTHOLF a very human and friendly institution, girls' gymnasium, locker rooms, an office CAPT. WOOLLEY ASSUMES Dean of Freshmen where faculty and students alike are en- for the Student Government Association, POST IN PUERTO RICO WILLIAM HUBBARD, '36, gaged in the process of learning-learn- several rooms for the department of phy- NINE-HOLE GOLF COURSE ing to keep bodies healthy and active, sical education, and probably a new edi- SUCCUMBS FROM TYPHOID BUlL T ON W. M. C. CAMPUS minds clean, honest, and alert, and spirits torial room for the staff of the GOLD Capt. Harold Dean Woolley, former During the summer months, a nine-hole BUG. professor of military science and tactics IN EASTON HOSPITAL golf course has been constructed on the in tune with the Infinite. The construction of the new dormitory, at Western Maryland College, sailed Sep- recently improved portion of the Geiman Given the capacity, preparation, and which is being built to the south of Me- tember 6 from New York City on the farm that has become the north part of experience which each of you now has, U. S. S. Chateau Thierry, to take up his William Moore Hubbard, a member of Daniel Hall, will not only make the Mc- the- class of 1936 at Western Maryland the campus of Western Maryland Col- there is usually not much special instruc- Kinstry and Smith Hall dormitories newly assigned military duties in Puerto College, passed away in the Easton Hos- lege. Captains Woolley and Holmes made tion needed to enable you to succeed in available for men students, but will en- Rico. Capt. S. S. MaeLaughlin, who has pital, Easton, Maryland, on Sunday eve- the tentative survey and layout of the college. But there are certain able the administrative offices to be been connected with the Officers' School ning, September 9. His death was caused greens and trees, and, to fortify against information and matters of moved to the Main Building, thus giving at Fort Benning, Georgia, has replaced by typhoid fever and complications. enol's, an expert from Baltimore made which you should know at the over the entire Administration Building Captain Woolley here at Western Mary- minor changes in order to perfect the set; and there are certain facts ab to the Library. land. William was born in Oxford, Mary- complete layout. The name of the new dormitory, which Upon arriving in Puerto Rico, Captain land, on August 6, 1914. He was gradu- The course, which is expected to be will be decided by the members of the Woolley was stationed about forty miles ated from the Oxford High School in ready Ior use by next June, was built by and JOur educational and social back- Board of Trustees, has not yet been dis- from San Juan-and forty miles from 1932 and matriculated at Western Mary- a group of student workers, plus the ground which we should know in order to cussed. the nearest golf course. Those who knew land College in the fall of that year. He regular farm and campus employees, who arrange for you the most profitable A new summer pavilion, which will pro- Captain Woolley intimately will not find was a member of the college rifle team, raked, dug, ploughed, scooped, hauled, course and give you the best advice. vide a place for picnics, outings, and oth- it difficult to fully understand the sig- and participated in several intra-mural and graded enough soil and stone to make These are the matters with which we er social gatherings, has been constructed nificance of this last statement. sports. a course that in time will become anoth- shall be concerned during Freshman in the wooded grove at the northeast end Captain Woolley, who came to Western The funeral services were held at the er beauty spot on the Hill. The fairways Orientation Period. of the campus. This pavilion has as its Maryland College in 1926, was connected Hubbard home in Oxford on Tuesday af- have been disc-harrowed, grass seed has In closing I should like to make the ob- outstanding feature two huge stone fire- with the department of military science ternoon, and interment took place in the been sown, stolons have been planted, and servation that one of the rarest events places. A large stone table, wooden and tactics for nine years. In the latter Oxford Cemetery. Dr. A. N. Ward, presi- running water has been placed at each of that happens in college is the flunking benches, and numerous other accessories part of May of last session, he received dent of the college, assisted in the burial the greens. out of a student who has from the very make the summer pavilion as useful as it a government order that he was to be ceremony. Pallbearers included Andrew The following students had a part in beginning taken the right attitude to- is attractive. transferred to a new post in Puerto Rico. Riley, Simeon Markline, ~ichard Simms, the construction of the golf course: The completion of the rustic stone walls Captain Mac Laughlin, who arrived at and Thomas Eveland, college classmates George Armacost, Roland Armacost, Sam- ward his teachers-an attitude which is from the corner of College Avenue down Western Maryland College early in the of the deceased boy. uel Baxter, Paul Burger, Robert Ben- neither that of dumb respectful acquies- to the entrance of Hoffa Field has great- summer, is living downtown in Westmin- Surviving William are his mother and nett, Welch Boyer, Fred Fowble, Preston cence nor pestiferous familiarity, but one ly enhanced the beauty of that portion of ster, as Captain Woolley's former resi- father, Mr. and Mrs. William N. Hub- Grimm, Richard Holmes, Charles Kaddy, which brings the student to his teacher the campus that faces on the Taneytown dence, which has been completely reno- bard of Oxford. Louis Kaplan, Cecil Mark, John Olsh, Er- or adviser whenever after honest effort Road. vated during the summer, is now being William was a cousin of Harry and nie Randle, George Ryscavage, Maurice there is the least lack of understanding The renovation and refurnishing of the occupied by Dean and Mrs. Frederic Hazel Bratt, graduates of Western Mary- Roberts, George Spiegel, Mansell Stev- or difficulty in learning. I hope none of Main Building student and faculty par- Miller. land College. ens, Norman Ward, and Dennis Yingling. you will cheat yourself out of a success- lors, begun at the close of last session. ful college career by so smaJI a thing as have now been completed. Earlier in the a wrong attitude toward us who were summer, not only were many sections or ARTISTtS SKETCH OF NEW WOMENtS DORMITORY few years ago in your position. 'J the campus re-seeded and flowers and With every assurance of our desire to shrubbery planted in various spots, but several places were graded in order to serve you, I am improve the general appearance of the Most cordially yours, campus. LLOYD M. BERTHOLF. DR. A. N. WARD ATTENDS MISS BERTHA ADKINS MADE CHICAGO CONFERENCE ASSISTANT DEAN OF WOMEN Dr. Albert Norman Ward, president of Western Maryland College, attended the According to a recent announcement, meeting of the Methodist Churches Com- Miss Bertha Adkins of Salisbury, Mary- mision in Chicago on August 28 and 29. land, has been chosen as an assistant to The meeting in Chicago was a step the dean of women, Mrs. Fannie May forward in bringing about a plan by Stover, for the coming year. Mrs. Stover, which the three Methodist churches in although continuing in her present ca- America are endeavoring to arrange a pacity, will reside at her new home on satisfactory union of all Methodism in Ridge R{)ad. the entire world. Mis-s Adkins, a graduate of Wellesley, A committee of fifteen members, in was a delegate to Salisbury, England, to which President Ward was made chair- invite the mayor of that famous old city man of a committee on judiciary, was ap- to attend the recent Salisbury Exposi- pointed to draw up a plan which later t.icn on the Eastern Shore. will be submitted to the entire Commis- Miss Thelma Shreiner will also con- sion. tinue as an assistant to Dean Stover.
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