Page 44 - Contrast1962v6n1
P. 44

A beach ... as universal as mankind
      Where some have laughed and many wept in vain;
       Unadorned-as lovely as the eye can judge;
      A world of thoughts, and loves, and hopes, and dreams.

      A child in his glory, alone yet unafraid,
      Free to face the world as once he dreamed;
      The splendor of it all cannot be compromised:
      The child has found his truth, the child has found his God.


                                                               by the bard of uplands:

           Long ago lived a man of fame,
           And Wesley was the fellow's name.
           A righteous crew with him went about-
           Burning witches and preaching doubt.
           Their uniforms consisted of frowns-
           They acted like a troupe of clowns,
           Except that a laugh could never come in,
           For laughter is fun, and fun is sin.
           One of these men to our .shores came,
           But only God knows the "gentleman's name."
           He searched the land, a place to find
           W here to build a hall for the narrow mind.
          As over this "hill" the man did pass-
          He heard the braying of an ass.
          Hearing this sign, he sat down with a groan
          To hew a square in a block of stone.
          This stone now sits in a place of honor-
          A II of this done by Baker the donor.
          McDaniel, MacLea, and good 01' Al Ward
          Helped further the cause as they sat on the bored.
          You ask me, "Where is this great institution?"
          On top of a Hill, in a State of Confusion.

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