Page 1 - Scrimshaw1978-79
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Cure for Math Has "math anxiety" stricken "Creative Writing Workshop," you recently'? If so, the fall 1978 "Basic Canoeing," "Current continuing education program at Report on China," "Late Af- Western Maryland College offers a ternoon Fitness Program," and classjustforyou. "Women in Contemporary "Math Survival Clinic," led by Drama." Skip Fennell and Jim Lightner, isa For further information or program designed to give students registration for "Math Survival the support and confidence they Clinic" or any of the other of- need to overcome the difficulties of ferings, contact the office of the everyday math-related problems. registrar, ext. 376 Limited to 15 perucfpants, the class will focus on positive and interesting aspects of problem Coming Soon solving which may aid- in figuring out bills, balancing checkbooks, and taking advantage of unit has The Lecture/Concert several Committee scheduled exciting pricing. events to take place throughout the Classes will meet 1-2:30 Tuesday Sept. 19 and 26 and Oct. 3, 10, and school year. Coming up on Sep- 17,ata total cost of $20. tember 25th is a lecture by George Other continuing education Plimpton, the engaging author of courses offered by Western Paper Lion. Next is the Annapolis Brass Quintet. America's only full- Maryland for the fall include time brass ensemble, they will be Rally! performing 14th. Two days later, Day, on Parent's on October October 16th, will be a lecture by KME, honor the math Volume VIII Number 1 Thursday. September 14, 1978 will be hosting a car rally society, this Dr. AlvinPoussaint, author of Why Blacks Kill Blacks and Black Child Western Maryland College Sunday, September 17th. The Care. course will cover over 40 miles of On November 9th, Cecile Licad, scenic roadways, ranging a gifted pianist of 17 will be here to throughout Westminster and the share her talents with us and on the surrounding countryside. In ad- 13th, Keith gerger will intrigue us dition to sightseeing, participants with his magical talents in mime. will be expected to answer a During January term, we will be variety of senseless questions honored twice by the National along the route. For example, you Players. On January 9th & lOth, may be asked who resides at a they will present The Taming of given address along the way, or the the Shrew and Romeo and Juliet, price of eggs at a given roadside respectively. Although admission stand, or maybe even the number is free. tickets will be issued for of policemen currently working out these two events due to limited of the nearby State Police seating. Barracks! February brings us the Cost is a mere $1.00 per person Maryland Ballet on the 9th, A It'~.~pen, But... safety reasons), be given haU of the Grace Lee Mims on the Ilth, Lee- To of 2 people per car for and (minimum and on the 21st. Giovanni Nikki profits the year, the off will in prizes. finish Contestants compete on the ture/Concert Committee will Tim Windsor and card shop, a pastry and cheese the Decker center has is its number of questions answered present Dick Gregory on April 9th Although it has been plagued shop and student offices, all in ~e location. Winslow was too far out of correctly in the least amount of and of course, the May Carnival on with leaky ceilings unfinished basement of Rouzer. Union the way; a trip there, at the least, time (contestants will be May5th. walls and lockless m~ilboxes, the National Bank won the bidding for was inconvenient. With the new disqualified if time is too low and Admission to all events is free new Decker College Center has a room and will open for students, building actually in the center of indicates said contestant was for students with a minimal charge been open for Jimited use since the faculty and staff as soon as they the campus, it will serve everyone exceeding the speed limit). being made to off-campus par- beginning of the school year. With. get authorization from the Federal much better and, for the first time, Registration begins at 2 p.m. in ticipants. For more information the administrative offices, post Reserve Board. provide a place for everyone in the the Whiteford parking lot this watch the Scrimshaw and W.M.C. office, bookstore, and gameroom A unique and sorely n~ed school to get together. Sunday. Remember, the more the Today or contact the Student all nearly finished, the structure feature of the Decker center IS the Now if they could only get the merrier, and the larger the crowd, Activities Office. Don't miss these ha~;lr~~~~s~~~n ~he:vYf~~~' thing ~~~~~ :~t~r~~~ir~n~: ~I~ ,.:;:th::::i":.g::::fin::::i':;;h"':;::::;... ...::th::::';:la::'g:;;:"~th;:;'~P;.;ri':;;"';:;' ...::;ex~"~·ti~m!"1.:"::::";::"":;.'"". ----, returning students will notice is the "Forum," the room. IS abo~t that there are a good number of the size of the cafeteria and IS Continue Your Education incomplete areas as w~lI, most designed to. accomcdate, notably the comblflation parties,movlesandthehke.Usm g pub/snackbar. Apparently, the two built-in dividers, the Forum can chief causes of the delay were last become three separate rooms year's unusually hard winter and each with its own use. Western Maryland College's Program, Sept. 18; Math Survival onT~::~~~~~e~i~r: ~~~;~ severe supply shortages. A case in Another, less-liked use for t.he program of continuing education is Clinic, Sept. 19; Creative Writing at Western Maryland College as point is the dining porch which was 'room will be for open fratermty now open for registration for fall Workshop, Sept. 27; Current one of its continuing education pushed back from a September parties. It may not be cramped 1977 completion date when the anymore but there .been co~~esnon_credit courses are in- ~:~~ f~C~~it':~r!~~~Y ~;a~na~ courses this fall. prefabricated metal frames were complaints already that I~ Will be formal. As no examinations or Oct. 26. Wi~I~~~h~~f:e ~~~~::~c~:' ~:'~~: held up at the manufacturer. too big and impersonal. Tlm.e and grades are given, amount of study Future courses planned include of others and the principles of Ail told, the entire project is four use will tell whether. IS t~e months behind schedule and case but as for now, It IS certain ~~dt~:I~~~er:.:i~!~Si~~:~;:;i;~~ :n~~~~~n~:'gg?~~~~~i~r::~~~ safety as well as still water pad" should be completed by that other organizations will find motivation For further information or ~~~gc~n~e~A\ecl::e:i~a~O:~~;t Homecoming in early October. many uses for it the strongest Still to come are a bank, a record Probably ings asset that al;::~~h ~~r~t f~~tetho~ ::~~ ~~~~sat~:~i,on int!~;ste~on~~~~~~~ ri~~~!~i~ize is limited to 14with the New Offer ~~a;t~J 1i~c~~: A~~:;~OO~a~:~ ~~~~~a~~~~~~7;~e office of the exception of persons who can Children provide their own canoes. of cucumbers, tomatoes, and Fitness Program Offered ~~c:~pa~~:yr:n:~~~~me when Friday evening, September 8th, eggplants to dancing back-to-beck Western Maryland College is individual fitness will be checked Classes will meet 11 a.m.-2 p.m. brought a twist to the schedule of and performing in an orchestra of offering its "Late Afternoon Fit- initially and then periodically Sunday, Sepl. 17 and 24 and Oct. 1, events usually planned for vowels. And Jet's not forget ness Program" from 5:30 to 6:30 throughout the c?nditioning 8,and15,atatotaJfeeof$25. welcoming new students to Amoeba Tag! every Monday and Thursday from program. Course fee Will be $24 Other fall continuing education campus. PLAYFAIR, created by The purpose ofPLAYFAlR is to Sept.18toNov.2asapartoflhe Other courses in the West~rn courses include Creative Writing Pamela Kekich and Matt Wein- bring together people in a sup- college's continuing education Maryland fall continuing Workshop, Late Afternoon Fitness stein, was brought to the Forum in portive environment, enabling program. education program include Program, Current Report on Decker College Center. Sponsored them to be themselves without A great way to get in shape for "Creative Writing Workshop," China, Math Survival Clinic, and by WMC's Lecture/Concert some of the typical social winter _ and the rest of your life _ "Basic Canoeing," "Current Women in Contemporary Drama. Committee, PLAYFAIR is "a inhibitions. For most of the par the seven-week conditioning Report on China," "Women in All classes are non-credit and series of non-competitive games ticipants, Friday was an evening of program will be preceded by Contemporary Drama," and informal, with no tests and no with lots of supportive in- fun and games and a chance to lectures on the science of physical "Math Survival Clinic." grades. - teraction." This proved to indeed loosen up and meet each other on conditioning. Led by Sam Case, For further information or For further information on, or for "Late Afternoon 1 be the case as the 300 or so par- equal ground. This seemed to be an topics and will include heart disease, and registration Program" or any of the registration for, Basic Canoeing or ticipants advanced education from Fitness forming any control, weight diet excellenl way to kick-off the new of the continuing groups by screaming out the last semester and hopefully an in methods of conditioning other offerings, contact the office offerings, interested persons digit in their-telephone number to dication of what's to come Participants will be able to chart of the registrar, ex. 376. should contact the office of the relating the childhood sxpenences throughout the year ~lh:::eir:;,pe:hh!l:y":::io~al!..:i::.:m:l:p,~ov:::'::.:m::::'"~t.::'i:::"C;:;' :.:"~gi:::":.:'a:,;'•.:::ex::.l.;;;37:.::6;..._"..._.....1