Page 16 - ContrastFall1987-1988
P. 16

"What? Oh, the fish," he said. "Oscars. They're total
garbage-guts and cannibals. Eat almost anything." Just like me, he
thought. "Feel like staying here tonight? It will save you the walk

"Greg, I've only known you for two days."                                   "

           "So what, I like you and vice versa, I hope." Now the ace, I
got you wired."

           The last sentence hung in the air until Ari's substance-induced

giggle broke the silence. "That's true, but I'm a V. Just like my
school, I'm a Virgin Saint."

            "We don't have to ... make love," he was careful in his wor~
choice. He had to sound caring, sensitive, even borderline corny. I
Just think you'd be better off staying here."

            "What about my dorm rules and Hall Mothers?" she-asked.
            He thought, she wants me to talk her into it. "Just tell ~em
you stayed at a friend's. Think of it as an adventure. It's your first ,
weekend away from mom. She's not here to impose rules: Y<;mdon t
want to be considered repressed do you?" He paused to SIp hIS beer.
"Think of what you've done so far tonight. Do you want to end now?
You're on your own, you can do whatever you want. That's what
college is for. You can drink, smoke, do coke, sleep with guys," he ,
winked, "stay up all night, whatever! If you go home now, sure you 11
get your sl~ep and you won't get in trouble, but, but, but," he was
pacing excItedly now. "Five, ten years down the road, you'll want
your first weekend to have been memorable. I'll help you. It's more
fun if there's risk involved. Live a little. Risk getting into trouble.
Stay tonight. There's more beer and ... " he smiled and sniffed
dramatically, "more blow."

            He stopped, and breathing heavily, walked over to the ta~k.
He dropped a pretzel in the water; the Oscars gobbled it up immediately-
The muffled sound of the party oozed through the floor. Som.eone
close by ~as shouting and banging on a door. Peter Tosh :vaIled softly
on the radio his voice straining against the low volume setting. A small
fridge hummed, shuddered, and shut off. He turned to her, arms
crossed, beer in hand, and raised his eyebrows into an inquisitive

            "Do you really have more blow?" she asked. She swayed
slightly and smiled: "Well, do you?"

+Pete Hausler
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