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Beginning with "W"
Browse by Creator | McDaniel College
Creators Beginning with "W"
Wach, Joachim (1898-1955)
Wachsmuth, Wilhelm (1784-1866)
Walbert, Marion Price
Walker, Danny Floyd
Wallis, Jim
Walters, S. George
Ward, Albert Norman (1871-1935)
Ward, Hugh W. (1898-1978)
Ward, James Thomas (1820-1897)
Warner, Nancy M.
Warner, Rex (1905-1986)
Warren, F. M. (Frederick Morris) (1859-1931)
Watson, Chloe
Watson, Philip S. (Philip Saville) (1909-1983)
Watt, Hugh, b. 1879 (1879)
Watts, Alan (1915-1973)
Weaver, Mary Jo
Weigle, Luther Allen (1881-1976)
Wentz, Russell A.
Western Maryland College (1866-2002)
Western Maryland College Alumni
Western Maryland College Office of Public Information (1978-2002)
Western Maryland College Office of Public Relations (1941- circa 1958)
Western Maryland College Office of the President (1867-2002)
Western Maryland College students (1868-2002)
Western Maryland Office of Publications and Publicity (circa 1958-1978)
Westheimer, Ruth K (Ruth Karola) (1928-)
Whale, J. S. (John Seldon) (b. 1896)
Wheeler, Kathryn Whiteford
Whelan, Mariellen
Whiteford, Nona L. Parks
Whitman, Cedric Hubel
Whitney, David C.
Whitney, Robin Vaughn
Wilkinson, David Rev. Dr.
Williams, Peter W.
Willis, Mary E. Jones
Wills, George Stockton (1866-1956)
Wilson Studio
Wilson, Ian, 1941- (1941-)
Winger, Gilbert R.
Wolfe, Charles E.
Wolfing, Janet Z.
Wolfteich, Claire E.
Woll, Peter (1933-)
Woltz, Margaret Taylor
Woodall, Josephine Griffith
Wootten, Florence Mehl (1936-)
Worden, Robert L.
Worral, Ambrose A. (1899)
Worrall, Olga Nathalie Ripich (1906)
Wright, G. Ernest (George Ernest) (1909-1974)
Wright, N. T. (Nicholas Thomas)
Wright, Richard
Wynne, Edward James Jr.
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