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Volume XXIV Number I Thursdas Se tember 13 2001 Winslow's future Over the past three years, West- revamped ern Maryland College's endow- ment has grown almost thirty per- cent, from $39 million in 1998 to CJ.AIRE AIMMS $55.5 million in 2001. A large por- Co-EdilOr·in·Chie! lion of this growth is attributed to Over the summer, a recent $8 million dollar bequest renovations of buildings plans and for given by Thomas and Catherine Eaton, said Richard Kief, vice grounds on the WMC campus president for institutional advance- were completed, but one building slated to be renovated remains un- mentat WMC. touched- Winslow Hall. This is by far the largest gift in the history of the college," Kief According to Eth'an Seidel, the said. vice president of administration The bequest was received be- and finance, renovations to tween June and Septemberof2000, Winslow were put on hold when after the death of Catherine Eaton the Building and Grounds Com- in the summer of 1999. Kief said mittee decided instead to demol- ish it and build a new facility. the college chose 10 hold the an- "The Buildings and Grounds nouncement of the gift until after President Joan Coley's inaugura- committee has voted that a new tion ceremonies because "the portfolio, which allows the college means is that we're tuition depen- our alums bow they can make a building would be more useful than trying money wasn't going anywhere, to provide better services to the stu- dant." difference and what difference that and more economical to renovated Winslow, ~ he said, [and] we had to look at when the dents. The Eaton bequest was unre- message would be important." WMC's endowment is smaller stricted, meaning it could be used makes in the edu~ we can of- Seidel added that the plan to Since the money was given to than most other colleges in our con- for anything by the college, Kief fer." fits in well with The endowment the college, it has been put to work. ference," Seidel said. "Per in- said. However, he believes the President Joan Coley's goal, ex- "One hundred percent is going stance, Swarthmore has almost a $1 trustees used the gift to increase the pressed at her inaugural address, to to the endowment," said Ethan billion endowment." endowment because of it's impor- triple the endowment funds. Seidel, vice president for finance Kief commented that even tance. Kief believes WMC's en- Thomas Eaton was a graduate homes and administration at WMC. Seidel Gettysburg College's endowment, dowment is so small "because his- of the class of 1927 and when he got new, permanent Hall. and the Lewis Recitation explained that the endowment is at $197 million, is almost four torically, the college hasn't had it Academic Skills Center was readY basically the college's investment times as large as ours. "What that as a focus, and we haven't shown to move temporarily into the base-- The grass is always ••• Residence ment of Hoover Library. that the Kellin Selby, the center's learn- ing specialist, explained center was packed and ready to multicolored? life down move into the basement of the li- but that never brary in August, by two happened. Because of the change plans, the Academic Skills Cen- in ter was left in the dank, mildew)' DAN HAMYAS SpeciallolheP/roenix confines of Winslow. While the semester slowly spins up to its maximum output ~ Continued 011 page 3 in every aspect, residence life --_ ~- staff is rapidly decreasing in Inside numbers. Staff-member Beth Rosko re- signed on September 1 followed shortly after by Nicole Gallup, who resigned on September 14. Mike Wiles explains how he got Rosko had been working at involved as a Resident Assistant WMCsince 1995 (after working and how he feels th~t it is some- at Elon College in North Caro- times a trying job. lina) as an Residence Life Coor- dinator first, and then later as as- sistant director of Residence Get the scoop on your scope-- Life. Rosko last held the position this month's horoscopes, plus a of director of housing before glance at an upcoming play at leaving WMC. WMC. Gallup, who worked at WMC for five years, resigned as Resi- Rick Grams discusses why Bany dence Life coordinator for Bonds is more deserving of the all-time homerun record than Continued on page 3 Mark McGwire.