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S14'!ii.i$iiM;. Westminster, MD August 2005 Vol. 2 No.1 The McDaniel Free Press '\/VelcolTles the Class of 2009! '\AIe've devoted this issue to the trials, tribulations, and triulTlphs of the -freshlTlan year. you lTIake your find advice .. .. you can Inside ... f'reshlTlan year even lTlore lTIelTlorable. Good luck, and enjoy! ... and anecdotes, in-forlTlation '\/ViII help that Here's the tip, now get into the social iceberg around offer opportunities to than Srarbucks and shops On Thursday nights, ing, Formals, Spring Fling. But ROB GOEKE expand the mind, enjoy the that are more than Wal-Mart. when the weekend is about to you'l! find out about that soon. CO-EDITOR The caU will come. Late. time, experience and thrive The Pour House and begin, small concerts are held Your boy from work ~ast~um- (and maybe rhyme) Gathering Grounds are ex- in the Pub. Comedians and You have the CD. Kanye. musicians always come to en- So let's take a journey. amples of some of the coolest mer or your best glrlfnend From the outside in. To beat coffee houses you'll find this tertain. College Dropout. Next chance from high school will be on the side of Seattle. Paradiso's, Other than shows and you get, pull it out and go to other end, calling from College boredom. To prevent inactiv- track 8. Never Let Me Down is Park, Towson or some place ity. To be able to talk back to [ohanssons and Harry's will parties, there are various other the song. You hear Iay-Z rap a like it. Braggin'. Telling you all your friend and make them satisfy your hunger pangs speakers, concerts and shows verse, then West. At2:45,l.1vy about the fun they're having. feel like they'r*e missing out. fulfil1~:a:ic ~e:~s, ~~t }h4a~ that will expand your per- comes on and spits a spoken All the stuff that's going down spective. word poem. Why does this at their damn school. Let's start big. As in cit- more do you ,:ant? CAPBoard, McD's col- matter? Because Llvy, the man And you will be in ies. DC and Bmore are close lege activities organization, who once shared studio space Hoover Of the Pub getting to the Mac and always have On campus is where will be offering many activi- with the two biggest hip-hop chicken fingers for the third things to do; clubs, restau- things happen. Youjust have ties throughout the year. On artists in the biz, the man who night this week, wondering rants, concerts, and sports-- to get out of your room and September 10, a video dance was featured on a Grammy what the hell you're missing. it's all there. find them party will be held. Fall Fest award wirming album, graced Answer? Nothing. In town, there are also Most weekends, a fra- will be on September 17. It Mcfraniellast spring. plenty of places to go, even ternity or sorority hosts a will be a carnival sponsored This is just an example of You chose to come here within walking distance. clubroom with big dance by the school held all over what is possible. What you can knowing it was small. And Main Street has restaurants parties just as good as Igua- campus and will conclude see. The opportunities you do with a foam dance party. small may mean nothing to do. that are more than Denny's, nas or Baja but without the Then comes Homecom- have. But this is just tip. Get to But this campus and areas coffee shops that are more old freaks. the iceberg. The First Year Team WANTED Who We Are and What We Do Greetings from the First Year Team! We have really enjoyed working this surruner to THE SHARP, THE ROUGH, provide information about McDaniel College, help coordinate placement ~xams and First THE FEARLESS Year Seminars on Blackboard, assist with Archway registration, answer questions about hous- ing, and finally, prepare for this August's Orientation. We hope that you will locate us to Welcome to the Free Press. Horne of the answer any questions. storytellers, the eye openers, the Here's who we are and what we do: world changers. We inform, educate and anger. We want to have an edge. Dr. Sherr! Lind Hughes isAssociate Dean of Academic Af- fairs and also Professor and Chair of Psychology. This summer, Sharp. Rough. Fearless. she has coordinated the reading program on TIle Kite Runner So you want to change something here at and helped with the advising and registration process. During the Mac or out in the world? Corne the year, Dean Hughes will continue to work with ~ll First Year Seminar faculty on issues related to the success of first year stu- here. dents. You want to become a better writer? Corne here. Dr. lean H. Shin is Associate Dean for First Year Students and Associate Professor of Sociology. This summer, he has coor- You want to tell a story that everyone dinated the Peer Mentor program, been the initial advising con- needs to know? Corne here. tact for incoming transfer students, and has helped with the ad- You want to show off the creative side? vising and registration process. During the year, Dean Shin will act as the primary academic support person for all first year stu- Corne here. dents. And you don't have to write to contribute. You can help Ms. Elizabeth (l iz) Towle is Associate Dean of Student Af- with artwork, comics, layout design and fairs. This summer, she has worked to coordinate the Orienta- story ideas. You can choose the level of in- tion schedule, overseen the roommate selection process, and helped to answer other questions about student life. During the volvement. From regular story writer, to year, Dean Towle will provide support for first year students as copy editing, to art design, to occasional they enter their living and learning communities outside the class- room. editorial submissions. But here, we are going to piss people off. Tell them stories they never new. Give them Ms. Tina Nguyen is Secretary for the First Year Team. Ms. new perspective. Nguyen is the "hub" of contact for the First Year Team, field~g calls and e-meils in the Academic Affairs office related to first You have four years of college. You have year students (and always with a friendly hello!). She can be to make the most of it. Do it here: Each Mon- reached at 410-857-2790 (or ext. 2790). day night, Hill Hall 108, 7:00 p.m. Get started. Fast.
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