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Beginning with "S"
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Creators Beginning with "S"
Said, Edward W.
Sample, Travis L.
Sann, Paul
Santa Ana, Julio de
Santopoolo, Jill
Saphir, Moritz Gottlieb (1795-1858)
Sapp, Louise Owens
Sasaki, Ruth Fuller (1892-1967)
Sauers, Donald J.
Saur, Maria
Savramis, Demosthenes (1925-)
Schaberg, Jane
Schank, Donald W. (1950 -)
Scheinfeldt, Edward Neil
Schiller, Friedrick (1759-1805)
Schleiermacher, Friedrich (1768-1834)
Schlesinger, Arthur S. (Arthur Meier) (1888-1965)
Schmall, Mary Lee Younger
Schnauble, Ruth Romaine
Schofield, Samuel Biggs (1898-1984)
Schuele, Elizabeth Murphy
Schulte, Linda Sullivan
Schuman, Elizabeth A. O'Brien
Schuster, Max Lincoln (1897)
Schwartz, Joe (1938-)
Schweitzer, Albert (1875-1965)
Scott Brown, Denise (1931-)
Scott, C Frasier (Clarence Frasier) (1920-2012)
Scott, Ernest Findley (1868-1954)
Semu, Linda
Serbian Patriachate, Belgrade
Shaheen, Joanne Trabucco
Sharpe, Jane Flinkinger
Shaw, George Bernard (1856-1950)
Shea, Edward F. III
Shedd, Margaret (1900-)
Sherman, Judith H.
Shroyer, Montgomery J. (1888-)
Silone, Ignazio
Simmins, J. L. (Jerry Laird)
Sincoe, Mamie J. Jones
Slade, Jonathan Frederick
Smith, Herbert Charles
Smith, Huston
Smith, Kenneth L. (1925)
Smith, Kenneth L., 1925- (1925-)
Smith, Regan
Smithsonian Institution
Solle, Dorothee
Sommerville, Bessie Sloan
Sontag, Frederick
Soper, David Wesley (1910)
Spangenberg, Johann (1484-1550)
Spear, Joseph C.
Spender, Stephen
Staats, Josephine A.
Standing Committee of the Faculty on Catalogs, Western Maryland College (1921-1924)
Steichen, Edward (1879-1973)
Stein, Joseph
Stevens, H. Ray (Harold Ray) (1939-)
Stine, Whitney (1930)
Stoll, Carolyn Bouma
Stookey, Laurence Hull (1937-)
Storm, Hyemeyohsts
Stringfellow, William
Stuart, Jamie
Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro, 1870-1966 (1870-1966)
Swann, Don (1889-1954)
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