Moments and Memories: An Anthology of Writings by Anna Rose Beasman Anderson

Title, Edition: Moments and Memories: An Anthology of Writings by Anna Rose Beasman Anderson,
Copy Number: 1
Publisher: Granite Presbyterian Church
Publication Date: 2007
Number of Pages: 148
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Description: Volume contains memories of Anna Anderson and includes many memorials she wrote about her family and friends.

Addendum 40 "Our Living and Loving Comforter- Dr. Bill Adolph"

Addendum 41 "Broken College Ties"

Addendum 42, Jeanie Eckhardt McWilliams

Addendum 43, Carol Jean Marr and Bill Hartlove

Addendum 44,  Jean Marie Patterson and Joshua Daniel Ensor

Addendum 45, Bob and Beverly Gordy

Adendum - 47, vivian "Bebe" mathena Leatherwood