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COl BEAT CORTLAND WELCOME CLASS OF '42 TEACHERS SATURDAY Z286 Vol. 16, No.1 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. September 22, 1938 72nd SESSIONOPENS SEPTEMBER 27 Housing Cbanges To Military Men Auend College Arranges For Orientation Program Arranged Aid Life 00 Campus Camp AI Fort Meade F.ur Outside Programs By Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf Removal Of Offices To Carroll Inn Western Maryland Boys Take Honors National Symphony Orchestra To Leaves Additional Floor For In Athletics And Rifle Climax '38-'39 Series Of Attrac- Dr. Bertholf, Dean Of Freshmen, Presents Letter To Incoming Class Library Use Marksmanship tions; Players Listed Orientation week devoted to acquainting incoming freshmen with Returning students will be greeted Student officers of the Western The college administ.rat.ion has an- their college home, and heralding the start of the seventy-second session by many changes on the Western Maryland R. O. T. C. unit distfnguiah, nounced a series of four outside at- -----------, of western Maryland College, begins Maryland campus when they arrive - e d themselves in tractions to be brought to Alumni on Tuesday, September 27. Dr. Lloyd on October 1. They will probably dis- several fields of ac- Hall during the 1938-39 college sea- M. Bertholf, dean of freshmen and cover the biggest change when they t i v i t y at Fort son. One of these programs will be professor of biology, has ar-ranged the go to register in what used to be Car- Meade this sum- a return for the third consecutive orientation program. roll Inn, instead of in the old library mer. Eighteen of- year of the National Symphony Or- DR. LLOYDM. A diversified program, which at- and administration building. The ad- fleers of the class chestra of Washington, D. C., under tempts to familiarize the new stu- ministration offices, including Dean of 1939, and two of the direction of Dr. Hans Kindler. BERTHOLF dents with the school, contains place- Schofield's office in Lewis Hall, were the class of 1938 The prOgramJi1~r.tI!,~nments will ment tests, medical examinations, lec- transferred to their present position attended the camp be opened early in the year when the tures, and social events. It affords early in June. period he Id -b e- Curtis String Quartette makes its ap- freshmen the opportunity to meet New Floor For Library MAJOR SHEPHERDtween June 17 and pearance on Tuesday evening, Octo- their classmates, learn some of the The first floor of the former library- J u I y 28 at the ber 11. college traditions, and get on their administration building from which Maryland military post. Major Try- feet before the upperclassmen arrive. the offices of the president, registrar, on Shepherd, of the college military Vocalist On Card New Appointments To The administration, the faculty, the and treasurer, and also the bookstore staff, was in charge of the Western Close on the heels of the Curtis in- student councils, and the cabinets of have been removed will be dedicated Maryland cadet officers. strumentaliats, will come vocalist Alter Faculty Roster the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. to the enlargement of the library. The '89 Westminster boys' greatest Frank Mellor, popular tenor; Mr. will be on hand to welcome the fresh- The remodeling of the old offices will distinction came from their use -of Mellor will give a concert in Alumni Dr. James P. Earp To Instruct New men. be completed by the opening of school fire-arms. The twenty cadets present Hall on October 28. Courses; Dr. Margaret Herring Again this year Dean Bertholf pre- on October 1. set an all-time record for the Third After a long interval, in which the Fills Dr. Munn's Place sents his annual letter to the fresh- As was suggested last spring, the Corp Area by qualifying 90% of their monotony will be broken by pre-holt- men class. book-store room will be used as a pe- w:ith the rifle, and 95% with day dances and PFties, the program The following additions to the wee- Dr. Bertholf's Letter riodlcal reading room, and the for-mer- the pistol as marksmen or better .. Joe of outside attract tons will take on a tern Maryland faculty have been an- I Class of 1942: nounced. The national "sport" in these days ~~~e=p.~!~!~ea~r~:~~e~~:~:nlr:.~~~~~:; ,/ !:~~;::~t:~t~d~:r~i~~~~rs q.uahfied ., ~:~o~l~~e~l~cw~i~ ~~~~~Yfl.~~y:;:: ~:r~:~l~il~;coi~:~~~~~i~~.~tezt ~o..,:~t rooms. The librarians will use the Through their accuracy with Iholidays on January 12. The stage .rp·:n~d~s:~ioi~;~~· Ph.D.. Phv~lorq the former treasurer's office as their office. I·ifle the Western Marylanders won piece which the well-known troupe of Helen E. Gray, A.M., Home Eco- practice It IS, of course, to be thor- Much repair work has been done to the honor of representing their corp theatrical rovers will produce has not nomics. oughly condemned, for we know that in the long run and on the average at- the original library floor during the area in the national competition for been announced. . Margaret Herring Ph.D., French. 'tempt cannot possibly succeed. And ~:;;:;~rtT:fe :~!r~:~:e~a~:g:~~~i~; (Continued on Page 5, Col. 1) ! (Continued on Page 5, Col. 2) (Colltinue~ on Page 2, Col. 3) yet, we are all constantly receiving the first floor for its new use this fall. rewards and benefits that we have had New Post Office Equipment FOURTEENTH ANNUAL FRESHMAN ORtENTATION PROGRAM little part in producing. Such, for ex- The book-store and post office have ample, is the benefit of the opportu- been merged in what has been in past September 27 to 30 nity for an education. years the men's game room in the Old Tuesday 6:00 Dinner (boarding stu den t s 3:15 a) Men: The use of the Library are You who are about to enter college- are blessed. particularly You Main Building. The removal of the 1:00 to 5:00, and 7:00 to !):OO P. III. only) -1'Iliss Ward (Library) among the relatively few permitted post office to the larger room has -Registration and room as- 6:30 GTeetings from the Alumni As- made it possible to set up the new signments (Office of Registrar sociation, Col. T. K. Harrison, b) W 0 men: Enrollment for to continue your education beyond the lock boxes and frontage purchased and of Deans of Men and Wo· Executive Secy. courses (second floor, Sc. public schools. To you is to be open- from the College Park Post Office last men, respectively) 6:40 College Songs and Yells (Smith Hall) ed the storehouse of men's aspira- April. 6:00 Dinner (College Dining Room, Hall) 5:30 Outdoor supper (day students tions, discoveries, and creations down The boxes, about 300 in number, Science Hall) 8:00 Reception to the Class of 1942 included): men in chn rge of the through the ages, a knowledge of will be rented to the students, two (Girls' Gymnasium, Blanche YMCA cabinet (meet under which, together with a knowledge of students sharing each box. The in- Wednesday Smith Hall porch); women in your own inteI~ests and capacities stallation of this modern equipment (Note: Bring pencil and note- Ward Hall) charge of the YWCA cabinet should enable such people as you to book and take complete notes will alleviate to a great extent the Thursday (meet in front of McDaniel take a place of useful leadership in annual postal difficulties which grew on all addresses and discus- 8:15 Psychological test (Sc. Hall) Hall) human affairs. sions.) 0/ out of the use of obsolete equipment. 8:20 Service of Worship-led by 9:40 College and Religion - Dr. Friday It is a real joy to welcome you to Mr. Harrison's office will be located Dean Little (Baker Chapel) Shroyer (Smith Hall) 8 :20 Gettillg Started Right-Dean this College. western Maryland has at the rear of the post office, while 8:45 Address of welcome=Prest- 10:00 The Choice of Courses in Rela- Bertholf (Smith Hall) always given much for little. Today Coach Charley Havens will use the tion to Future Vocation-Dean 9:00 Athletics and Physical Educa- she has more to give than ever be- dent Holloway old post office as his office. 9:15 Announcements (Baker Chapel) Isanogle (Smith Hall) tion; Men - Professor Speir, fore-better equipment, better train- and assign- New Lounge For Men ment to advisers-Dean Ber- 10:30 Open discussion on the choice Coach Havens (Levine Hall); ed faculty, better library, and better The loss of the men's game room of courses-led by Dean Scho- women - Miss Parker, Miss program. I am sure you will soon de- tholf on the east side of the men's lounge 9:30 English placement test (Science field (Smith Hall) Todd (YWCA) velop that love for her that has made has been offiset by the addition of the Hall) 11:15 a) Conferences of advisers 9:20 Men: The ROTC-Major Mac- thousands of her graduates delight to college "tea room" between the lounge 11: 15 Filling out of official question- with their advisees (See di- Laughlin (Levine Hall) call her "Fostering Mother" (Alma and the college grill. The ping-pong naires: men (Room 22, Sc. 9:30 a) Men: medical examinations Mater). she does give much But although tables and the pool tables will be in Hall); women (YWCA Room, b) ~:~~:;lnces of music stu- ) -Professor Speir and the Mil- the old lounge, while the "tea room" McDaniel Hall) . dents with Miss Gesner itary Department (Levine Hall) she demands a little. She demands will be used in the future as a lounge 12:20 Lunch (day students included) (Faculty Parlor) your enthusiasm, your "freshness," medical your schol- examine- for the men students. 1:15 Reading test (Science Hall) c) Continuation of F r e n c h b) women: Ballard, Miss Ieano- your ideas, your talents, possible con- tiona-c-Dr. and your many arship, 2:30 Student Activities: tests: initials C to G-Dr. ini gle (Women's Infirmary) tributions to student life (and per- Sc. H.): (29, Herring Ransone, Mr. Wallace (Rm. 22, 12:20 Lunch (boarding students only) haps, for the sake of completeness Western Maryland College Science H.); women - Miss tials N to S-Miss Snader and frankness, we should add, your grieves the death of 1\Irs. Blanche .Vroome, Miss Karow (YWCA) (27 Sc. H.) I:15 Continuation of medical exam- tuition and fees). In short she wants Murchison Ward, who died at her 3 :00 Placement tests for those who d) Taking of individual pic- inations your help in making her what she is home on the college campus on expect to take French: initials tures (Rm. 39, Sc. H.) N. B. Saturday at 8:10 A. M. the reg- trying to be---a first..dass small, lib- July 13. She was buried Crom the A and B-Dr. Herring (29, Sc. 12:20 Lunch (day students included) ular schedule of classes begins. eral, Christian College. College Chapel in the Westminster H.); initials Land 1'1:[ _ Miss 1:00 a) Continuation of Conferences Saturday afternoon at 2 :30 Printed elsewhere in this issue you Cemetery. The Cuneral servke Snader (27, Sc. H.) with advisers Football game with Cortland will find a Freshman Orientation Pro- was in charge of Dr. E. A. Sex· 3:30 Meeting of those who have b) Continuation of F l' e n c h Teachers. gram designed to help us get ac- smith, assisted by Drs. C. E. For· received appointments under tests: initials H to K-Dr. Sunday at 9:15 A. M. Sunday quainted with you and allow you to lines, Arthur W. Ewell and James the-NY A (Rm. 22, Sc. H.) Herring (29, Sc. H.); ini- School in Baker Chapel (at- get somewhat acquainted with the H. Straughn. Note: During both Wednesday tials T to Z-Miss Snader tendance invited). campus and the faculty and some of Mrs. 'Vard was reared in La and Thursday afternoons, at (27, Sc. H.) Sunday at 10:45 A. M. Morning the leaders among the upperclassmen, Grange, North Carolina. She grad· any free time, those who wish c) Continuation of picture tak- Worship in the various church- who will be your hosts during the first jng. uated Crom Western Maryland Col· to take part in vocal music or- es of Westminster (start a few days. In the name of all these I lege in 1895, and was married in ganizations should sec Prof. 2:15 a) Men; Enrollment for courses good habit). greet you and wish for you the very 1905 to her classmate, Western De Long in his studio, and (second fioor, Science Hall) Sunday at 7:15 P. M. Evening best educational year possible. Maryland's president, Dr. Albert those who wish to play in the b) Women: The Use of the Li- Worship in Alumni Hall (at- Sincerely yours, NOTman'Ward. band or orchestra should see brary-Miss Ward (Li- tendance required of boarding bloyd M. Bertholf, Prof. Royer in Smith Hall. brary) students.) Dean of Freshmen.
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