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Library T/estern IVa.rylandCollege Vlestminster, Md. Voorhees Leads Freshmen In Placement Test Results Sarah Moffett Ranks Among First Ten Students In Four Out Of Five Of The Examinations Tying for first place in two tests various tests are as follows: and leading in all others, Virginia Biology-Virginia Voorhees, Rob- Vol. 20 No.1 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE October I, 1942 Voorhees topped the freshman class ert Dellett, Marie Wilson, Margaret in the placement tests given on Wed- Geary, Winifred Shauck, Mary Eliza- nesday, September 23. Tests in biol- beth Preach, June Vogel, Eisenlohr, Military Affairs Occupy WMC Spotlight As Ingersoll ogy, French, psychology, English, Bruner, Elizabeth Ruth and reading were ~ivcn to the fresh- and Douglas Beaks. Lee College Opens For Seventy-Sixth Year men to determine abilities for place- French-Virginia Voorhees, Sarah ment purposes. Moffett, Winifred Shauck, Janet In biology, Virginia Voorhees and Reese, Doris Knowles, June Vogel, Robert Dellett received top scores. Shirley Noll, David Bennighof, and Lenore Fitch tied with Voorhees in Dorothy Marie Stewart. Vogel, Noll, Lee D. Lodge Is Armed Forces To the reading test. Miss Voorhees top- and Bennighof received the same ped the 1940 and 1941 scores in the scores. New Battalion Make Campus Their English test. Psychological- Virginia V~orhees, Most of the freshmen high scorers Sarah Moffett, Donald Wooden, Hen- 'Front' October 6 were girls, mnny being in the top ten rietta Jones, B. F. Brower, R. N. Lieut.-Colonel of several tests. Blades, Mary Gene Torsch, Ann F. The ten highest freshmen in the Stevens, J. M. Price, Jr. Lee D, Lodge has been selected by A joint Army,. Navy, and Marine English-Virginia Voorhees, Hen- Colonel Walton, PMS&T, on the Corps board, consisting of five mem- to be in from bel'S, including basis of grades and aptitude, u representative I\~placements In rietta Jones, Sarah Moffett, Donald command of the ROTC Battalion at the air urms of both the Army and Wooden, Ruth Willis, Doris Knowles, J. year. Robert Lenore Fitch, Marie Wilson, Lois WlIIC this Bosley Baugher have Moore Navy will visit Western Maryland been T. College on October and G, 1942. Faculty Start Fessenden, Nancy Sfimson. named as his staff, Moore as major, Western Maryland already has Reading - Virginia Voorhees, Le- executive officer; and Baugher as cap- some twelve men in the Enlisted Re- New Year nore Fitch, Sarah Moffett, Barbara tain, battalion adjutant. serves of the United States Army. Donald Wooden, "David Bennighof, The war has brought several impor- Brower, Richard Blades, Robert H. tant changes into the structure of the It is hoped that this sweeping cam- paign enlistment voluntary will for Twelve New Members Adams, Jr., Henrietta Jones, Doris battalion this year. Due to the in- rcsult in a greatly increased Reserve Added To Fill Out Knowles. class did creasing number of undergrates leav- here. As a group, the freshmen Staff Vacancies well in the tests, according to Miss ing the campus for army was camps, the to Each of the five representatives forced Military department Martha Manahan, registrar. abandon Company D this year. This E. Bruce Ferguson :~~':m:~~:~!~~l~:~sh:~~~ft~~~"!~~~ . Western Maryland College opened its classrooms this year with the ad- leaves more men than previously in Bruce Ferguson utes in which to give his message to dition of twelve new members to the Miss Benson Replaced the remaining three companies, and the male student body. role of its faculty and administrative brings those companies closer to war- The general meeting of the stu- staff, They represent both new addi- As McDaniel 'Mother' time strength. men by order of Lt. Returns To Hill dent body will take place in Alumini tions as well as replacements due to The following Hall from 12:15 to 2:15 P. M. Each retirement and losses to the war ef- Miss Ruth Benson, formerly house- Col. Walton have been promoted to representative will be allotted a room officers of the As Instructor fort. mother in McDaniel Hall, has been officers' ranks. The in .Science Hall from 2:30 P. M. to transferred to McKinstry Hall. Her green will drill on Tuesdays and 5:30 P. M. for the purpose of holding e New Treasurer place will be taken by Mrs. Virgie those of the gold on Thursdays. One of Western Maryland's great- open house meetings. All men are A new professor of physics has Williams Jefferson, who graduated BAND est blocking backs, 1st Lieut. E. invited to make-use of one or all of •. been placed to replace Professor Carl from Western Maryland College in Captain, William O. Prettyman, Jr.; Bruce Ferguson better known as these meetings, and questions pecu- Schaeffer, who has been appointed 1909. 1st Lieut., John M. Williams; 1st Sgt., "Fergie", returned to his home liar to their personal situations will treasurer of the college, succeeding Mrs. Jefferson, mother of Margaret Arlie R. Mansberger; Sgt., Rueaell campus after an eighteen months ab- be answered by the qualified men at the late Dr, William R. McDaniel. "Peg" Jefferson, '40, was appointed A. Sellman; Sgt., Kenneth E. Bur- sence to officially take up the position that time. Room 22 Science Hall will The teaching posttlon is being filled to the position only last week, She dette. in the military department left va- be made available for the projection by Dr. R. D. Summers, who is a grad- arrived on the campus on Monday, A COMFANY cant when Lieut. Reynolds was called of such movies as the board chooses, uate of the University of Pennsylvan- September 28th, to assume her new Green: Captain, Frank P. Suffern; to active duty this summer. Classes, it has been announced, will ia. He has taught there for the past duties. (Continued on Page 4, Column 4) Lieut. Ferguson graduated from be adjusted that day to fit the recruit- ten years. Before coming to the Hill, Mrs. Western Maryland in 1935 with a (Continued on Page 4, Column 3) as second Lieutenant. Caroline .Pre-Flight Instructor Jefferson had taught in for a num- Large Percentage Of commission of summer camp training As a result One of the new appointments to the County, and had served and special courses, he received his Dean Free Appointed ... college staff is Sterling McGrath, in- ber of years on the Federalsburg, June Grads Are promotion in 1938. structor in pre-Bight training and Maryland, local school board. A great athlete during his stay in Dean of Men, L. Forrest Free, business administration, McGrath college, the Heutenant played football has been appointed repre- comes to the college from Williams- p-acements in tho veriou •• cience de- _Now .'feaching all four ·years. It is said that Bill sentative for all the armed services port-Dickinson Junior College. Miss partments. Dr. Isabel 'I'hqrnpson, Approximatelyone·half JJf the Sheppard, picked by all the major at Western Maryland College. Katherine Carmichael succeeds Dean who has recently completed her grad- . graduating studentsQf the .edueaticn sports commentators as All-American Rear Admiral Jacobs, U.S.N .. Bertha Adkins, who resigned to lic- uate study at Ohio State University, department qualified for ~ -teaehing , fullback, would never play without chairman of the joint Army and cept a position at Bradford Junior will replace D. Ella Martin as In- have been placed. Of these thirty, "Fergie" in there as his blocking Navy Personnel Board, expressed College, as Dean of Women, structor of Biology. Dr. Martin re- only two men have received place- back. his appreciation and that of the Three appointments represent re- (Continucd on Page 4, Column 1) ment, Cam Orloske, who is now teach- Following his college graduation, combined services for the time and ing at Havre de Grace and Andrew Lieutenant Ferguson became associ- energy which Dean Free has ex- pended, in the and will Dr. Holloway Outlines Students' Bohle, who instructs at Southern thir- Jr. ated with the Athletic Department future, in counseling expend men or High The the School, Baltimore. here on the hill. He coached varsity teen remaining qualified men teach- basketball, baseball, freshman foot- Western Maryland College on the Responsibilities In Present' Crisis or's are mostly all in some way con- ball, and assisted with varsity foot- basis of his full understanding the of the ] 942-43 college year I ball and track. concerning facts the available nected with the armed forces. Keynoting • Students Placed His coaching, in 1941, resulted in reserve plans of the several armed forces, with an emphasi a on the opportuni- Gives "Address ••• The .students placed and the schools the best basketball season Western ties open to us as students in a coun- where they are now teaching are: (Continued on Page 4, Column 1) try as yet free and unscarred by the Clara ArthUr, JarrettsviIle High, misfortunes of war, President Fred School; Dorothy Attix, Lewes, Dela- G. Holloway in his annual ·convoca- ware; Jean Ayres, Chesapeake City Dean's List tion addl'ess to the college assembled and Calvert High School, Cecil Coun- in Alumni Hall Monday, September ty. Seniors 28, focused attention upon the neces- Lucie Leigh Barnes is teaching at Milton J. Huber Elizabeth Gable • sity of the utmost utilization of time Kenwood High School, Baltimore Alvin H. Levin Mary Caroline Gable and energy for the setting up of a County; Miriam Bond, Rising Sun, Robert J. Moore Janith R. Horsey broader national base of scholastic Harford County; Dorothy Brown, William O. Prettyman Hannah G. McKee excellence. Taneytown High School; Beatrice Robert T. Siemon S. Hazel Metz Burk, Towson High School; Gladys Addressing the largest student Joseph S. Whiteford Mal'Y F. Miller body ever gathered in Alumni Hall, Crowson, Margaret Brent High Dorothy R. Sowter the President of Wester;. Maryland School, St. Mary's County; Doris Virginia M. Bell Mary Virginia Walker College reminded the school that it as Davenport, Boonsboro, Md.; Ruth Verna E. Cooper Virginia M. Waterss a whole is challenged to give its best Dickinson, Pittsville High School, -morally, culturally, vocationally, Wicomico County; Jane Fraley, An- Juniors and physically. napolis, Md. At Old Town Andrew Graham Margaret H. Adams .Ellwein Dr. Hoiloway's address, following Betty Ellwein has been placed at James E. Griffin Dorothy Clarke both the filing into the hall of the Oldtown, Allegheny County; Isabelle William H. Harrington Agnes C. Dyson Lucille C. Gischel Fred A. Kunmar faculty cloaked in academic robes, Harmon, Mt. Airy High School; Fran- and the prayer of Dr. Little, con- ces Lemke, Anne Arundel County; Richard G. Patten Frances E. Hall stantly reiterated a bit of verse call- Emily Linton, Clarksville High William F. Potts Ann R. Meeth ing upon us to live today in prepara- Dr. Fred G. Holloway Sch~ol, Howard County: Ruth Mac- William T. Richardson Mary Gladys Rehmeyer, Mary M. Turnley John F. Yost tion for a better world tomorrow. The Up to our means: a very different Vean, Ellicott City; Adele Masten, verse, which the president had- the thing." Conrad High School, Wilmington, &.phomores entire assembly repeat, follows: Following Dr. Holloway's address Del.: Lauretta McCusker, Annapolis Joseph P. Geary Alice R. Kuhn "The common problem, yours, mine, the school arose en masse and sang High School; Margaret Rudy, Acci- Frank E. Jaumot Ruth I. Miles everyone's one verse of the Alma- Mater. A dent High School, Garrett County; George W. Piavis E. Elizabeth Miller Is not to fancy what were fair in slight mix-up occurred at the end of Mary Stevenson, Elkridge High Mary Elizabeth Ober life, the assembly when the signal was School, Howard County. Provided it could be, but, finding given for the students to leave before • Sweeney In Ann Arundel Co. ;~:)c~~'i~d~r::rn Flora M. Siewicz first' the faculty· did so, contrary to all Virginia Sweeney is teaching at Helen M. Fockler Margaret A. Thompson previou.s customs of convocation serv- Anne Arundel County: Kathryn Tip- P. Dean Hess Catherine A. Waring. iees. (Continued on Page 4, Column 1)
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