Title: T. K. Harrison (1882-1966) Papers [bulk 1950-1957]

Materials were left in the original order determined by the initial processing, excepting F2 and F5, which were organized chronologically by the Archivist.
Administrative/Biographical History
Theophilus Kenoley Harrison (“T. K.” or “Kenny”) was born in 1882, and served as the College’s Business Manager from 1930 until his retirement in 1949. He also served as the Alumni Association executive secretary during his tenure at the College, and this was the first time the alumni office was located on campus and maintained by a college employee. An alumni of Western Maryland College, Harrison graduated with the Class of 1901, and was very involved in Class reunion events and facilitating “Round Robin”-style letter exchanges between his classmates. Harrison “had a varied career, as an army officer, teacher, and businessman, working in the oil fields of Texas and with United Railways. He spent a year in Rio de Janeiro before returning to the campus as business manager for 19 years. Upon Harrison’s retirement, President Ensor commented, ‘if no one could be found for a particular job it was usually turned over to T. K., and he has accepted his responsibilities with the same loyalty and gracious spirit for which he is known by so many alumni.’ In 1969, the newly established Alumni House on the campus (the former Reifsnider home at 239 Main Street) was [opened and] named Harrison House in his honor” (Lightner, 367-368). During the Mid-Century Convocation in 1950, Harrison was one of many distinguished alumni to be granted an award, his for College Service. “These awards appear to have been the forerunners of the Trustee Alumni Awards, given since 1975” (Lightner, 451). Harrison was an active member of his local Kiwanis club, and was a member of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR). He died in 1966. References: Lightner, James E. Fearless and Bold: A History of McDaniel College, 1866-2002. Westminster, MD: McDaniel College, 2007, pages 338, 367-368, 451, 495. T. K. Harrison Papers (1882-1966), 1999-1888, MS2015.27, McDaniel College Archives.