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Beginning with "B"
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Creators Beginning with "B"
Badiee, Julie
Baez, Joan
Baha Ullah (1817-1892)
Baillie, Donald Macpherson (1887-)
Baillie, John (1886-1960)
Bancroft, Anne (1923)
Banks, Russell (1940)
Barlow, Nora
Barnes, Vivian
Barth, Karl (1886-1968)
Barthel, Mildred Vanderbeek
Barton, Bruce (1886-1967)
Baseman, Bob
Baum, Fannie Brothers
Beakes, Kendall Douglas
Beard, Bernice (1927 -)
Beatty, William Edward
Beglin, D. Robert (Daniel Robert)
Beglin, Edna Haller
Behling, Herman E.
Behrle, Kristin
Bejenaru, Matei (1963-)
Bellamy, Marian Meredith
Bendel-Simso, Mary M. (1965)
Benedis-Grab, Daphne
Benjamin, Walter (1892-1940)
Bennekamper, Diane
Bennett, Clarence Henry (1906/02/23)
Bennett, Dorothy Gilligan (1906/10/03)
Berger, Peter L.
Berneking, Nancy J. (1943)
Berry, Gerald L. (1915-1993)
Bessler, Marion A.
Bethge, Eberhard (1909-2000)
Bianchi, Eugene C.
Bickley, Dorothy Alexander
Biles, Janet Brozik
Bill Griffiths
Bindley, T. Herbert (Thomas Herbert) (1861-1931)
Bishop, Betty (1926-2003)
Blatz, Philip K.
Bloom, Susan Ruddick
Boase, T. S. R. (Thomas Sherrer Ross) (1898-1974)
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (1906-1945)
Borowitz, Eugene B.
Bottomore, T. B.
Boudreaux, Margaret
Boukhars, Anouar
Boyd, Gregory A.
Boynton, Sandra
Brandt, Edwin H., Jr.
Braun, Eunice
Breakey, Katharine
Brecher, Edward M.
Brenton, Robin Adams
Bressler, Leo A.
Brokaw, Tom
Brooks, Edward (1831-1912)
Brooks, William Keith (1848-1908)
Brown, Catherine Georgia Buckel
Brown, Joe (1908-1985)
Brown, Robert McAfee
Brown, Robert McAfee (1920)
Brown, Robert McAfee (1920-2001)
Brunner, Emil (1889-1966)
Bryant, Barbara Patterson
Bryant, William Cullen (1794-1878)
Bryant, Zephia
Bryson, Bill
Buber. Martin (1878-1965)
Buffington, Audrey V.
Bunce, N. Ellsworth
Burge, Gary M. (1952)
Burke, Rachel L.
Burland, C. A. (Cottie Arthur) (1905-1983)
Bushnell, Horace (1802-1876)
Butterfield, Herbert (1900-1979)
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