Page 15 - Contrast1963v7n1
P. 15

s cor=s SONG

Sing me a song, s cop ,     of sorrow and joy

Of life and of living,      of love and laughter,

Of wedded weal           and of woeful war,

Of dreaded evils         and darkness of night.

Sing of me,        Mathilde my name.

Sing of my delight       in my daily duties,

As I garner the grain,      the fruit of the field,

Flog the flax      and weave the wool

To keep my man warm         in cold of winter,

And thus be awarded         well-earned affection.

Sing me a charm          to protect my children,

Kith and kin,      from all kinds of harm.

Keep them safe ever         from Esa and elves,

Let them have health,       happiness and love.

Let my sons live         and not leave life un shriven ,

As did Ursule my daughter,  she who died

With the evils of Eve      uncleansed from her soul,

Ere cassocked monk          could make her Christ own.

Where wanders her spirit,   weak and alone?

Sing me a prayer         that her soul find repose.

Sing of my courage,         keep it high

For the time when my man,   the mighty thane,

Meets with the witan        and his well-born liege,

Descendent of Woden,        to decide on war.

Pray then for strengtli     to prepare fer- strife.

Sing of my lord,         my well-loved mate,

Mighty in battle,        brave In deed.

May he go forth          boldly to the fray

To defend his home-land,    hearth and friends

From those hellish fiends,  the fierce invaders.

Sing me a war-chant,        wild and strong,

Sing of a rout      of the savage raiders

By our kingly ring-giver,   king and great,

And my lord beside him,     besting the foe

In the field of battle.     Soon may it be!

Sing of my lord's return,   regal in bearing,

Rewarded by prince,         r-enow ne d by people.

Then may there be          merriment in our mead halls,

Peace and long life        until the Lord

Calls us home       to live with Him.

                                                    Barbara Moon

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