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..-----------------------~---------------~-----~---.-~---~- Sports See page 12 Residence Life expects students to meet higher standards BY MICHELLE HAMII.TON judicial process. policies about alcohol and par- to provide an alternative atmo- dances. Organizations such as News Edilor Another change in policies ties have changed, Kane simply sphere, and by establishing the RAG. Cap board, and Bacchus As the new year begins, stu- are the minimum sanctions for explained that "people perceive Alcohol-free Activity Grant. will investigate other campuses dents may notice changes in serious misconduct. Offenders that [the higher expectations] as Also, RAG has been formed such as Goucher, Loyola, and some aspects of the residence will receive suspension for the a change" in policies. In gen- and it provides social activities, Johns Hopkins to redesign the life department. While some current semester and one addi- eral, Kane said he is always especially for first year stu- area. changes in policies have oc- tional semester for the first of- looking to increase the institu- dents. In redesigning the pub According to Kane, Resi- curred and new programs are fense according to the Students tional prestige of the college. atmosphere, it will be kept open dence Life is "being proactive" being implemented, the major- Guide and Datebook. These Despite current rumors that later hours on Thursday, Friday, to help set the tone for the year ity of the differences students sanctions include offenses of have surfaced because of the and Saturday nights. Some and communicating what the have noticed this year are in ex- physical abuse, sex abuse, higher standards.Ra's still can- ideas are to have a coffee house are to the students. pectations from the residence sounding false fire alarms, and not key into rooms unless they life staff. possession of guns or facsimile. follow proper procedures, at a First- year-students Scott Kane, Director of (On page 117 in the Student which have not changed. Also, Residence Life. described the Guide and Datebook these sanc- RA's can confront students fal- land on the Hill new Community Standards tions are outlined more thor- later date about a previous vio- Conference. This new way of oughly.) lation ONLY if the student handling student discipline in- Both the Community Stan- sified information about iden- fractions consists of an infor- dards Conference and the mini- tity. Students cannot be writ- mal meeting between the stu- mum sanctions are part of the ten up at a later date for a vio- dent and a member of the resi- higher standards for the college lation they were not confronted dent life staff. This will be used community that Kane and all of with at the time of committing in more minor infractions and residence life are striving for. the offense. it provides the student in the Another part of Kane's higher Kane acknowledged that decision making process of the standards involves the duties of expectations cannot be raised disciplinary procedures. There RA's. "Residence Life is hold- without providing other alterna- is no judicial hearing. Kane ing RA's accountableto do their tives for students socially. suggested that this will "help jobs more" he explained. There Ways in which Residence Life students,take responsibility" for are "high expectations and are planning on doing this in- their actions and "involve them people are trying to fill those clude helping Greeks with in the process." Kane also em- expectations," Kane said. clubroom parries by helping phasized that more severe in- While students may think staff them, redesigning the pub fractions will need to involve a JONATHON SIIACAT On The Hill Editor Look out! Coming through! Construction and renovation seem to be occurring everywhere on campus. Luckily things are slowly but surely progressing. Memorial Hall is almost com- plete and will be dedicated on Fri- day, October 13. Other than some minor details Memorial will be "es- sentially finished" for the sched- uled dedication date, says Dr. Ethan A. Seidel, vice president of admin- istration and finance. Seidel hopes that the classrooms on the ground floor will be in use by this date. The renovation of Memorial Hall began in late August of 1994 when the top two floors were de- molished. came up higher than planned, a strucnon) complete so that it will Englar Dining Hall renovation be ~ce for people to have it (the to delay has had a short delay due to prob- decision was made than starti~g the dining hall) for second semester." late project. Rather lems with the budget. Anyway, the in the summer and not finishing Lewis Hall of Science is also plans are complete and work will until after classes had resumed, showing progress as the designing begin immediately at PIe end of the Seidel decided to wait so that things and fund raising stages are cur- fall semester of this year. would be "less disruptive." rently in progress. The total cost It was originally planned that Seidel stated, With assurance, Glar would be renovated during the "I am going to try to get this (con- see Renovations, p.4 past summer but when the budget
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