Page 21 - Contrast1963v7n1
P. 21

. We missed Teddy and his casual illusions, as we con-
ti nue d our do-it-yourself tour of Scotland and England. The
day to go came much too soon. We hated to leave the Isles
as the white cliffs of Dover faded out of view at the end of a
wonderful visit. When we drove off the ferry in Belgium, we
thought of Teddy, but had no real intentions of visiting.
Dr. Benson felt that it would probably be quite embarrassing

to him.

         We planned to stay in the quaint inn, where we had stayed
on the way, that night. It was very late when we got to

Brussels.  The inn was on the other side of town, and four

sleepy people could hardly wait to get there. We passed

through town and were well on our way down a small dark
country road when the car sputtered and came to an abrupt
stop with one final leap. The needle on the fuel gauge read

absolutely empty. There wasn't a house in sight. Tall stone

f~nces lined either side of the road and ahead was a winding

ribbon of darkness. The stars and moon must have been in

mourning that night, because the sky was blacker than a high

school girl's first sophisticated' sheath dress.

         Dr. Benson snapped her fingers. "I have it! Teddy.
Teddy is the only solution. We must call Teddy."

         My sister and I trudged back to the big highway where

we. had luckily seen a pay booth. Dr. Benson had remarked
how advanced Belgium was becomm.'g upon seemg I.t.

         My sister dialed carefully. The phone rang again and
again. Finally a youthful voice answered.

          "Teddy? Teddy, is that you?"

   . "Why yes, it is. Ooooh, this must be my good Scotland
friends. "

h "Oh , yes, it is. We didn't want to bother you, but we
. aVe an awful problem, " she said apologetically. "The car
fo out of gas, and we haven't the slightest idea where to go
 Or help. Could you possibly tell us the best place." She
Went on to explain where we were. "We can walk, if you
can' Just tell us where to go."

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