Title: McDaniel College Hoover Library Student Art Collection, 2011- 2014
Predominant Dates:2011
Creator: Behrle, Kristin
Extent: 7.0 Items
Arrangement: Chronologically
Date Acquired: 05/12/2011
Languages: English [eng]
Accruals: Annually, 2011.28, 2012.28, 2013.61, 2014.07.
Access Restrictions: Artwork may be viewed in Hoover Library. Records, including artist's statement, are in Archives.
Use Restrictions:
Copyright: McDaniel College may hold copyright to sections of this material.
McDaniel College makes no representation that it is the owner of any copyright or other literary property in the materials contained in its archives, manuscript collections, and special collections unless specifically stated, (b) that in providing access to or permitting the reproduction of any such materials, McDaniel Archives does not assume any responsibility for obtaining or granting any permission to publish or use the same, and (c) that the responsibility (i) for determining the nature of any rights, and the ownership or interest therein, and for obtaining the appropriate permissions to publish or use and (ii) for determining the nature of any liabilities (including liabilities for defamation and invasion of privacy or publicity) that may arise from any publication or use, rest entirely with the researcher.
Copying: Papers may be copied in accordance with the Archives' usual procedures.
Acquisition Source: Senior Art Students
Acquisition Method: Purchase
Preferred Citation: Artist's name, McDaniel College Hoover Library Senior Art Collection (SpC:SAC), McDaniel College Archives
Other URL: http://libguides.hoover.mcdaniel.edu/content.php?mode=preview&pid=86700&sid=1913255