Page 17 - Contrast1962v6n1
P. 17

This selection received first prize in the short
                                                    story division of CONTRAST'S writing contest.

and a little child shall lead them

                                                           by harry p. rumberger

A PAIR OF trembling fingers twisted a grayed cigarette from a dirty
            breast shirt pocket. It was painfully cold as the lean young
 man tried to scratch a fire to the match. The fire burst to life, flick-
 ered, then whipped out. The unkempt creature muttered, took two
 steps, and spit into a sooty gutter.

       Down the street a woman in a black coat crouched in the dark
 quiet doorway to "Ken's Show Bar." Her eyes pierced the black haze
 and concentrated on the slow stumble of the young man toward her.
 She too was cold and lonely. Her hands struggled to feel the heat of
 her stomach while her head lowered itself into a shivering neck hid
 behind a peaked black collar.

       The purple sky overhead was coldly crystal. Stars speckled with
 the sharpness of a diamond waved in warm sun, and the whole dome
looked like nothing more than white dandruff flakes on a blue-velvet
evening coat. It is strange that the universe twinkles brightest while
shivering winds whistle through alleys, and creatures huddle in the
niches of burnt-brick buildings to keep warm.

       The young man, his gnarled cigarette lit, straggled toward the
curled-up female in black. She watched with a child-like warm smile
in her eyes.

       Once the man halted, braced himself backward and started up-
ward in a boyish gleam. His eyes surveyed the purple panorama, his
grizzled head stretching backward further until a chill darted in and
pinched his neck and chest. Grumbling in his throat, he bundled up
sharply, shrugged his shoulders, and pushed forward over the frozen

       From behind a post that allied the entrance to the bar the lady
scrutinized the approaching creature. It was 4 a.m. The night had
not quite gone to sleep, and the day had not yet stirred to shower and

      "Wouldn't have an extra cigarette, would you, mister?"
      The young man looked up sharply at the dark form in the door-
way. He shuffled toward her straining his sight.
      "Don't have a spare weed, do you mister?"

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