Page 29 - Contrast1962v6n1
P. 29

description of an incident

                                                                        by patricia snyder

LIGHT ON my hand through the opening door led me to believe
         there was light outside. In the opening I hesitated, glancing to
 my left and slowly to my right. There was life, but not near. A glance
  upward ... black crepe sky pierced with teardrops shimmering; the
 <even sky line broken by houses ascending from the deserted street.
 One by one the steps rose above me as I conquered them descending.

        The boardwalk was before me and then I felt the roughness be-
 nea~h my feet. Slowly the boards moved, increasing as I felt the breath
 -of hfe and noise coming from behind. Faster, faster, till the sand was
 soft and I ran exhausted .

      . Life and noise-gaity-gone, only the roar of the beckoning sea.
 MOIst now as I tread like prey in its domain. Blackness, void, it hid
 from me its force as I neared. Its kitten-soft foam circled around my
 feet and beckoned me come.

        Silence ... then out of the calm and froth its madness thundered
 toward me and I fled. It followed, then covered itself with the cloak
 of demureness bubbling around my ankles. Strengthened, curious, I
 returned with it: it called.

       Black night everywhere; where has it gone? Hidden in the depths
'o~ ~othingness: rushing, rumbling, this volcanic being throbbed.
SIttIllg down to watch its obsession to conquer and envelope me, I

       Raging, boiling, it erupted, spitting white flames from its mouth,
crashing to the shore in its display of frenzied fervor.

       Again and again it drew back its bow and shot its arrow of vio-
lence. Infinite-faster and faster it came. Rise. I cannot. Transfixed
I watched it come, drag me to the depths of its hell.
. Pulling, run! Stumbling in its wake, its gravity that held, I
ll1ch~d away from it, clinging to mounds of dissolving sand that left
me III despair. Weakened limbs carried my ardent hope (the little
that was left) to solid ground.

      Where is that life that had desired me? I am coming, life, wait
for me!

      Finally freed from the malicious breakers, I waded through arti-
ficial sand. Solid under my feet, the boards passed, giving me strength
and purpose. Life and noise were ringing ahead of me far in the dis-
tance, but not near. Wait, life! Wait for me! I am coming! It is near!

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