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How to do Library Research: The Assignment Calculator

Plan Your Assignment

The assignment calculator breaks down library research assignments into manageable steps based on your due dates, and you can use it regardless of the final presentation format (paper, speech, PowerPoint presentation, etc.). Each step includes helpful hints and “how-to links”.


  • Any interim due dates provided by your professor (for working thesis, bibliography, first draft, etc.) take precedence over dates suggested by the Assignment Calculator.
  • The research process is not always linear, and you may need to go forwards or backwards.
  • If at any point you feel stuck, have questions, or need help, ask a librarian! You can call, text, or email, or you can make an appointment.

Date you will begin the assignment: - -

Date the assignment is due: - -

Step 1: Understand your assignment.

Percent time spent on this step: 3%

Step 2: Select and focus topic.

Percent time spent on this step: 4%

Step 3: Draft a working research question and thesis.

All research involves some question you are trying to answer. Write your current version of that question and your proposed answer, which will serve as your working thesis and the basis for your research strategy. Remember that you can (and probably will) revise your thesis as you get deeper into your research.

Percent time spent on this step: 8%

Step 4: Design a research strategy and conduct research.

Percent time spent on this step: 20%

Step 5: Critically read and evaluate sources.

Percent time spent on this step: 25%

Step 6: Outline or describe overall structure.

Percent time spent on this step: 7%

Step 7: Write first draft.

Percent time spent on this step: 8%

Step 8: Revise and rewrite with a focus on content. Conduct additional research as necessary.

Percent time spent on this step: 20%

Step 9: Polish and put your paper (or other presentation mode) in final form.

Percent time spent on this step: 5%

Based on the original Assignment Calculator from the University of Minnesota Libraries.

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